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Letter of application Заявление на работу

2015-11-10 2045 Обсуждений (0)
Letter of application Заявление на работу 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Exercise 198

This is the letter of application Loraine Welder wrote for the job of receptionist. Decide which verb in this list goes in which space in the letter:

Apply – can – enclose – gave – go – growing – had – hearing – left – like – look – see – saw – use – worked – would

Exercise 199

Write a letter of application for one of the other two jobs advertised in ex 83. The letter can be from Carolyn Bennett, David Richards or you.

Exercise 200

Read the letter below. Find the verbs in the Past simple and explain their usage.

24 Belsize Gardens London NW3 William Ketterling 25 May Personal Manager Yule and Campbell UK Ltd Unity House 57 London Road Reading RG6 1UH   Dear Mr Ketterling, I am writing to apply for one of the positions as salesperson which you advertised in the Evening Standard on May 23. I am a 21–year–old student. I will finish a Business Studies degree at Liverpool Polytechnic this June. Last summer I worked at Gambol and Smyth, a company in Liverpool which manufactures bathroom fittings. Two years ago I worked with one of my older brothers who has a job in the construction industry. I am particularly interested in working for a company which can provide me with sales experience. I enclose two references: one from Mr Gambol, who was my boss last summer, and another from Dr Ken Braithwait, who is Head of the Economics Department at my college. I will be glad to send any other information you require. I look forward to receiving your reply. Yours sincerely, Helen Wilcox Helen Wilcox

Exercise 211

Fill in appropiate words. All the words are verbs in this unit in the past tense.

  1. She ................. for a job as a receptionist.
  2. I didn’t ................ the alarm clock.
  3. Did you ................... Simon yesterday?
  4. He ................... his clothes.
  5. Did the alarm clock ................. ?
  6. He ................. for a bus for an hour.
  7. He .................. work at 5.30.
  8. He .................. on the door.
  9. He ....................... the telephone equipment.
  10. He didn’t ................... untill 11 o’clock .


Exercise 201

Choose the correct sentence (a or b) to use in a formal letter of application.

1. a) John Murray said I should write to you.

b) I’m writing to you on the recommendation of Mr John Murray.

2. a) As you know, Mr Murray is one of the directors of Murray and Greene.

b) You know him. He is one of the directors of Murray and Greene.

3. a) I worked for John a long time ago.

b) Mr Murray was my employer four years ago.

4. a) I liked working there a lot, but then I got a job in Canada, where I got a lot of good experience.

b) I was very happy there. However, I decided to take a position in Canada, where I gained very valuable experience.

5. a) I would like to inquire about the position you advertised.

b) Could you tell me something about the job?

6. a) I believe that my previous experience will be very useful in this position.

b) I’ve done a lot of this kind of work, so I think you should give me the job.

7. a) I enclose references from all my previous employers.

b) Here are the references from all the people I worked for before.

8. a) I will be available for an interview at any time.

b) I’ll come in for an interview anytime you like.


Lesson 20 Урок 20

Recruitment Набор персонала

Active vocabulary


  1. expansion – расширение
  2. unemployment – безработица
  3. rate – уровень
  4. loss – потеря
  5. knitwear factory – фабрика по произв. трик. изделий
  6. turning point – поворотный момент
  7. a vote of confidence – дух уверенности
  8. existing – существующий
  9. modulator and tuner units – пониж. частоту и настр. Элементы
  10. blackspot – территория
  11. milestone (перен.) – веха
  12. training support – поддержка в обучении
  13. satisfaction – удовлетворение


  1. manufacture – производить
  2. employ – предоставлять работу
  3. transfer – переносить
  4. reflect – отражать
  5. hail – приветствовать
  6. earn a reputation – завоевать репутацию
  7. ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать
  8. acquire the skills – приобретать навыки
  9. assist – помогать
  10. challenge – вызов, бросить вызов
  11. announce – объявлять
  12. reach – достигать
  13. increase – увеличивать
  14. enable – давать возможность

Adjectives _

  1. high–quality – высоко развитый, качественный
  2. hi–tech – высоко технический
  3. simultaneously – одновременно


Exercise 202

Read and translate.

In life of any person there is a moment when he must take a very important decision – to find a job which will bring satisfaction and money simultaneously. And what is an ideal job for you? Choose the answers and give your reasons.

