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THE CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN 20 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

What a shame!                            Как досадно (неприятно)!

shameful adj                                   постыдный

ashamed р II                                  пристыженный (употребляется только

                                                           как предикатив)

Prp. Gr. to be (feel) ashamed of smth. or smb. (doing smth.)

to be (feel) ashamed to do smth.

to be (feel) ashamed of oneself     стыдиться (своих собственных по-


е. g . Aren’t you ashamed of what Вы не стыдитесь того, что сделали?

you did?

Are you ashamed to say that it’s true? Вам стыдно сказать, что это правда?

She was ashamed of herself for hav- Ей было стыдно, потому что она про-

ing failed in her examination.         валилась на экзамене,

shut (shut, shut, shutting) [ʃʌt] v    закрывать, запирать

W. comb. to shut a door (a win-     запирать, захлопнуть дверь (окно,

dow, a journal, a book, a diary,      журнал, книгу, дневник и т. д.)


е. g . All the shops were shut, and   Все магазины были закрыты, и мы

we couldn’t buy anything.              ничего не могли купить.

cheek [tʃi:k] п                                  щека

knee [ni:] п                                      колено, коленка

cross* adj                                        сердитый


Katherine Mansfield [ʹkæθri:n КэтринМэнсфильд


New Zealand [ʹnju: ʹzɪ:lǝnd]     Новая Зеландия

Melbourne [ʹmelbǝn]                Мельбурн, город в Австралии

Chekhov [ʹtʃekǝv]                     Чехов

Mrs . Hay                                   миссис Хэй

the Burnells [ðəʹ bǝ:nlz]            семья Бэрнелов

Isabel Burnell [ʹɪzǝbel]              Изабелла Бэрнел (старшая сестра)

Kezia Burnell [ʹkezjə]               Кэзия Бэрнел (младшая сестра)

the Kelveys [ðə ʹkelvɪz]             зд. сестры Келви

Lil Kelvey                                  Лиль Келви (старшая сестра)

Else Kelvey [ʹels]                      Эльс Келви (младшая сестра)

Aunt Beryl [ʹɑ:nt ʹberɪl]            тетя Берил


I. Answer the following questions using the Gerund (§ 8):

a) 1. Do you realize the importance of studying foreign languages? What about your friends? Have they much experience in dealing with languages?

2. What are your reasons for taking up the study of English?

3. Do you take much interest in reading English books?

4. What ways of learning words do you find most effective?

5. How can you improve your English if you have little chance of speaking it?

6. Is it sensible to lose one’s hope of learning a language after the first difficulties? (Give your reasons for or against it).

b) 1. What arrangements do you make before starting on a holiday?

2. You book a ticket in advance instead of leaving it to the last day, don’t you?

3. Do you ever leave for another town without saying goodbye to your friends?

4. What do you do on arriving at the place where you are going to spend your holiday?

5. What else do you do to enjoy yourself during a holiday besides swimming or lying in the sun?

6. You gain a lot by visiting different places of interest, don’t you?

c) 1. When did Posie Carrington start acting in theatres?

2. Why did Highsmith stop trying to convince the manager that he could act the part?

3. Why did Highsmith keep trying to get the part?

4. Posie Carrington went on talking to her friends when “Bill Summers” came up to her, didn’t she?

II. Complete the following sentences:


1. He takes every opportunity of приобрести знания заказывать билеты в театр подбодрить своего друга


2. Не had no chance of быстро исправить положение быть представленным ... обменяться мыслями ...


3. What’s (his, your, their) reason for отменить встречу? не поддерживать связи с фирмой? предпринять этот шаг.



4. What’s your idea of обучать молодых специалистов? обменяться информацией? связаться с заводом?


5. I have no hope of что мне дадут эту роль заказать билет на скорый поезд что меня примет врач


6. There are many ways of выучить что-л. как следует помочь другу в беде заказать комнаты в гостинице


7. What’s your objection to чтобы мы рассмотрели вопрос сейчас же? чтобы собрание было проведено сегодня? чтобы телеграмма была отослана немедленно?


