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Translate the following text from English into your own language

2015-11-10 1282 Обсуждений (0)
Translate the following text from English into your own language 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Kazakhstan is important to world energy markets because it has significant oil and natural gas reserves. With sufficient export options, Kazakhstan could become one of the world's largest oil producers and exporters in the next decade. But Kazakhstan's strategic aspiration is to become a modern, diversified economy with a high value added and high-tech component, well integrated in to the global economy.

The energy sector is viewed as a good basis to achieve this goal.The perspective of the Economy of Kazakhstan is closely connected with further integration into international economic relations, utilization of unique reserves of energy and mineral resources, vast possibilities to export industrial and agricultural products, optimum employment of country's transit potential and also with availability of highly qualified specialists in different spheres.

During the Soviet period Kazakhstan was an agrarian, raw materials supplier of the former Soviet economy, where the military industry played the major role. The main economic content of more than 10 years of independence has become transition from the central command planning to a market system. During these years, Kazakhstan has made considerable progress in implementing complex political, economic and social reforms to establish a democratic state with a market economy. While the country has not experienced political disturbances during the transition period, it has faced numerouseconomic, social and environmental challenges.

Work in pairs. How many questions in the quiz can you answer without using a dictionary?
Quiz In the money

£ 10

What were first minted in ancient Lydia (part of what is now Turkey) about 2.600 years ago?

A) Automatic cash machines

B) Coins

C) One-armed bandits

D) Credit cards

£ 25

Someone who has no money at all is often described as …

A) Broke

B) Broken

C) Bust

D) Shattered


Which of these might a child receive his/her parents?

A) A fee

B) A pension

C) Pocket money

D) A subsidy


Something so valuable it cannot be bought can be described as …

A) Valueless

B) Priceless

C) Worthless

D) Pricey

£ 250

If a company goes out of business because it cannot pay its debts, it …

A) Is in the black

B) Breaks even

C) Is in the red

D) Goes bankrupt

£ 500

Which of these is money given to someone in authority to get them to do something dishonest?

A) A tip

B) A bribe

C) A deposit

D) A ransom

£ 1,000!

Which of these is not a way of describing someone who hates spending money?

A) Flashy

B) Stingy

C) Tight-fisted

D) Miserly


  1. A) Underline the phrases relating to money in the quiz.


Write the words under the heading below.


3. Answer as many questions as you can individually, then compare answers in groups. a) In what circumstances might someone …receive a subsidy? …expect a tip? …pay a deposit? …demand a ransom? …go bankrupt? b) Have you ever …been completely broke? …bought something “valuable” that turned out to be worthless? …won money from a one-armed bandit? …paid or been offered a bribe? c) Do you know anyone who is … reallystingy? … alwaysin the red? … reallyflashy with their money?

1. B) Look at the mind map given above and discuss it. Draw your own map and compare with other students. Your teacher will choose one student to talk for two minutes about one of the headings.

2015-11-10 1282 Обсуждений (0)
Translate the following text from English into your own language 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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