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2020-02-04 865 Обсуждений (0)
THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 18 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


XXXI. Discuss the following questions:

1. What kind of family is described in the extract?

2. What was Frank Cowperwood interested in? Do you consider these interests normal for a boy of his age? How did his father look upon the boy’s interests? Was his attitude right or wrong? (Give your reasons).

3. How was it that Frank came to be interested only in money? (In what way did the talk he used to listen to at home impress him?).

4. What was it that Uncle Seneca liked so much in Frank? What did he say Frank’s future would depend on?

5. What do you think of Uncle Seneca’s present to Frank?

XXXII. Retell the text:

a) as it is

b) in the person of Henry Cowperwood (Frank Cowperwood, his school-mate, Seneca Davis)

c) without details in 2-3 minutes’ time

XXXIII. Dramatize the conversations between Frank and his uncle.

XXXIV. Characterize Henry Cowperwood, Frank Cowperwood, and Seneca Davis using the words given below:

good (ill-)-natured, experienced (inexperienced), sensible, cheerful, powerful, reliable, smart, honest (dishonest), to behave, to be trained, to wear, to consider, to be responsible, to keep away from, to be easy (difficult, impossible, etc.) to deal with, to bring up, to grow up, (not) to get into trouble

XXXV. Describe: a) Henry Cowperwood’s day’s work b) Uncle Seneca’s life in Cuba c) Frank Cowperwood’s school day

XXXVI. Make up situations of your own:

1. The Work of a Young Doctor

a young doctor, the position of an assistant, to turn down, a distant village, to take a great interest in, as, time, to pass, to gain experience, to be pleasant to deal with, to come to know, to get convinced, to look upon, skilled, reliable, to be praised highly

2. A Film Festival

to be held, a number of, to enjoy, to be represented, to look forward to, to be of great interest to, a representative, to suggest an exchange, most of, to be pleased with, to be a success, to be worth, to compare to

3. How my Friend Became a Pianist

to be fond of music, to dream of, to go to concerts, to prefer, frequently, not to be trained, to learn more, to grow displeased with oneself, to have trouble with, to persuade oneself, to gain much experience, to be praised for

XXXVI. Retell this text and discuss the questions following it:


(from the novel The Green Years by Cronin)

At the beginning of January Mama* received a letter. She gave a cry of joy. “From Adam. He’s coming on Saturday at one o’clock. On business ...”

Adam wasn’t a frequent visitor to the house. He had been out of touch with the family for some time, so Ihad not had anopportunity of seeing him yet.

Mama told me what a wonderful boy Adam had been, how he had bought and sold a bicycle at a profit of ten shillings before he was thirteen; how a year later he got interested in business, and without any special training went into Mr. McKeller’s office; how, now at twenty-seven, he was considered a reliable official by most of the businessmen he dealt with and earned four hundred pounds a year, even more than Papa.

Atone o’clock on Saturday a car pulled up at the door.

Adam entered, smiling, wearing a fashionable coat, cheerfully greeting everybody.

He sat down to the rich meal which Mama had put before him. We all sat round and, exchanging hungry, looks watched him — we had had our poor dinner an hour ago ... .

After Adam had spoken to the grown-ups about things which I did not understand and therefore took no interest in, he turned to me and said:

“Ihope you will see me to the station, Robert, Ilike the way you behave and want to make you alittle present.”

He showed me a gold coin (монета).

“Money ... Money is everything,” he continued.

“Not a bad idea to understand it while you are young, Robert. But you mustn’t think Idon’t like spending money. Ilike to eat the best, to wear the best, to stop at the best hotels. I like to have everybody running after me. And now look at Grandpa. What’s his position!Not a penny ... lives on bread and water ... .”

He stopped and smiled so pleasantly, that I also smiled in return ...

Waiting for him downstairs, I thought of the day when, with pockets full of money, I should walk into a restaurant and order a rich meal, while the waiters hurried to carry out my orders. I looked forward to receiving the present Adam would buy me with that beautiful gold coin.