An ideal job for me is a job …

  • that suits my personality
  • that gives challenge and opportunity
  • that gives independence
  • well–paid
  • risky
  • exciting
  • that encourages thinking and development
  • calm and steady
  • which is connected with communication
  • prestigious
  • part–time
  • without long business trips


A Japanese electronics company yesterday announced a 350,000 expansion to its Arbroath factory, bringing 30 jobs to the unemployment blackspot.

Alps Electric which makes electronic equipment for the televisions and video recorders, employs 150 staff at Arbroath Enterprise Park.

Its decision to build a new production line at the plant will increase its workforce in the town by 20%.

Arbroath has the third–highest unemployment rate in Scotland. It reached the highest level the month before Christmas when the Mackinnon of Scotland knitwear factory closed with the loss of 26 jobs.

Angus MP Andrew Welsh and local politicians hailed yesterday’s announcement as a turning point for the town.

Mr. Welsh said: “This is good news for Arbroath and a vote of confidence in the existing employees that Alps are now expanding on their existing operation.

This is a modern industry and good news for the new year. This is one for the next century. Every new job helps to increase opportunity locally.”

The new hi–tech production line will enable complete modulator and tuner units to be made at the expanded Arbroath plant.

Responsibility for manufacturing this new product has been transferred from Japan to Arbroath.

Peter Woodland, director of Alps Electric (Scotland), said the move reflected the increasing confidence of the company in its Arbroath workforce.

He said: “This is an important milestone in the development of the company in Scotland. This investment underlines the key role Arbroath plays in Alps European plants, which is also reflected in the decision to introduce the latest technology into the plant.”

He said recruitment for the new jobs would start soon.

Ian McMillan, chairman of Scottish Enterprise Tayside, congratulated the Arbroath Alps electric workforce on earning a reputation for high–quality work and promised training support for new recruits.

He said: “Scottish Enterprise Tayside will help Alps to ensure the firms new recruits can quickly acquire the skills they will need and we look forward to assisting the company’s continued development in Arbroath.”

Exercise 203

Translate into English the following words and phrases using the text.

Расширение, предоставлять возможность, завоевать репутацию, набор служащих, объявлять, безработица, нанимать, штат служащих, рабочая сила, производить, приобретать навыки, помогать, высоко технический, переносить, обеспечивать, ответственность, отражать, поддержка в обучении, потеря, подчеркивать, поворотный момент.

Exercise 204

Use a word or a phrase from the article instead of the words or phrases in italics.

  1. What does the factory produce?
  2. She’s so unprofessional, nobody will give her this job.
  3. The generation of highly developed machetes has recently appeared.
  4. Due to its talented director the company became much bigger.
  5. Sheila is very optimistic about her new job, she thinks it will give her an opportunity to succeed.
  6. The knitwear factory manufactures products of a good quality.
  7. You will be in charge for this task.
  8. Everyone knows that the level of crime is on the increase.
  9. The manager stressed that he was sure of the future success.
  10. The employment of the new staff will be in September.

Exercise 205

Answer the following questions

  1. How did Andrew Welsh hail the recent announcement about the factory expansion?
  2. Why is it so important for Peter Woodland, director of Alps electric, to transfer manufacturing the new product from Japan to Scotland?
  3. Is Ian McMillan, chairman of Scottish Enterprise Tayside, ready to assist new recruits?
  4. Why is he sure that the new staff will acquire the skills they need very quickly?

Exercise 206

Translate into English

М. Мы уже рассмотрели ваше предложение о перенесении выпуска новой продукции из Японии в Шотландию. Мы приветствуем эту идею и считаем ее поворотным моментом в развитии нашей фабрики.

Д. Я очень рад это слышать. Надеюсь, расширение нашего предприятия даст вам возможность создать новые рабочие места. Я слышал, что в вашем городе довольно высокий уровень безработицы.

М. К сожалению, да. Недавно закрылась фабрика по производству трикотажных изделий, и в связи с этим 26 человек потеряли работу.

Д. Мы постараемся им помочь. Наша компания завоевала репутацию фирмы, которая всегда помогает новым сотрудникам и обеспечивает им поддержку в обучении.

М. Отлично! Будьте уверены, наши сотрудники быстро приобретут нужные навыки и будут выпускать высоко качественную продукцию.

Д. Я не сомневаюсь в этом. Кстати, набор новых сотрудников начинается уже на следующей неделе.


Exercise 207

Read and translate.


The process of finding people for particular jobs is recruitment or, especially in American English, hiring. Someone who has been recruited is a recruit or, in American English, a hire. The company employs or hires them; they join the company. A company may recruit employees directly or use outside recruiters, recruitment agencies or employment agencies. Outside specialists called headhunters maybe called on to headhunt people for very important jobs, persuading them to leave the organizations they already work for. This process is called headhunting.