8. She has no experience in воспитывать детей ухаживать за больными заниматься такими вопросами


1. He made a decision after тщательно рассмотреть вопрос обменяться мыслями связаться со специалистами


2. We considered all the reasons for and against before предпринять этот шаг отвергнуть предложение назначить кого-л. главой делегации


3. Не went straight home on прибыть в родной город быть проэкзаменованным узнать об их приезде


4. Не did (somebody) a lot of good by указать ошибки показать пример быть откровенным с кем-л.


5. You can’t do well without учить слова как следует проявлять достаточно интереса к ... держаться вместе с товарищами


6. She did a lot of things besides присмотреть за детьми взять багаж из камеры хранения накрыть на стол

III. Give as many combinations with the Gerund as you can and use them in sentences of your own:

to keep to stop to finish to continue to go on to begin to start to sign the documents to look through the letters to praise to find fault with to look around to write a message to make arrangements

IV. Translate these sentences using the Gerund with the preposition without or the negative Participle (§ 8):

1. Мой друг ушел, не оставив мне записки.

                         не позвонив мне.

                         не договорившись о проведении вечера ( = о вечере).

                         не назначив встречи.

                         не обменявшись со мной впечатлениями о фильме.

                         не спросив разрешения взять эту книгу.

                         не купив себе выходного костюма.

2. Не занимаясь этим вопросом лично, тов. Петров не мог сразу дать надлежащего ответа фирме. 3. Не приняв своевременно (вовремя) нужных мер, мы были вынуждены отменить встречу. 4. Почему вы отвергли это предложение, не обсудив (рассмотрев) его надлежащим образом? 5. Не посмотрев расписание, мы не знали, когда отходит поезд. 6. Вы не можете уйти, не договорившись обо всем с представителем завода.

V. Fill in the blanks with the Gerund of one of the Verbs given in brackets. Use the required preposition:

(to read, to look up, to visit, to spend, to go, to train, to shake, to keep, to invite)

1. We gain much knowledge ... ... books. 2. I was able to translate the article only ... .... all the new words in the dictionary. 3. ... ... Moscow these foreign businessmen went to Kiev and Leningrad. 4. He did not like the idea ... ... a holiday at a fashionable sea-side resort, saying that he would be more interested ... ... to a distant country place. 5. My sister has gained a lot of experience ... ... children as she has worked as a pioneer leader for a number of years. 6. Why did your friend leave ... ... hands? 7. My friend said that he would come round ... ... all his engagements. 8. I advise you to send an invitation to Peter if you want him to be present at the party. He is so shy, he will never come ... ... ... .

VI. Make up sentences of your own using the following word combinations:

the opportunity of being invited inviting somebody



the idea of being sent sending somebody


someone’s objection to being given giving something to somebody


... without being examined examining somebody or something


instead of being praised praising somebody

VII. Combine the sentences using the Gerund. Make all other necessary changes in the sentences:

1. You may make an appointment with the firm tomorrow at 12. I don’t object to it. 2. You must get Comrade Krylov on the phone at once. Everything depends on it. 3. You can convince the man. Tell him of your own experience. 4. Excuse me, I used the telephone without your permission. 5. You can bring up the boy well. You must set him a good example. 6. My brother deals with such people very well. I like his manner (манера). 7. You can start working straight away. It is not necessary to make special arrangements. 8. For three years the man will be trained as an interpreter (переводчик). After that he will make a good specialist in the field. 9. We’ve made a lot of trouble. We are very sorry for it. 10. The secretary will attend to the matter herself. She needn’t be told to do so. 11. I’d like you to deliver the message to comrade Batov today. I am interested in it. 12. It seems to me it’s time to turn on the light. Will you have anything against it?