“Will you carry my bag?” Adam asked me as Mama helped him to put on his coat.

I was ready to serve him and took the bag, which was much heavier than I had expected. Adam walked quickly. I followed him half running, changing the bag from hand to hand.

“What sort of present would you like?”

“Anything will do, Adam,” I said politely.

“No, no. It must be something you would really like.”

What understanding! Oh, Adam could certainly be relied on, and I decided to be frank with him.

“I would be glad* to have a pair of skates.”

“Oh! Skates! Well I don’t know. You can’t skate all year round.”

That was a consideration, and I had to agree with him.

“A football would be better**,” he said. “But the boys will play with it; they will lose it.”

The heavy bag was killing me.

“I ... I can’t think, Adam.”

“Oh, I know what I will give you! It will please Mama.”

“Oh, thank you, Adam.” I could hardly make another step. Even in my poor clothes I felt terribly hot.

He looked at his watch. “Quick, boy. Only two minutes at our disposal.”

The train was at the platform. Adam jumped into a first- class carriage, took the bag and disappeared for a moment. Then he gave me through the window a big brass (медный) calendar.

“Take it,” Adam said. “Isn’t it lovely?”

“Oh, yes, thank you, Adam,” I answered in a trembling voice.

When I came home, I went upstairs to show my present to Grandfather.

“It’s not gold, is it, Grandpa?”

“No,” he said. “If it’s connected with Adam, you may be sure it is brass.”

There was a silence. At last he turned and looked at my gloomy face.

“Do you feel like skating?”

“I have no skates, Grandpa,” I said with tears in my eyes.

“Don’t be so easily beaten. We’ll see what we can do.”

He went downstairs and fetched a big wooden box full of all kinds of old things including skates. After he had been looking for some small skates for about half an hour, he finally found a pair of wooden ones. What joy! We immediately went to the lake.

Grandpa fixed my skates and began to teach me how to skate. I was happy as I moved on the ice.

As we walked home Grandpa asked:

“Did you enjoy skating?”

“Oh, Grandpa, lovely, simply wonderful!”

Later that evening I thought: “No, money is not everything. I don’t want those running waiters. What joy it was with those old skates! No, money is not everything.”

Q u e s t i o n s t o b e d i s c u s s e d:

1. How can you characterize Adam, Robert, the Grandfather?

2. What impression did Adam and his ideas about money make on Robert at first?

3. What made Robert change his attitude to Adam and his ideas?

4. What was Robert’s attitude to his Grandfather?

5. Compare: a) Robert Shannon and Frank Cowperwood; b) Adam and Frank; c) Uncle Seneca and the Grandfather.

XXXVIII. Write a composition or speak in class on the following topics:

a) My idea of bringing up children in the right way.

b) My Day’s Work.




(to be learned by heart)

At the office


Morosov. ʹLet’s have a ʹlook at the diary. ʹWhat are the engagements for to-day?

Secretary. ʹComrade ʹPetrov has an apʹpointment for ten. And ʹthen there is a ʹconference at three.

Morosov. ʹGet the ʹdocuments ʹready for the conference. I’m aʹfraid ʹthese ʹbills will ʹkeep me ʹbusy till twelve.

Secretary. ʹShall I arʹrange for ʹComrade Peʹtrov to ʹcome later?

Morosov. Yes, | you’d better. ʹ Phone him ↑ straight a way | and ʹthen atʹtend to the documents.

Secretary. ʹVery good.


Secretary. ʹCan Iʹspeak to ʹComrade Petrov, please?

Bobrov. He’s on the ʹcity phone just now. ʹWill you wait?

Secretary. No. I can ʹleave a message for him. ʹWill you ʹask him to ʹcall at ʹComrade Moʹrosov’s ʹoffice at twelve o’clock instead of ten?