Applying for a job

Fred is a van driver, but he was fed up with long trips. He looked in the situations vacant pages of his local newspapers, where a local supermarket was advertising for van drivers for a new delivery service. He applied for the job by completing an application form and sending it in.

Harry is a building engineer. He saw a job in the appointments pages of one of the national papers. He made an application, sending in his CV (curriculum vitae – the “story” of his working life) and a covering letter explaining why he wanted the job and why he was the right person for it.

Note: Situation, post and position are formal words often used in job advertisements and applications. (BrE: CV; AmE: resume; BrE: covering letter; AmE: cover letter)

Selection procedures

Dagmar Schmidt is the head of recruitment at a German telecommunications company. She talks about the selection process, the methods that the company uses to recruit people:

“We advertise in national newspapers. We look at the backgrounds of applicants: their experience of different jobs and their educational qualifications. We don’t ask for handwritten letters of application as people usually apply by email; handwriting analysis belongs to the 19th century.

We invite the most interesting candidatesto a group discussion. Then we have individual interviews with each candidate. We also ask the candidates to do written psychometric tests to assess their intelligence and personality.

After this, we shortlist three or four candidates. We check their references by writing to their referees: previous employers or teachers that candidates have named in their applications. If the references are OK, we ask the candidates to come back for more interviews. Finally, we offer the job to someone, and if they turn it down we have to think again. If they accept it, we hire them. We only appoint someone if we find the right person.”


Exercise 208

Now divide the words into two groups:

1. what a company personnel department does.

2. what a person looking for work does.


Exercise 209

Replace the underlined phrases with correct forms of words and expressions.

Fred had already (1) refused two job offers when he went for (2) a discussion to see if he was suitable for the job. They looked at his driving license and contacted (3) previous employers Fred (5) had mentioned in his application. A few days later, the supermarket (4) asked him if he would like the job and Fred (5) said yes.


Harry didn’t hear anything for six weeks, so he phoned the company. They told him that they had received a lot of (6) requests for the job. After looking at the (7) life stories of the (8) people asking for the job and looking at (9) what exams they had passed during their education, the company (10) had chosen six people to interview, done tests on their personality and intelligence and they had then given someone the job.


Lesson 21 Урок 21

The perfect interview Идеальное собеседование


Active vocabulary


  1. CV – краткая биография
  2. chat – беседа, болтовня
  3. panel – персонал, участник дискуссии
  4. code – устав, свод моральн. правил
  5. mac – макинтош
  6. outsider – любитель, профан
  7. point of view – точка зрения


  1. lean – наклоняться
  2. slump – тяжело опускаться
  3. feel anxious – волноваться
  4. conduct – проводить
  5. hold a position – занимать должность
  6. dress the part – одеваться к месту
  7. consider an offer – рассмотреть предложение


  1. timid – робкий
  2. cheeky – наглый
  3. casual – случайный
  4. assertive – уверенный в себе
  5. firm – твердый


  1. confidently – уверенно
  2. on the spot – на месте, сразу
  3. in brief – кратко

Exercise 210

Some pieces of advice will help you to bear your job interview successfully.

Investigate: what company is like before you apply for the job.

Are they really the kind of organization you want to work for?

Write an effective CV. Keep it brief and simple – a badly written one will loose you the job before you get to the interview stage.

Discover as much as you can about the interview. This means finding out exactly who will be conducting the interview, what position they hold, and whether it’s an informal chat or a formal interview, possibly in front of a whole panel of interviewers.

Dress the part. Even if the job is in a modern company where the code is casual, you should dress formally for the interview – a suit is always safe. Never keep your overcoat or mac on during the interview – this will make you an outsider from the start. If possible take it off outside the interview room.

Think positively and confidently about yourself.From the moment you decide to apply for the job think about (and write down) all qualities you have to offer the company as well as the reasons you would suit the job. Use the interview to discover as much about the job as possible. Even if they offer it to you on the spot ask for some time to consider their offer. Is it right for you and them?

Be aware of your body language. Most interviewers don’t realize it but they are influenced by your body language the moment you walk into the room. Be assertive, smile, look the interviewer in the eye, and give a firm handshake. Don’t lean too far over the desk or slump in the chair with your arms crossed. Practice your “entrance” at home with a friend so you feel comfortable.

