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2020-02-04 330 Обсуждений (0)
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1) У нас будет возможность обменяться мнениями. 2) Всегда есть возможность помочь товарищу в беде. 3) У меня не было случая связаться с ним. 4) Мы узнали эти новости совершенно случайно.

4. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following together with the words given in brackets:

1) упустить возможность, 2) воспользоваться случаем, 3) предоставить возможность.

(to compare, to exchange, to get in touch with, to phone, to make an appointment, to get hold of, to praise)


1. Complete:

1) The scientist made a new discovery, and the radio ... .

2) In Paterson the workers went on strike and the news ... .

3) The idea of setting up a students’ club quickly ... .

4) The officers leaned over a large map ... .


1. Translate:

1) He remained shy all his life. 2) Though he took up sports, he remained stout. 3) I wonder what has remained of our dear old garden. 4) She remained to help me after everybody had left.

2. Translate:

1) Посмотри, что осталось от твоей новой игрушки! 2) Этот журнал останется у меня. 3) Я никуда не уеду. Я останусь здесь пока работа не будет сделана. 4) Он остался совсем один. 5) Я не возражаю, если он останется с нами еще на три дня.


1. Answer these questions:

l) What do we say when we run into somebody in the street? 2) What do we call a person who runs some kind of business (a factory, a theatre, etc.)? 3) Do buses run here frequently?

2. Translate :

1) Вчера я случайно столкнулся с ним в столовой. 2) Мистер Смит управляет фабрикой 30 лет. 3) Я не помню, чтобы Мистер Уайт издавал там газету. 4) Я помню, что раньше здесь ходили трамваи.


1. Answer these questions:

1) Do you always make up your mind quickly or do you sometimes hesitate? In what cases do you hesitate?

2) Did Frank Cowperwood show any hesitation when his uncle invited him to come down to Cuba? Did he hesitate about his future?

3) Do you think Miss Posie hesitated long before cancelling her engagements on the stage?

2. Translate and think of situations of your own in which the sentences might be used:

1) Are you still hesitating about it? Make up your mind. 2) He hesitated whether to take immediate steps or to wait for a while. 3) He hesitated whether to call on his friend or to phone to him. 4) He showed no hesitation about the matter. 5) They turned down the suggestion without hesitation.

3. Make up sentences using the verb to hesitate and the words given in brackets:

to hesitate whether


(to join the strike, to rely on somebody, to make the journey, to get in touch with, to book a single ticket, to cancel the contract)


1. Translate:

1) Learning to swim starts with learning to breathe in the water. 2) She could hardly breathe with excitement, she was so eager to tell the news. 3) The girl was so shy, she hardly breathed out her greeting. 4) He stopped to take breath and then went on with his story.

2. Translate :

1) Сядь и отдохни, ты совсем запыхался. 2) Открой окно, здесь трудно дышать. 3) Пошлите за доктором, ребенок тяжело дышит.


1. Translate:

1) The child cannot undo his shoes yet. 2) Can you help me undo the hook? There’s something wrong with it, I’m afraid. 3) The nurse undid the girl’s blouse to let her breathe more easily. 4) When the parcel was undone, they found a child’s toy there.

2. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

развязать ботинки, расстегнуть пальто, развязать галстук, развернуть посылку, расстегнуть сумку.


1.Answer these questions.

1) Do you often punish your children? Why do you punish them?

2) Was Eddie afraid he would be punished if he left his brother alone?

2. Make up sentences using the verb to punish and the words given in brackets:

M o d e l: I never punish my children by beating them.

(by keeping ... at home, for being impolite, by taking away his toy, for deceiving his friends, by taking no notice of ..., for making fun of his friends)



1) We shan’t be able to make the journey! Oh, what a shame! 2) Pull yourself together! It’s a shame to behave so. 3) What a shame to deceive him! He relied on you so much! 4) Don’t punish him any more. He looks terribly ashamed of what he has done.

2. Use synonymous expressions:

1) I didn’t manage to book a return ticket. — Oh that’s a great pity! 2) Frank did not feel any shame in saying that money was all he was interested in. 3) I see no shame in saying frankly that it is all my fault.

3. Make up sentences of your own.

to be ashamed to wear to bother to be out of touch to set a bad example to make fun of to deceive one’s friends not to keep the appointment to have no sense of responsibility


it’s a shame to burst out crying to find fault with to keep somebody waiting

4. Translate:

1) Он стыдится своего поведения. 2) Почему он стыдится своих ошибок? Они вполне естественны. 3) Тебе не стыдно вести себя так?