Bobrov. All right. I’ll ʹpass it on to him.


diary [ʹdaɪǝrɪ] n                              записная книжка в форме календаря,


appointment [ǝʹpɔɪntmǝnt] п         1. деловое свидание, условленная


W . comb . to make an appointment назначить встречу, договориться о


to have an appointment                иметь встречу

to keep an appointment                прийти в назначенное время

to call off an appointment            отменить встречу

Prp. to have an appointment with smb.

to have an appointment(for) today, tomorrow, etc.

to have an appointment at (for) three o’clock, etc.

to make an appointment with smb.

to make an appointment for tomorrow, three o’clock, etc.

e . g .When do you have an ар-      Когда (на какое время) вы записа-

pointment with your doctor?         лись к врачу?

                                                       2. назначение

е. g .Не has got a new appoint-      Он получил новое назначение.


appoint v                                        назначать

Art. Gr.to be appointed director, быть назначенным директором, пред-

president, etc.                                 седателем и т. д.

е. g. Who has been appointed di-   Кто назначен директором завода?

rector of the plant?

appointed p II                                назначенный

e.g .Why didn’t you come at the    Почему вы не пришли в условленное

appointed time?                             время?

arrange [ǝʹreɪndʒ] v                        1. расположить по порядку

W. comb.to arrange books, flow-  расставить книги (цветы и т. д.)

ers, etc.

                                                       2. устроить, условиться, договориться

е. g. Everything was arranged       Мы договорились обо всем задолго

long before we started off.              до того, как отправились (в путь).

Gr. to arrange to do smth.              договориться о том (устроить так),

                                                             чтобы сделать что-л.

to arrange for smb. to do smth.    договориться о том (устроить так),

                                                             чтобы кто-л. сделал что-л.

е . g. Can you arrange to be here    Можете вы устроить так, чтобы быть

at ten?                                             здесь в 10 часов?

We arranged for the sick man to be Мы договорились о том, чтобы боль-

taken to hospital.                           ного положили в больницу.

Prp. to arrange about smth.           договориться о чем-л.

to arrange smth. for smb. (smth.) устроить что-л. для кого-л. или че-


е . g. I’ll arrange about the tickets Я договорюсь о билетах.

He’s arranged everything for the par- Он уже все устроил для вечера.


arrangement [ǝʹreɪndʒmǝnt] п        договоренность, соглашение

W. comb. to make arrangements    условиться, договориться

Prp. to make arrangements with     условиться, договориться с кем-л. о

someone about smth.                     чем-л. (относительно чего-л.)

to make arrangements for smth.   Все устроить для чего-л.

e . g . Have you made arrange-       Вы уже все устроили (обо всем до-

ments for your journey yet?           говорились) для поездки?

phone (= to telephone) [foun] v      звонить по телефону

e. g. I’ll ’phone you tonight.          Я позвоню вам сегодня вечером.

phone (= telephone) п                          телефон

е . g. Can I use your telephone?      Разрешите позвонить (по вашему те-


W. comb. to be on the ’phone        разговаривать по телефону

to get smb. on the ’phone             дозвониться кому-л.

e. g. It’s very difficult to get him    Ему очень трудно дозвониться.

on the ’phone.

straight [streɪt] adv                         * прямо; сразу

W . comb . straight away                  немедленно, тотчас же

Syn . right away ( Am .)                     сразу, без промедления

e. g. Do you want me to do it         Вы хотите, чтобы я сразу же сделал

straight away?                               это?

attend [ǝʹtend] v                             * 1. посещать, присутствовать (часто

                                                             в страдательном залоге)

W . comb . to attend lectures, (meet- посещать лекции (собрания, митинги,

ings, school, etc.)                            школу и т. д.)

е . g. The meeting was attended by На собрании присутствовало около

some fifteen hundred people.          полутора тысяч человек.

Prp. to attend to smth.                2. уделять внимание чему-л. кому-л.,

                                                           проследить за чем-л., заняться чем-л.

е. g . Your order will be attended    Мы проследим за выполнением ваше-

to.                                                   го заказа.