Keep balance of power throughout the interview.From a psychologist’s point of view this is what interviews are all about! Don’t be too timid or allow the interviewer to dominate you because an interview is a two–way process, and you are to decide whether you want the job. It’s as important for you to ask questions about your potential job as it is for the interviewer to question you. But don’t be over–confident and cheeky. No one likes a “difficult” candidate however good your qualifications are.

Keep calm before and during the interview.Three–quarters of people feel anxious about job interviews and their nervousness often lets them down. The key is to learn interview skills which are important as job skills, and control your nerves. Remember the interviewer may be nervous as well.

Exercise 211

Decide whether the statements are true or false:

  1. It is not important to write an effective CV.
  2. If you think positively about yourself, other people will be of the same opinion.
  3. You can dress for the interview as you usually dress going somewhere.
  4. Body language plays an essential role in communication.
  5. Nobody will pay attention if you lean too far over the desk or slump in the chair.
  6. If you ask questions about the company the interviewers won’t think that you are an outsider.
  7. If you control your nerves it will be easier for both sides to conduct an interview.


Exercise 212

Answer the following questions:

  1. How should CV be written? Why is it so important to write it correctly?
  2. What should you know about the future interview and potential interviewers?
  3. Is it necessary to dress properly? Why?
  4. What questions should you have in mind?
  5. How do you understand the phrase “body language”? Is it possible to be aware of it? How?
  6. Why is it wrong to allow the interviewer to dominate you? Who should dominate?
  7. What is the key to a successful interview?

Exercise 213


  • which of the above–mentioned pieces of advice you consider to be the most important. Give your reasons
  • which one doesn’t play any role
  • if you can add some more recommendations
  • which recommendation you can’t fulfill even if you try.


Exercise 214

Read, translate and give suggestions on how to get a job and on a perfect interview.

Interviewer: And so, as unemployment reaches record levels, now is a good time to discuss what you can do to get a job, and we are lucky to have in the studio with us today, Jane Longly from the Department of Employment to give some advice to those currently seeking work. Welcome, Jane.

Jane: Hello, it’s nice to be here.

Interviewer: So, how can today’s job–hunters get themselves back into employment?

Jane: Well, the person seeking job faces two major problems. The first is actually getting the interview, and the second is making sure they perform well at the interview itself. And I’d like, if I may, to give a few handy tips – some “Dos and Don’ts” as it were.

Interviewer: That sounds fine. So starting with looking for jobs …..

Jane: Right. Firstly, you must make sure that you have a CV that is up–to–date. Emphasize the positive aspects of your career history and outline the range of skills you possess which could be useful to an employer. Further details on CV preparation are available in the free leaflet from our local Job Centre. Anyway, once you’ve got a CV, the next thing is to get it into the hands of possible employers. There are several ways to do this.

Interviewer: Such as ..?

Jane: First you should check the newspapers on a regular basis for vacancies. Think what kind of jobs you could actually do. It may well be the case that you have the skills necessary to do work which you hadn’t previously thought of. So, don’t restrict yourself unnecessarily. Also make sure you ask your family and friends about work, as up to fifty per cent of job vacancies never get advertised in the newspapers at all. Another thing you can always do is to make a list of organizations which need your kind of skills and just send them a copy of your CV in their files and contact you later when a vacancy arises.

Interviewer: OK, let’s imagine that you have finally got an interview. What should you do to make a good impression?

Jane: I’m glad you asked me that. Well, many of the things are just common sense really. For instance, make sure you get enough sleep the night before. That way you will look and feel your best on the day itself. Secondly, make sure you wear the right clothes for the job. If it’s an office job you must wear formal clothes but for a factory or shop job it is often OK to wear something more casual. But you should always look clean and tidy. And always make sure you arrive, say, ten minutes early. That way you can sit down and relax for a couple of minutes before the interview.

Another good tip is to be extra nice to the receptionist, as in many organizations she or he often has a surprisingly large say in who gets the job. And when you meet the interviewer smile pleasantly, shake his or her hand but don’t sit down until invited to. I think I hardly need to add that you shouldn’t smoke or chew gum. Towards the end of the interview, the interviewer may ask you if you have any questions, so try to think of one or two intelligent ones before the interview. This is easier if you have found out something about the organization – done some research, so to speak. And finally, when the interview is over, never ask if you have got the job. If the interviewer wants to tell you then and there that you have the job, then he or she will.

Interviewer: Well, thank you, Jane. I’m sure many of our listeners will have found that very helpful.


Lesson 22 Урок 22

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Letter of application Заявление на работу 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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