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A) Match the words (1-9) on the left with their definitions (a-i) on the right

2015-11-10 3692 Обсуждений (0)
A) Match the words (1-9) on the left with their definitions (a-i) on the right 4.67 из 5.00 3 оценки

1. interest a) a bank account with minus money in it

2. mortgage b) money paid towards the cost of raising a family

3. an overdrawn account c) money given by the government for education, etc.

4. savings account d) an account that is used mainly for keeping money

5. current account e) money paid to people after a certain age

6. pension f) an account that cheques are drawn on for day-to-day use

7. disability allowance g) more chargeable on a loan

8. child benefit h) money paid to people with a handicap

9. grant i) a loan to purchase property


B) Make up your own sentences using the words from Ex. 5 a.

Match the idioms (1-23) with their definitions (a-w) and use them in the sentences of your own.

1.on the breadline 2. to burn your fingers 3. a cash cow
4. to cost an arm and a leg (to cost the earth) 5. to have deep pockets

6. down payment 7. to go Dutch 8. to feather your nest

9. to feel the pinch 10. golden handshake 11.on the house

12. to lose your shirt 13. to make a killing 14. to look/ feel like a million dollars 15. money burns a hole in your pocket

16. money spinner 17. money talks 18. to be paid peanuts

19. to turn up like a bad penny 20. from rags to riches 21. to scrimp and save

22. to splash out on 23. to suit every pocket

a) to suffer from having meddled or been rash

b) be extremely expensive

c) an initial payment made when something is bought on credit

d) living at subsistence level

e) share the cost of something, especially a meal, equally

f) a business, investment, or product that provides a steady income or profit

g) make money illicitly and at someone else's expense

h) to be very rich, wealthy

i) a payment given to someone who is made redundant or retires early

j) a drink or meal in a bar or restaurant at the management's expense; free

k) experience hardship, especially financial

l) have a great financial success

m) look or feel well

n) to be very economical or sparing in the use of something

o) lose all one's possessions

p) to be affordable for everyone

q) to bring revenue, income

r) from poverty to great wealth

s) wealth gives power and influence to those who possess it

t) someone has a strong urge to spend money as soon as they receive it

u) to work for less money

v) someone you can’t get rid of

w) to waste money on something regardless the price



Check how well you know conditionals. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.


If you go into business with relatives, it tends to (tend to) put a strain on your relationship.


2. If you happen to _______ (see) Tom, could you tell him I need some money?

3. I wish I ________ (not gamble) with the money, or I might still have some left.

4. She wouldn’t have been able to pay her debts if she ________ (not come into) large amounts of money.

5. Supposing Post had been killed, his brother ________ (inherit) some of the winnings.

6. They wouldn’t have __________ (be able) to buy the house if it hadn’t been for her father.

7. Provided the business ventures ___________ (be) successful, he shouldn’t have to declare bankruptcy.

8. If you _________(like) to follow me, I’ll show you to your rooms.

9. We’d be rich now if we __________ (not lose) the ticket.

10. _________ (Shall) you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

11. If only he _________ (stop) pestering me, I’d try to help.


Match the phrases in the box to their uses in 1-7 below.


a) if it hadn’t been for …. b) should you ….. c) provided (that) …../as long as….. d) if only … e) happen to / should happen to … f) supposing ….. g) if you will / would ….


1. __________ can be used with First Conditional sentences to emphasise that something is unlikely to occur.

2. __________ can be used instead of if to show that specific conditions should be met for something to happen.

3. __________ can be used instead of if to emphasise the imaginary. This is especially common in everyday speech.

4. __________ is often used to show how a negative result would have occurred without a certain person or event happening.

5. __________ can be used to express a wish or regret.

6. __________ is often used in formal business communication.

7. __________ can be used as a polite form.





In a macroeconomic perspective, levels of employment and unemployment depend on levels of economic activity (broadly measured by GDP) and on intensity of labour per unit of product (productivity). Do you agree with such inferences? Extend your answer by giving relevant examples.


You will hear three students in a study group working on a class assignment for their Economics class. Listen to the conversation and as you listen, answer the following questions by choosing the options A, B, C or D.

1) The students

A. Are meeting each other for the first time

B. Are friends

C. Are from different classes

D. Decided on groups themselves


2) Magda doesn’t like the idea of the business cycle because:

A. It’s too difficult

B. It hasn’t been covered in class

C. Too many groups will want to choose it

D. It’s not related to local events


3) They decide on employment because

A. They have done a lot of work on it in class

B. They can relate this topic to local events

C. They think it will be popular with the other students

D. They have recently lost their jobs


4) Stone’s Throw is a company which

A. Makes inexpensive clothes

B. Makes locally made clothes

C. Makes designer clothes

D. Sells second-hand clothes


5) The main reason people bought the clothes from Stone’s Throw was because

A. They wanted to protect the environment

B. They wanted to cut back on shipping costs

C. They wanted cheap clothing

D. They wanted to develop the local economy


6) Stone’s Throw started losing money because

A. They laid off 1/3 of their workforce

B. Customers did not like the quality of their clothes

C. Customers couldn’t afford their clothes

D. The company decided to start importing clothes


7) Henry likes the idea of a case study because

A. He knows people who work at Stone’s Throw

B. He thinks local issues are more important than abstract theories

C. He thinks using a local example will complement what has been studied so far

D. He thinks using a local example will help revive the local economic condition


8) Joe opposes doing interviews of staff at Stone’s Throw because

A. It would be too difficult to do

B. It would not be ethical to do

C. It would not be useful

D. It would not be focused on the course topics


9) The first step in preparing the presentation is

A. Reading local newspapers

B. Interviewing staff at Stone’s Throw

C. Creating a questionnaire

D. Doing background research


10) Why do they need to speak to the professor?

A. They need to inform him of their topic

B. They need his approval for their topic

C. They need his help deciding their topic

D. They need his help in researching their topic

3. With your partner, discuss the situation in Kazakhstan. What further steps can be undertaken to decrease the level of unemployment?




Reading 1

1. Discuss these questions:


- What do you know about the economic situation in Kazakhstan?

- Does Kazakhstan economy suffer from inflation?


2015-11-10 3692 Обсуждений (0)
A) Match the words (1-9) on the left with their definitions (a-i) on the right 4.67 из 5.00 3 оценки

Обсуждение в статье: A) Match the words (1-9) on the left with their definitions (a-i) on the right

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