Who will attend to this matter? — I Кто займется этим вопросом? — Ду-

think I’ll attend to it myself.          маю, я сам займусь им.

message [ʹmesɪdʒ] п                        сообщение (устное или письменное),

                                                           записка, депеша

е. g . Are there any messages for     Передавали ли что-нибудь для меня?

me? — Yes, there is a telephone     — Да, вам звонили по телефону и

message for you,                            просили передать кое-что.

W. comb. to leave a message for     попросить кого-л. передать кому-л.

smb. with smb.                               что-то на словах или в записке.

е. g . Can I leave a message for       Я прошу вас передать это (эту запис-

Petrov with you.                             ку) Петрову.

messenger п                                    посыльный

to call* v                                         звать, называть

W. comb. to call on smb.            заходить к кому-л.

to call at someone’s place         заходить куда-л.

to call at a place                        заходить куда-л.


I. Practise the sound combinations given below, then read the dialogue carefully:

atthe diary              ʹkeepme

andʹthen                   you’dbetter

atʹthree                    atʹtento the documents

ʹgetthe ʹdocuments

II. Find English equivalents to the following sentences (See Text):

1. Какие дела у нас намечены на сегодня? 2. Товарищ Петров назначен на десять. 3. Подготовьте документы. 4. Я буду занят со счетами до 12. 5. Договориться с тов. Петровым на более позднее время? 6. Позвоните ему сейчас же. 7. Займитесь документами. 8. Он разговаривает по городскому телефону. 9. Я бы хотела передать ему следующее. 10. Я передам это ему.

III. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Practise aloud:

1) Do you have an appointment at ten? 2) Iam so sorry I couldn’t keep the appointment. 3) Can I make an appointment with the doctor for Tuesday? 4) How do you like your new appointment?

2. Change the tense of the following sentence using all possible tense-forms:

1. Comrade Nikitin was appointed head of the delegation.

3. Make up sentences of your own using the following table:

to make to have an appointment

with a dentist

with a doctor

with the engineers

with professor N.

with the director

for tomorrow

for (at) six o’clock

on Saturday

at ten о clock


not to keep to keep the appointment

4. Use synonyms:

1) Doctor Popov will not be engaged this afternoon. You can ring up his office and fix a time between 3 and 5 p. m 2) You can rely on the man. He is sure to come at the time fixed unless something unexpected holds him up. 3) I’ve made an appointment with Rogov, and I am looking forward to seeing him. He has been given the position of manager and it is really impossible to get hold of him on the phone now.


1. Translate and practise aloud:

1) I’ll arrange everything myself. 2) I’ve arranged for you to see him tomorrow. 3) We’ve made all the necessary arrangements for the trip. 4) Have you made arrangements about booking a room?

2. Make up sentences using the same structures as in the models and translate them into Russian:

M o d e l I: a) I’ll arrange for you to come tomorrow.

              b) Have you made arrangements for them to visit the museum?

(to book tickets, not to be late, to consider something straight away, to be shown round the place, to exchange opinions on the matter, to get in touch with somebody, to visit the factory, to see the ballet)

M o d e l II: a) He made arrangements for the party.

              b) We made arrangements about the rooms at the hotel.

(the meeting, the excursion, dinner, the bus, the luggage, the journey, the final match)

IV. Answer the following questions. Make up stories based on the information gained from the answers (to be done after each set):

(straight away, to attend to, on the phone, to call on somebody, to call at a place, to phone somebody, to leave a message with somebody, to get somebody on the phone, a diary)

A. 1. Were you trained to be an engineer?

2. Where did you get your training?

3. You are interested in your work, aren’t you?

4. What kind of machinery do you deal with?

5. Are you in close touch with other offices or factories?

6. Your work is connected with the English language, isn’t it? In what way?

B. 1. What time do you come to your office?

2. You begin working (business) straight away, don’t you?

3. What business do you attend to first of all?

4. What are your usual daily engagements?

C. 1. Do you make business appointments in the morning or in the afternoon?

2. What time do you prefer?

3. You always keep your appointments, don’t you?

4.Does anything ever make you call off your appointments? What may make you do so?