VIII. Make up situations of your own using the Gerund:

1) to compare

to find fault with

to convince somebody by

to keep doing something

2) to take no interest in

to be given a chance of

to change one’s attitude

to be praised for

3) to be worth

tobook tickets

to look forward to

to impress

4) to leave without

to have no hope of

to book a room

to take the opportunity of

5) to be busy

a telephone call

an important message

to stop

to attend

IX. Translate into English using the Gerund:

1. Просмотрев свой дневник, Смирнов обнаружил, что он несможет иметь встречу с г-ном Брауном в 4 часа Он вызвал секретаря и попросил ее связаться с г-ном Брауном по телефону и спросить его, не будет ли он возражать против того, чтобы встретиться на следующий день. Секретарь позвонила г-ну Брауну и объяснила, по какой причине встреча откладывается (to put off). Г-н Браун согласился прийти на следующий день и сказал, что он с нетерпением ждет встречи с г-ном Смирновым. 2. Мальчик очень рано стал проявлять интерес к живописи. Он с удовольствием рисовал все, что видел вокруг. Однажды его рисунки увидел настоящий художник. Он сказал, что у мальчика есть все возможности стать художником и добавил, что художником невозможно стать, не получив специального образования (тренировки). 3. „Эту выставку стоит посмотреть, — сказал инженер своему сослуживцу. — Помимо того, что Вы осмотрите машины, вы сможете поговорить с представителями различных заводов. Я уверен, что вы многое получите, обменявшись мнениями с цими“. 4. Боюсь, что вы не сможете поговорить с Ивановым сегодня. Он уже неделю занят подбором статей из журнала „Экономист“. Он отвечает за подготовку некоторых документов к конференции, и я знаю, что он отменил сейчас все встречи, так как конференция состоится в следующий понедельник. 5. Почему вы возражаете против того, чтобы Петровой дали эту роль? Ее очень хвалят последнее время, и я думаю, у нее уже достаточно опыта в исполнении таких ролей. 6.Петр очень застенчив и не любит, когда его хвалят в присутствии (in the presence of) его товарищей. Вы должны найти другой способ отметить (to mark) его хорошую работу.


X. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct voice and tense-forms. Retell the story (See Revision Table No. 7)


Once upon a time there (to live) a man who (to marry) an ill-natured woman.

She could not run things in the house properly and always (to object) to any improvement her husband would suggest.

As a result the man (to be) very unhappy until his wife (to die). By that time he (to become) quite old, and his only son already (to grow up).

Once the man (to give) his son two horses* and a needle** and (to tell) him to go on a journey about the country and travel until he (to meet) a young married couple. The young man (to tell) to find out which of them (to be) the real head of the family. If he (to see) that the wife (to obey) the husband, he was to present the latter with one of the horses, but if he (to discover) that the wife’s position in the house (to be) higher, then he was to present her with the needle.

The son (to start) off. He (to travel) for three days when he (to come across) a house at the side of the road which as people (to tell) him (to occupy) for some time by a young married couple for. When the young man (to enter) the house, the young couple (to have dinner). He (to explain) what he (to tell) to do.

“We (to be married) three years, and I never (to take) a single step without talking it over with my husband,” (to say) the woman. “It’s a shame not to obey one’s husband. I always (to be) a very obedient wife. Isn’t that so, John?” she added turning toʹ her husband.

“Of course, dear,” John (to agree).

“Then,” (to say) the young man. “One of the horses (to be) yours. Which you (to prefer)?”

After both the horses (to examine) closely, the husband (to be) the first to speak: “We (to take) the white horse with gray spots. I (to like) his strong legs.”

“Oh, no, John,” the woman (to interrupt) at once. “We (to take) the black one.”

“Of course, dear,” John agreed without hesitation. “I (not to mind) taking the black one if you (to like) it.”

“That’ll do,” (to say) the young man. “I (to make up) my mind.” And he (to present) the woman with the needle.


XI. Answer the following questions using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. What did Mrs. Hay do after her stay at the Burnells’ place?