1.Practise aloud:

1) — Shall I shut the window? — Do, please. 2) Shut the book if you have finished reading. 3) Shut the door, will you? It’s noisy outside. 4) The shop is shut already. 5) Don’t shut your eyes to the fact.

2. Complete:

1. Shall I ...?

2. Will you ...?

3. Can I ...?

4. Excuse my ... .

5. Do you mind ...?

XIX. Give the four forms of the following verbs:

to feel    to put    to rise    to burst

to spread to beat   to raise  to wear

to run    to hang  to lie      to grow

XX. Substitute the active vocabulary of the lesson for the parts in black type:

1. The reason why Ann’s parents wanted her to go to a kindergarten was that the girl was shy by nature and they wanted her to keep together with other children. 2. At first sight the girl seemed to George to be not at all pretty, but after a few minutes’ talk he found her a lovely companion. 3. My elder sister is fond of simply made dresses as she says they will always be in fashion. 4. When the car stopped and everybody got out to rest, Mary put a table-cloth on the ground and started setting out a meal on it. 5. When Doctor Andrew came to live in the village, nobody took much notice of him, but as time went on, the news got around that they had askilled doctor among them. 6. Although David started his career as asmall clerk, he always dreamed of becoming head of a big business one day. 7.When John burst into the room hardly able to breathe with running, his mother looked at him angrily and told him to behave properly in the presence of grownups. 8. Peter was going down the road when he suddenly met afriend of his who toldhim how to get to the placehe was lookingfor.

XXI. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary:

1. I advise you to hide this toy ... the child till he grows a little older. I am sure that ... no time very little will remain ... it if you give it ... him right now. 2. Mary never keeps her papers ... order. They are always mixed ... . 3. Lucy’s people never looked upon her ... a beautiful girl. ... fact they always thought she was quite plain. 4. Nick used to go ... the library ... time ... time to look ... articles ... the subject he was interested ... . But he came ... this one quite ... ... chance. 5. I wonder why he boasts that he will do this work ... no time. I am sure he won’t be able to keep his word and will be ashamed ... himself later on. 6. It’s quite impossible to make ... what you are saying with all these boys running ... and all shouting ... the same time. 7. It is very dangerous to run ... a busy street. 8. At first Eliza took her child ... the hand and told him to walk; but soon he got tired and she had to take him ... her arms. She ran ... and ... ... spite ... her tiredness. 9. Do you know what’s the matter ... Boris? He looked so cross when I ran ... him ... the street the other day, he hardly answered my greeting. 10. ... first I hesitated ... using these figures, but after I came ... an article which convinced me that they were quite reliable, I decided to include them in my report. 11. “Rest a little. You are quite ... ... breath with running,” the mother said ... her little son who had run ... ... her. 12. I have so little time ... my disposal that I’ll have to put ... ... only a short stay here.

XXII.    Make up sentences or situations using the English equivalents of the following:

A. вбежать; выбежать; бегать по саду; перебежать дорогу; бежать рядом с кем-л.; пробежать мимо; бежать за кем-л.; бежать по дороге; убежать.

B. управлять фабрикой; столкнуться с кем-л. в театре; какие автобусы ходят ... .

XXIII. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

1. The girl was afraid she would be very awkward at skating as she was rather (stout, thick) and had had little training in sports. 2. The teacher objected to the students’ having (stout, thick) exercise-books as they were heavy to carry. 3. As the expression seemed quite familiar to the student, he tried to remember where he had (to come across, to run into) it. 4. I won’t be able to keep the appointment with Comrade Smirnov as I’ve just (to come across, to run into) a friend of mine whom I haven’t seen for ages and I want to talk to him. 5. In trying to keep away from his angry uncle, little Jim hurried back to the playground, but as he turned the corner, he (to come across, to run into) his aunt walking towards him along (the road, the way). 6. Can you show me (the road, the way) to Mayakovsky Square? — Certainly, go down (the road, the way), then turn left at the lights (светофор), and you’ll be there. 7. “You can (to remain, to stay, to leave) the train for a few minutes if you want to,” the girl said to her friend, “but don’t (to remain, to stay, to leave) on the platform too long. I wouldn’t like (to remain, to stay, to leave) here alone.” 8. “Don’t (remain, stay, leave) anything in the hall,” the guide said to the tourists. 9. Peter asked his friend to lend him The Financier for a fortnight as he had to prepare a book-report on the novel and the only copy that (to remain, to stay, to leave) in the reading-room could not be taken out. 10. The (way, road) was so busy that John could (hard, hardly) make his (way, road) in the car to the hotel at the other end of the street.

XXIV. Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary:

A FABLE (басня)

Once upon a time there lived ... Bluebird who boasted that she would burn ... sea if she were given ... chance* ... news spread in no time.