D. 1. When did you have your last business appointment?

2. Did you meet a representative of a firm?

3. Did you make the appointment on the phone or by letter? Which way do you usually prefer?

4. What language did the representative speak? What language did you speak? What language do you usually speak?

5. Can you always rely on your knowledge of the foreign language? What do you do if you can’t?

E. 1.     When are you going to call on your friend?

2. Will you call at his place or at his office?

3. You will phone to him before calling at his office, won’t you? Why?

4. What will you do if your friend is out when you call on him?

5. Do you know any of your friend’s fellow-workers? Who will you leave your message with if you don’t get him on the phone?

F. 1. Do you keep a diary? How long have you kept it?

2. Why do you find it useful?

3. You often look up things there, don’t you? Why?

4. Do you write things there which you have to attend to yourself or messages for other people too?

G. 1. Your work is connected with business trips, isn’t it?

2. Who usually makes all the necessary arrangements for your trip?

3. Isanyone appointed to do your work when you are away?

V. Translate these dialogues into English and then retell them in indirect speech:

1. — Когда вы уезжаете на выставку?

— В начале следующего месяца, я думаю. Мне еще нужно договориться относительно некоторых экспонатов (exhibits).

2. — Вы давно знаете тов. Рябова?

— Да, он (раньше) был моим сослуживцем, но уже около месяца я не имею с ним связи.

— Вы знаете, его назначали директором нашей конторы?

— Правда?

— Вы уже договорились о встрече с этим инженером?

— Нет еще, я звоню ему с утра, но (никак) не могу дозвониться.

Позвоните еще раз, если его не будет на месте, оставьте ему записку.

4. — Вы приготовили все документы для переговоров (talks)?

— Да, почти все готово, но мне нужно посмотреть некоторые цифры (figures).

Займитесь этим сейчас же, встреча назначена на 11 часов, а сейчас уже десять.

— Хорошо. Не беспокойтесь, все будет готово.

5. — Алло. Попросите тов. Назарова, пожалуйста.

— Тов. Назаров сейчас говорит по (другому) телефону. Вы подождете?

— Нет, я позвоню еще раз.

6. — Тов. Дымов, зайдите в контору, пожалуйста. Вам просили кое-что передать.

Спасибо, я все знаю, я уже занимался этим вопросом.


VI. Retell the dialogues in indirect speech.

VII. Make up dialogues using the following words. Retell the dialogues in indirect speech:

1. Discussing a Suggestion

to have a suggestion, to be worth considering, to have trouble with, to ask for permission, to prefer, convincing, to try to persuade, one’s attitude to.

2. Looking up Appointments

a diary, to have an appointment, to be engaged, to arrange, to have a suggestion, to consider, reasonable, to make changes, to attend to.

3. Preparing to Receive a Firm

to make all the necessary arrangements, to appoint somebody to do something, to look up, to get somebody on the phone, straight away.

4. Receiving a Firm

to have a pleasant journey, to put up at a hotel, to be pleased, to be interested in, to prefer, to consider, right away, I would rather, to take into consideration, to get in touch with one’s people.

5. Receiving a Visitor

What can I do for you? Can I see ... , it’s a pity, to call on, at the appointed time, to arrange for somebody to do something, to call at, to leave a message, to phone, to get somebody on the phone.

VIII. Speak on:

1) Meeting a trade delegation at the station.

2) Preparations to receive a trade delegation.

3) Trade talks at your office.

4) Arranging to show a representative of a firm round a factory.


IX. Look at the picture carefully and ask each other questions about it. Use one of the Perfect Continuous Tense-forms and the words:

to discover, to be surrounded, in spite of (the fact), to take no

notice of, to lean forward, to pull, to blame somebody.

Words you may need: to fish удить рыбу , a fishing line леска , a life belt спасательный круг .

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