2. How had it been arranged that the girls at school might come and look at the doll’s house?

3. Why did the girls nearly fight to put their arms round Isabel?

4. Why did all kinds of children have to mix together in that school?

5. How can Lil be described?

6. Did the Kelveys mix with the girls when the doll’s house was being discussed? Why not?

7. Did the Kelveys put up with their position at school?

8. How did the fame of the doll’s house spread?

9. Was everybody given a chance of seeing the doll’s house? Who remained uninvited?

10. Why did Kezia’s mother tell her daughter to run away?

11. Why did Kezia hesitate before inviting the Kelveys to see the doll’s house?

12. Why did Lil breathe out that they were not allowed to speak to the Burnells? Was she proud or ashamed of the fact?

13. How did the Kelveys behave on coming up to the doll’s house?

14. What did Kezia do to let the Kelveys look inside?

15. Why did Aunt Beryl intend to punish Kezia?

16. Why did Aunt Beryl shut the door of the doll’s house?

17. How did the Kelveys feel when leaving the Burnells’ courtyard?

Х II . Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. The Burnell children could ... . 2. ... and Isabel was surrounded. 3. But it was ... . 4. They walked past the Kelveys with ... . 5. Nobody had ever seen her smile ... . 6. Now again they did not mix with the girls, but ... . 7. At last everybody had seen it; only ... . 8. ... and shook her head quickly. 9. For a moment Lil looked at Else very doubtfully, and then ... . 10. They didn’t need telling twice. Burning ... . 11. When ... they sat down by the side of the road.

Х III. Substitute words or combinations of words from the text for the parts in black type:

l. The girls of her class almost fought to put their arms round her, to be her special friend. 2. As the school the Burnell children attended was the only school for miles, all the children of the neighbourhood, rich and poor alike, had to study and play together. 3. Lil, for example, who was a stout child not pretty at all with big freckles, came to school ... . 4. Days passed and as more children saw the doll’s house it became more and more famous. 5. Looking up from her toys, she suddenly saw the Kelveys on the road. Kezia was going to leave the yard quickly. Then she stopped to think whether to do so or not. 6. Kezia opened the door and they looked inside. 7. ... said Aunt Beryl and closed the door of the doll’s house.

XIV. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) не видели ничего подобного 2) но больше всего Кезии понравилась лампа 3) они сгорали (от нетерпения) рассказать всем 4) договорились, что 5) дело было в том, что 6) ходила из дома в дом 7) она почти никогда не говорила 8) им нельзя было запретить слушать 9) правда, он очарователен 10) можно мне пригласить обеих Келви хоть один раз 11) вокруг никого не было 12) оторвавшись от игрушек 13) можно зайти и посмотреть ломик, если хотите 14) она не знала, что ответить 15) ну пошли же 16) никто не смотрит 17) Кезия шла впереди 18) через некоторое время

XV. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text).

to stay with, nearly, a fact, to mix together, for instance, to mix with, a chance, to spread, to run away, to hesitate, to breathe out, to undo, to punish, to burn with shame, road.

XVI. Make up sentences based on the text using the Gerund and the words given below:

M o d e l: to be sure, except, to have a chance

          All the girls except the Kelveys were sure that they would have

          a chance of seeing the doll’s house.

1. the children, to enjoy, to examine, the present

2. the reason for, to be excited

3. to take every opportunity of, to boast

4. as a result, to get interested in, to see

5. to look forward to, to show, school-friends

6. to dream of, to be among the first, to be invited

7. really, to be worth, to see

8. instead of, to praise, Kezia, to be kind to somebody. Aunt Beryl

9. to get cross, to punish for, to let somebody see

XVII. Correct the following statements (See the examples given in lessons 2 and 8):

1. After staying with the Burnells, Mrs. Hay sent the children a doll’s house; but on seeing the present, the girls felt ashamed of it and hesitated whether to show it to their friends or keep it a secret from them.

2. The school which the Burnell children attended was a special one where they could mix with nearly all the rich girls of the area.

3. The teacher liked the Kelveys and never hesitated to make the other girls play with them, as she considered them to be nice little girls easy to mix with.

4. As time passed, all the girls except the Kelveys had a chance to see the house, and the fame of it finally died away.

5. Kezia’s mother did not hesitate for a moment to allow the Kelveys to see the doll’s house as she was a kind-hearted woman and was never ashamed to mix with poor people.

6. When Kezia saw the little Kelveys, she at once invited them to see the toy although she was afraid that her mother would be displeased with her.

7. On hearing Aunt Beryl’s sharp voice, the Kelveys got frightened and felt ashamed, but a moment later the feeling passed and they proudly walked out of the courtyard.

8. Immediately after leaving the Burnell’s courtyard, the Kelveys stopped in the middle of the road to exchange impressions of the lovely doll’s house. Else said that she had seen the little lamp.

XVIII. Vocabulary Activization Exercises:


1. Translate:

1) We stayed out until it got dark. 2) I am enjoying my stay here. 3) We’ve had a very pleasant stay at their place. 4) They’ve made arrangements for a long stay. 5) The doctor told him to stay in for a couple of days. 6) Are you staying with friends or at a hotel here?