As ... result ... lot of birds and animals (животные) came running to watch ... sea burn. Some were nearly out of breath because they had run so quickly. Most of them were carrying ... food and ... water as ... Bluebird had told them it would take her rather ... long time to make all ... necessary arrangements for carrying out her plan. Everybody looked forward to watching ... exciting sight.

“How dare she boast so?” some careful animals would say, but they were immediately shouted down and soon they themselves began to wonder whether they were right or wrong in not believing ... Bluebird.

After ... while, however, ... audience grew tired of waiting and began to leave ... grounds. Even those who remained looked cross. At last after waiting for such ... long time that they had no more food and water, they realized that they had been shamelessly deceived.

“What ... shame!” they started shouting.

... Bluebird was at ... loss.

“Today ... water is too cold to burn,” she began in... shaky voice. These words, however, only made ... audience still angrier. They exposed the shameless deceiver and there was nothing left for her to do but fly away as quickly as she could.

That was ... good lesson to all those who like to boast of... things they are unable to do.

XXV.    Find in the previous lessons situations where you could use:

as a result (the result was), as a matter of fact, by chance, to be ashamed.

XXVI. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

1) to be trained

to mix with

to have business connections

to be appointed

to run (a business)

2) to mix with

to behave badly

as a result

to get into trouble

not to put up with

to improve

3) to be out of touch with


from time to time

to run into

by chance

4) to look plain

to make fun of

to turn out

in fact

to be ashamed of one’s behaviour

5) to mix up the time

to run fast

to be out of breath

to undo one’s coat

as a result

to catch cold

to put up with

6) to ask for permission

to hesitate

to persuade

to look forward to

to enjoy

7) to fetch

in no time

to put up with

to keep somebody waiting

XXVII.  Translate the following sentences in writing:

1.Я живу в вашем городе уже около месяца и получаю большое удовольствие от моего пребывания здесь. 2. Я вчера чуть не купила новый ковер (a carpet). Сначала он мне очень понравился, но после того, как я хорошенько его рассмотрела, я нашла, что он слишком прост. 3. Сегодня тебе придется остаться с больным одному. Будь осторожен. Не перепутай лекарства. 4. Николай легко танцует (он хороший танцор), несмотря на то, что он довольно полный. 5. Почему вы говорите, что старые люди не могут заниматься спортом? Тов. Петров, например, ходит на лыжах, тов Смирнов — на коньках. Собственно говоря, все наши старые рабочие время от времени посещают стадион. 6. Мы уже давно обсуждаем наши планы на лето, но все еще колеблемся, поехать лина югили на Балтийское море. 7. Разрешите мне помочь вам развязать этот узел (a knot). Ямигом с ним справлюсь. 8. — Вы заходили к Борису? — Нет, я встретил его совершенно случайно. Собственно говоря, я столкнулся с ним на улице. 9. Отдохни, ты уже целый час бегаешь по саду, ты совсем запыхался. 10. Почему вы стыдитесь этой ошибки? У вас ведь еще очень небольшой опыт в переводе таких статей. 11. Старый Батлер хотел, чтобы его сын получил образование в специальной школе, где он мог бы (could) общаться с мальчиками из богатых семей. „Деловые связи нужно заводить (one must get) в школе“, — говорил он.


XXVIII. Discuss the following questions:

1. Why were the Kelveys always “outside”?

2. Why did Kezia want to show the doll’s house to the Kelveys?

3. Why were the Kelveys unwilling to enter the Burnells’ courtyard at first?

4. What do you think they thought about when they were sitting by the side of the road?

5. What do you think the Burnell and Kelvey children became when they grew up?

XXIX. Retell the text:

1. as it is (with all the details)

2. in the person of Isabel (Kezia, Aunt Beryl, Lil, Else or one of the schoolgirls)

3. without details (in two or three minutes’ time)

XXX.    Dramatize the following episodes from the text:

1. The doll’s house arrives at the Burnell’s place

2. Isabel telling the girls at school about their new toy

3. Kezia asking her mother for permission to invite the Kelveys

4. Kezia showing the doll’s house to the Kelveys

XXXI. Describe:

1. the doll’s house

2. the Burnells’ house

3. Mrs. Hay’s stay with the Burnells

XXXII. Describe, using the words given in brackets:

a) Mrs. Kelvey

(shy by nature, to be hired as, from time to time, to work at the expense of one’s health, to bring up, worn-out, lean, to come home dead tired, gloomy, to keep away, to be ashamed of, (not) to mix with, to put up with)

b) Kezia’s mother

(to be brought up, to take no (much) interest in, (not) to feel like, fashionable, to wear, proud, to be out of touch with, (not) to give permission)

c) Aunt Beryl

(ill-natured, unfair, tall, lean, dark-eyed, to blame, to advise, to keep away, to punish, (not) to put up with, to shout, to shut, to object)

