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2020-03-17 269 Обсуждений (0)
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4) Перегруппируйте предложенные пункты плана в последовательности, соответствующей содержанию прочитанного:

1. Protein losses.

2. Nourishment of people.

3. Nutritive value of proteins of different origin.

4. Oil processing and microbiological industries.

5. Mixtures of wheat and yeast biomass.


5) Прочтите следующий отрезок текста и скажите, какую информацию относительно предшествующего контекста он содержит: поясняющую, уточняющую или дополнительную:

The total biomass of the earth's microorganisms is considerably greater than the biomass of all farm crops and animals taken together. Yeasts, bacteria and algae comprise a practically inexhaustible source of protein which is essential for any living organism.

Microorganisms grow with truly cosmic speed. If a newborn calf could synthesize protein in its organism as quickly as it is done by microbial cells, it would grow into a bull weighing 500 kg in one day.

In twenty four hours a microbial cell processes a mass of nutritive substances exceeding its own weight 30 or 40 times.


One of the most promising methods of rapidly increasing the protein resources ofthe World is industrial microbiological synthesis.

The developing cell organisms provide, together with proteins and amino-acids, numerous other valuable compounds such as monosaccharides, oligo- and polysaccharides, chitin, nucleic acids, nucleotides, vitamins, steroids, lipids.

The yeast biomass is thus a potential chemical source of valuable organic compounds not readily obtainable by conventional methods and the problem of its complex processing deserves exhaustive study.

The analysis of proteins in various yeasts showed that yeasts cultivated on naphtha paraffins have the most balanced composition of amino-acids. In actual practice, however, these yeasts proved useful as animal food in small amounts only (10-15%, or 2-5% of the total diet) and even so, only if extremely pure and devoid of residual paraffins and lipids and so on, contraindicated to animals. To meet these requirements a complicated and costly technology is required. These limitations are successfully overcome by the isolation and careful chemical purification of individual cell components, which enables yeastproteins and the resulting amino-acid mixture to be used as human food. This method of treating new protein resources is extremely promising, for it discards one of the links in the yeast-animal-man sequence and increases the practical usefulness of yeast proteins more than fivefold.

There is every reason to believe that, notwithstanding some unavoidable losses, the processing of yeasts by chemical isolation and purification of proteins will give nutrients of such a high quality that the overall amount of proteins required to obtain the same nutritive results will be considerably lower than in the case of livestock. Additional costs involved in the production of pure yeast proteins would be more than compensated by the 5-6 times higher efficiency of these nutrients.

The most valuable constituent of yeasts, proteins, can be isolated as polymers without affecting their macromolecules and used as a mixture of amino-acids formed on yeast hydrolysis and enzymolysis. The most effective method of isolating pure proteins is that of successive extraction of the cell component from the yeast biomass. A fairly complete extraction of proteins from the yeast cells is thereby possible only on complete destruction of the cell structure.



Notes on the text:

1) promising – перспективный, многообещающий

2) conventional – обычный, традиционный

3) exhaustive – исчерпывающий

4) to cultivate – выращивать

5) devoid – лишенный

6) overcome – преодолевать

7) to discard – выбросить, отказаться

8) fivefold – в пятикратном размере

9) notwithstanding – несмотря на

10) unavoidable – неизбежный

11) livestock – домашний скот


Задания к тексту:

1. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1) What is the most promising method of rapidly increasing the protein resources in the world?

2) What do the developing cell organisms provide, together with proteins and amino-acids?

3) Why does the problem of the yeast biomass complex processing deserves exhaustive study?

4) What did the analysis of proteins in various yeasts show?

5) What limitations are successfully overcome?

6) How are they (limitations) overcome?

7) Why is this method of treating new protein resources extremely promising?

8) How can the most valuable constituents of yeasts, proteins, be isolated?

9) What is the most effective method of isolating pure proteins?


2. Переведите следующие отрезки предложений на английский язык:

один из самых перспективных методов, много других ценных соединений таких как, заслуживает глубокого (тщательного) изучения, выращенные на нафтеновых парафинах, противопоказаны животным, требуется сложная и дорогая технология, что дает возможность использовать дрожжевые белки, увеличивает полезность белков более чем в 5 раз, есть все основания полагать, несмотря на неизбежные потери, будет значительно меньше.

2020-03-17 269 Обсуждений (0)
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