2. Translate :

1) He двигайтесь, оставайтесь на месте. 2) Вы надолго поедете в Киев? 3) Он приехал сюда на короткое время. 4) После короткого пребывания в столице они посетили несколько (ряд) музеев. 5) Мой друг гостит у своих родителей сейчас.


1. Practise aloud:

1) I’ll be back in no time. 2) He would call on us from time to time. 3) Is it lunch-time already? 4) It’s time for you to go

2. Translate :

1) Я мигом вернусь. 2) Я вам буду время от времени об этом напоминать. 3) Пора заняться этим вопросом как следует.


1. Practise aloud :

1) It’s nearly evening. 2) She nearly hurt herself. 3) The work’s nearly finished. 4) It’s nearly time to start.

2. Translate :

1) Уже почти утро. 2) Статья уже почти готова (написана). 3) Петр чуть не сделал (почти сделал) ту же самую ошибку. 4) Она чуть не рассмеялась (расплакалась, вскрикнула, ошиблась, ушиблась).


1. Translate:

1) The fact was that Highsmith’s knowledge of country manners was very poor. 2) Posie was sure she would do well as a country girl. As a matter of fact she was a country girl herself.

2. Complete, using the word combinations given in brackets:

1) We know this company very well. As a matter of fact we (to deal with, for a number of years). 2) I am sure you can rely on his doing the work. The fact is he ... (to be the only person, to do something properly). 3) No wonder Nick has chosen the Medical Institute. As a matter of fact he ... (to take much interest in medicine since ...).4)Comrade Ivanov cannot keep the appointment. The fact is ... (to be engaged at, with).


1) Вы не можете винить ее за плохую игру. Собственно говоря, она никогда не обучалась игре на рояле. 2) Неудивительно, что ее везде хвалят. Собственно говоря, она самая популярная актриса сезона.


1. Practise aloud:

1) I won’t put up with this attitude!

2) You’ll have to put up with the upper berth.

3) How can you put up with it?

2. Complete in any sensible way:

1) There were no good seats left and we ...

2) I don’t like wearing glasses, but ...

3) There were no vacant double-rooms at the hotel and we ...

3. Make up sentences using the following:

1) to put up with — to take steps

2) one’s attitude to work — to put up with

3) tobe unfair — to put up with


1. Add a beginning:

... As a result Mr. Winkle fell on the ice and sat there trying to smile.

... As a result the boys fell asleep soon after the show began.

... The result was that Miss Posie cancelled all her engagements and left for her native village.

... The result was that Frank Cowperwood came to understand the power of money at rather an early age.


1.Translate into Russian and think of situations of your own in which the sentences might be used:

1) Mix the medicine for the boy, please. 2) Mixing with different people helped him gain experience. 3) I am afraid he mixed up the addresses.

2. Complete:

1)During his travels the writer mixed with workers, peasants and students. As a result ... (to come to know). 2) He mixed up the medicines. The result was ... (to do a lot of harm). 3) The telegram did not make sense because ... (to mix up). 4)He came to like music because (to mix with).

3. Translate :

1) Я всё перепутал! 2) Всё перепутано. 3) Вы перепутали их имена. 4) Кэмпбеллы не общались сбогатыми мальчиками. 5) Мальчики быстро смешались с толпой.


1. Use a synonym:

1) He had a wonderful ability of making difficult things clear and simple. 2) Simple food will never do you any harm. 3) There was nothing particular about her face. 4) I prefer simply made dresses for everyday wear.

2. Translate :

1) На ней было простое платье. 2) Причина совершенно ясна. 3) У него простое лицо. 4) Объясните мне, пожалуйста, всё простыми словами.


1. Practise aloud:

1) We discovered it quite by chance. 2) It was an excellent chance for us to cheer her up. 3) Have I any chance of getting tickets? 4) There’s always a chance to improve.

2. Make up sentences of your own:

  to exchange ideas
There is always a chance to make an appointment
It’s (was) a good chance to discuss things frankly
It’s (was) his last chance to cancel the previous engagement to try to persuade

3. Translate :

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