XXXIII. Characterize and compare using the words given in brackets:

a) Isabel and Kezia

(well-dressed, fashionable clothes, cheerful, to wear, to make fun of, kind, cruel, to be proud of, to prefer, to ask for permission, to be ashamed (of), to be unlike, to dislike, kind-hearted, good-looking, to be frank with, to burn with excitement)

b) Lil and Else

(stout, plain, shy, silent, to wear, to feel ashamed of, (not) to mix with, tall, short, fair-haired, dark-haired, frank, honest, to compare, blue-eyed, as a result, awkward, proud, to take no notice of, to attend, one’s attitude)

XXXIV. Compose short stories of your own using the words given below:

a) Shopping

for everyday (better, summer, winter, etc.) wear, hardly, to put on, to undo, needn’t, to mind, as a matter of fact, special, plain, in no time, to hesitate, to persuade, to put up with

b) Moving into a New Flat

to look forward to, nearly, as a matter of fact, as a result, to mix up, to spread, to hesitate, to be out of breath, special, to look like, a dining-room, a bedroom, a kitchen, to undo, to be worth, to be fond of, lovely

c) A Friend of Mine

stout, beautiful (handsome), lovely (plain), tall, to wear, to be like, to be pleasant (unpleasant) to deal with, hardworking, to be seldom (often) cross, to have a sense of responsibility (humour, etc.), honest, frank, reliable, to take an interest in, to be fond of

d) A Street Incident (происшествие)

to run across, to be out of breath, to run into somebody, to fall, to hurt oneself, to be ashamed, to undo, to be about, by chance, a doctor, to pass by, as a result, to mix up, plain, in no time, to hesitate, to help, to reach home, to stay in bed

XXXV. Tell this story in English and discuss the questions following it:


Человек, сидевший напротив меня в купе, родился в этом районе. С год назад он переехал в другое место. Он не был частым посетителем в своем родном городе, но я чувствовал, что он любит его и с нетерпением ожидает короткого визита в город, где вырос, учился и всего полтора года назад работал на небольшой фабрике.

У моего спутника было простое лицо. Собственно говоря, я не обратил на него внимания, пока он не заговорил со мной...

Сначала мы обменялись несколькими словами, которыми обычно обмениваются спутники, и разговор прекратился. Мне показалось, что молодой человек не расположен беседовать со мной, но когда он совершенно случайно узнал, что я из Советского Союза, его отношение ко мне изменилось: он стал задавать мне массу вопросов и в свою очередь охотно говорил о своем родном городе. Особенно откровенным он стал, когда мы остались в купе одни...

„Смотрите! — воскликнул он вдруг и даже привстал. — Вот мой город!“ Поезд шел очень медленно, и я имел возможность хорошо рассмотреть маленькие хорошенькие домики, окруженные зелеными садами.

„А вот фабрика, — тихо сказал мой спутник. — Вы помните, я вам рассказывал про нее? Вы обратили внимание на трубу (a factory chimney)? Высокая, правда?“ Труба и в самом деле (indeed) была необыкновенно высокой для такой маленькой фабрики.

„Хотите я расскажу вам одну историю, связанную с этой трубой? До остановки еще далеко. Я успею“. И прежде, чем я мог ответить, он начал: „Было это полтора года назад седьмого ноября. Это — годовщина вашей революции, но её отмечают во всем мире, даже в нашей стране... В тот день с утра на фабрике никто не работал. Во дворе стояла толпа людей, и все смотрели вверх, на фабричную трубу. Примерно на высоте 20 метров от земли к трубе был прикреплен красный флаг.

В ноябре в этих местах не жарко — дожди, ветры. И в тот день небо было темное, шел дождь.

Полицейские, прибывшие на фабрику, боялись попытаться снять флаг. Владелец фабрики не хотел с этим примириться и старался уговорить кого-нибудь из рабочих снять флаг, обещая много денег, но никто не соглашался.

Наконец, один из полицейских подошел к трубе, но было ясно, что он колеблется.

В этот момент молодой рабочий выступил вперед и сказал: „Давайте деньги, я это сделаю“.

На фабрике все знали этого парня. Он принимал участие в большинстве спортивных соревнований и пользовался особой популярностью среди молодых рабочих.

„Не стыдно ли тебе!“ — послышались голоса. Полицейские стали пробираться к кричавшим, но они смешались с толпой.

