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Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

2020-03-17 1069 Обсуждений (0)
Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Например : I ______ (to go) to the cinema yesterday. I went to the cinema yesterday.

1. I ______ (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday.

2. They ______ (to go) to the cinema when they met me.

3. She ______ (to learn) words the whole evening yesterday.

4. She ______ (to learn) words when mother came home.

5. He ______ (to work) in the garden yesterday.

6. He ______ (to work) in the garden from five till eight yesterday.

7. My sister is fond of reading. She ______ (to read) the whole evening yesterday.

8. The children ______ (to do) their lessons at six o’clock yesterday.

9.  I ______ (not to play) the piano yesterday. I ______ (to write) a letter to my friend.

10.  I ______ (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. I ______ (to read) a book.

11.  He ______ (not to sleep) when father came home. He ______ (to do) his homework.

12.  When I ______ (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Misha and Petya. They ______ (to talk) and ______ (to eat) an ice-cream.

13.  The baby ______ (to sleep) the whole evening yesterday. She ______ (to feel) bad.

14.  What your father ______ (to do) from eight till nine yesterday?

15.  Why she ______ (to cry) when I saw her yesterday?


Упражнение № 3.

Заполните пропуски глаголами в Past Continuous или Past Simple и переведите предложения.

Например : Peter ______ (to stay) at a seaside hotel on holiday when he ______ (to meet) his friend.

Peter was staying at a seaside hotel on holiday when he met his friend.


1. While I ______ (to have) lunch the sun ______ (to come) out again.

2. Who ______ you ______ (to talk to) on the telephone when I came?

3. When Masha ______ (to read) the letter she ______ (to notice) many spelling mistakes.

4. She ______ (to go) to bed when suddenly she ______ (to see) a mouse.

5. We ______ (to sit) down to dinner when the door bell ______ (to ring).

6. Misha’s grandfather ______ (to hurt) his back while he ______ (to dig) in the vegetable garden yesterday.

7. While he ______ (to sleep), ______ the doctor ______ (to arrive).

8. What ______ she ______ (to wear) when yon ______ (to see) her at the party?

9.  What ______ she ______ (to want) when she ______ (to visit) you yesterday?

10.  Somebody ______ (to knock) on the front door as I ______ (to have) breakfast.

11.  How much money ______ you ______ (to spend) last Christmas?

12.  My father ______ (to give) me money and I ______ (to spend) it all in one day.

13.  Peter ______ (not to feel) very well, so he ______ (to consult) his doctor.

14. Where ______ you ______ (to live) this time last year?

15.  Peter ______ (not to look) at me as he ______ (to speak).

16. When the ambulance ______ (to arrive) the patient ______ (to sleep) like a child.

17.  I ______ (to read) when he ______ (to call).

18.  They ______ (to wait) for the bus when I ______ (to see) them.

19. What ______ you ______ (to do) when you ______ (to see) them?


Упражнение № 4.

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

When I was going (to go) to the shops, I ______ (to see) my friend. When I ______ (to see) my friend, I _____ (to say) "Hello!" While we ______ (to talk), a car ______ (to run into) a man on a bike. When we ______ (to see) the accident, I ______ (to phone) for an ambulance While I ______ (to wait) for the ambulance, a policeman ______ (to arrive). When the policeman ______ (to arrive), he ______ (to ask) us some questions. The ambulance ______ (to come), while I ______ (to talk) to the policeman. The ambulance ______ (to take) the man to hospital and we ______ (to go) for a cup of coffee. While we ______ (to drink) our coffee, we ______ (to talk) about the accident.


Упражнение № 5.

Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous .

1. В то время, когда Катя путешествовала по Америке, она узнала, что известная поп-звезда выступает в Лос-Анджелесе.

2. Я смотрел телевизор в то время, когда случилось это ужасное происшествие.

3. Когда прозвенел звонок, ученики все еще писали сочинение.

4.Что Вы делали вчера в пять часов вечера? — Вчера в пять часов вечера я ехал на машине и слушал радио.

5.Ты видела Сергея и Михаила в воскресенье? — Да, когда я их видела, они играли в волейбол в парке. — Странно, они обычно играют в парке по субботам.

6. Когда я приехал на праздник, все веселились.

7. Я принял душ, оделся и вышел на работу.

8. Когда начался дождь, я открыл зонт и понял, что он сломан.

9. Когда ты порезал палец?

10. Когда твой брат поступил в университет?


Проверь себя!

Упражнение № 1.

Выберите правильную форму глаголов.

Например : I ______ met / was meeting a friend while I ______ did / was doing the shopping. I met  a friend while I was doing the shopping.

1. I ______ paid / was paying for my things when I ______ heard / was hearing someone call my name.

2. I ______ turned / was turning round and ______ saw / was seeing Paula.

3. She ______ wore / was wearing a bright red coat.

4. We ______ decided / were deciding to have a cup of coffee.

5. While we ______ had / were having a drink, a waiter ______ dropped / was dropping a pile of plates.

6. We all ______ got / were getting a terrible shock.

7. While the waiter ______ picked up / was picking up the broken plates, he ______ cut / was cutting his finger.


Упражнение № 2.

2020-03-17 1069 Обсуждений (0)
Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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