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2020-03-17 238 Обсуждений (0)
CAN ROSES BE MATED WITH PIGS? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


In response to the article on Biotechnology (PDI, 6/19/04), Dr. Benigno Peczon, president of the Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines said that roses can't mate with pigs because "the sexual mode of reproduction is limited by the compatibility in the number of chromosomes (where the DNA is located). Thousands of genes are necessary from both parents to form the DNA of offspring. Biotechnology identifies one or two genes which encode some useful trait then adds the genes to another organism's DNA so that the transfer of a few genes won't turn the pig into a rose."

Returning to the subject of bio-engineering (if you prefer the more proper term is “recombinant DNA technology,” a mite too difficult to pronounce), what it really means is that a foreign gene is spliced in the DNA of an organism "so that when the organism grows, the new trait encoded by the inserted gene is expressed." Insulin, for instance, is the result of the splicing of a human gene, responsible for producing human insulin, into the DNA of E. coli, a bacterium which produces insulin identical to human insulin. As you can see there are benefits to be derived that no one can argue. We are also told that biotechnology can improve the safety of foods by taking out some harmful substances or adding beneficial ones. Thus the GM peanut is being developed so that people who are allergic to it may enjoy eating peanut spread or peanuts, period. Genetically altered tomatoes would contain more lycopene which is believed to delay the onset of cancer. Dr. Peczon explains that GM foods "are only as safe as their conventional counterparts." And that GM foods currently in the market contain no antibiotics.

This same technique is being used to produce modified food that promises to increase production and to resist pests, disease, droughts; and contains vitamins and nutrients severely lacking in the diets of the poor. If this is the case, why aren't Third World countries embracing GM foods without protest?

One of the things opponents of GM technology are asking is that imported, genetically modified food items should be identified. According to Dr. Peczon labeling GM foods would increase their price by around 10 percent, and their manufacturing costs by 11-12 percent. He asks "will the price increase justify the fact that the labeling is not related to safety?" Some people also ask: Is it safe to combine genes that have not previously been combined, thus creating new traits-and do we know the long-term impact on our biodiversity?

Dr. Peczon cites figures showing "more than 3,500 scientists are convinced of its safety as listed in the AgbioWorld website," Several prestigious institutions, such as the World Health Organization and the National Academy of Science, are convinced about the safety of GM foods. European Commission-sponsored research studies, conducted by over 400 research teams, also attest that the GM products pose no threat to human health or environment.

Another concern is: Genetic engineering is under the control of the private sector; it is being developed almost solely by that sector. Since a company's objective is to make money, one cannot expect them to be concerned with the welfare of poor Third World countries more than making a profit. The other question we have to ask is whether the transgenic crops will tie the farmer to specific chemicals and a specific company such as Monsanto? Genetically modified seeds cannot reproduce, cannot be saved for the next year's crop. Moreover, the technology is controlled by another country. What happens if you become dependent on some crop or rice variety and the controlling country refuse to send the seeds? In effect, there is no local control and therefore no food security.

There are people who are genuinely worried that these genetically modified foods will contaminate and destroy local varieties, including the wild species of local crop. We don't know. What tickles our curiosity is that IRRI's miracle rice was supposed to increase production and make self-sufficient way back when. The hybrid rice is also heavily dependent on fertilizers which has to be imported. The question is why are we still importing rice?

Two issues/questions have also been brought up at protocol negotiations and at World Trade Organization meetings. One is the right of a country to know what it is importing and whether a government has the right to refuse an import it considers unsafe for its population. On the other hand, you should know that bio-engineering was introduced in 1996 and as of 2003, GM crops have already been planted to 67.7 million hectares across 18 countries. The Philippines started planting GM crops in 2002, with only 126 hectares. But as of last year, the total land area planted to such crops has gone up to 11,000 hectares; by the end of this year, it is expected to reach 30,000 hectares. In case you wish to learn more about GM crops, you can access Biotechnology Coalition's website at http://www.bcp.org.ph



2020-03-17 238 Обсуждений (0)
CAN ROSES BE MATED WITH PIGS? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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