Парень полез вверх по трубе (to climb [klaim] up the chimney). Он был хорошо тренирован и через некоторое время добрался до флага. Отвязав флаг, он прикрепил его к своему поясу (a belt). И тут произошло нечто неожиданное: вместо того, чтобы начать спускаться, парень полез вверх. Люди стояли внизу молча. Только полицейские кричали, но безрезультатно. Добравшись до вершины (the top) трубы, парень прикрепил флаг и, стараясь не смотреть вниз, стал спускаться.

Когда он почувствовал землю под ногами, полицейские окружили его и начали бить. Он упал и сильно ушиб лицо...“. Поезд подходил к станции...

„Что же было потом?“— спросил я. „Нетрудно догадаться“, — ответил мой спутник.

Ему нужно было сходить. Я попрощался с ним за руку, так и не узнав его имени.

Когда поезд тронулся, я в последний раз улыбнулся моему спутнику, стоявшему на платформе, и тут я впервые заметил шрам (a scar) на его простом лице...

Q u e s t i o n s   t o   b e   d i s c u s s e d:

1. Why did the fellow become frank with the author?

2. Why did he look forward to a stay in his native town?

3. Why were the policemen afraid to take off the flag?

4. Why did the young worker decide to climb up the chimney?

5. What do you think happened to the young man after he climbed down the chimney?



Grammar: 1. Сослагательное I (Subjunctive 1) (§ 10)

                  2. The Gerund (continued)



(by G. Bernard Shaw)

George Bernard Shaw, the famous English playwright, came from a middle class family. He was born in Dublin, the capital of Ireland in 1856 and was proud of being an Irishman.

In 1876 he left his native town for London where he became a journalist. In 1884 he joined the Fabian Society, a socialist organization of petty bourgeois intellectuals.

After a few unsuccessful attempts at writing novels, Shaw turned to plays. His first play appeared in 1892. Later on he wrote a large number of plays, all of them are well-known for their brilliant dialogue and sharp political satire.

In 1931 Shaw visited the Soviet Union. The famous playwright was always a true friend of the first Socialist State.

Bernard Shaw died in 1950 at the age of ninety-four.

* * *

I celebrated my fortieth birthday by putting on one of the amateur theatrical performances for which my house at Beckenham is famous.

The play, written by myself, was in three acts, and an important feature was the sound of a horn in the second act.

I had engaged a cornist to blow the horn. He was to place himself, not on the stage, but downstairs in the hall so as to make if sound distant.

The best seat was occupied by the beautiful Linda Fitz-Nightin- gale. The next chair, which I had intended for myself, had been taken by Mr. Porcharlester, a young man of some musical talent.

As Linda loved music, Porcharlester’s talent gave him in her eyes an advantage over older and cleverer men. I decided to break up their conversation as soon as I could.

After I had seen that everything was all right for the performance, I hurried to Linda’s side with an apology for my long absence. As I approached, Porcharlester rose, saying “I’m going behind the stage if you don’t mind.”

“Boys will be boys,” I said when he had gone. “But how are your musical studies progressing?”

‘Tm full of Schubert now. Oh, Colonel Green, do you know Schubert’s serenade?”

“Oh, a lovely thing. It’s something like this, I think...”

“Yes, it is a little like that. Does Mr. Porcharlester sing it?” I hated to hear her mention the name, so I said, “He tries to sing it.”

“But do you like it?” she asked.

"Hm, well the fact is ...” I tried to avoid a straight answer. — “Do you like it?”

“I love it. I dream of it. I’ve lived on it for the last three days.” “I hope to hear you sing it when the play is over.”

“I sing it! Oh, I’d never dare. Ah, here is Mr. Porcharlester, I’ll make him promise to sing it for us.”

“Green,” said Porcharlester, “I don’t wish to bother you, but the fellow who is to play the horn hasn’t turned up.”

“Dear me,” I said, “I ordered him at half-past seven sharp. If he fails, the play will be spoilt.”

I excused myself to Linda, and hurried to the hall. The horn was there, on the table. But the man was nowhere to be seen.

At that moment I heard the signal for the cornist. I waited for him, but he did not come. I hurried to the dining-room. There at the table he sat, fast asleep. Before him were five bottles, empty. Where he had got them from was beyond me. I shook him, but could not wake him up.

I ran back to the hall promising myself to have him shot for not obeying my orders. The signal came again. They were waiting. I saw but one way to save the play from failure.

I took up the instrument, put the smaller end into my mouth and blew. Not a sound came from the thing.

2020-02-04 330 Обсуждений (0)
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