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Human Resources Управление человеческими ресурсами

2015-11-10 2979 Обсуждений (0)
Human Resources Управление человеческими ресурсами 4.67 из 5.00 3 оценки

Management (HRM)

Active vocabulary


  1. set – ряд
  2. planning activities – плановые мероприятия
  3. acquisition – приобретение
  4. maintenance – сохранение
  5. reward – вознаграждение, наградить
  6. monetary payment – денежная плата
  7. benefit – льгота
  8. promotion – повышение по службе
  9. well–being – благосостояние
  10. is concerned (with) – связан (с)
  11. capability – способность
  12. ability – способность
  13. open position – открытая вакансия
  14. selection – отбор
  15. resume – (амер) резюме (кр. трудов. биогр.)
  16. reference – поручитель
  17. employment application – заявление на работу
  18. applicant – претендент
  19. purpose – цель
  20. scrutiny – внимательное рассмотрение
  21. background – образование, подготовка
  22. summary – краткое изложение
  23. curriculum vitae (CV) – краткая биография
  24. selection technique – метод отбора
  25. opportunity – возможность
  26. attitude – отношение
  27. evaluation – оценка
  28. responsibility – ответственность
  29. reason – причина
  30. feedback – обратная связь
  31. subordinate – подчиненный
  32. performance – выполненная работа
  33. appraisal – оценка
  34. weakness – слабость
  35. pay raise – повышение зарплаты


  1. forecast – прогнозировать
  2. hire – нанимать
  3. provide – предоставлять
  4. ensure – обеспечивать
  5. improve – улучшать
  6. enhance – повышать
  7. contribute – вносить вклад
  8. recruit – нанимать
  9. apply for a job – обращаться по поводу работы
  10. submit – представить
  11. be filled in – который надо заполнить
  12. seek – искать
  13. refer to as – называться
  14. compare – сравнивать
  15. indicate – указывать
  16. verify – удостоверять
  17. be of value – иметь ценность
  18. go through – ознакомиться
  19. acquaint – ознакомить
  20. mention – упоминать
  21. let know – известить
  22. eliminate – ликвидировать
  23. be worthy – быть достойным
  24. familiarize – ознакомить


  1. previous – предыдущий
  2. former – бывший, прежний
  3. appropriate – подходящий
  4. job–related – связанный с работой


  1. at least – по крайней мере
  2. along with – вместе с
  3. from within – изнутри
  4. within – внутри

Exercise 215

Read and translate.

1. General Definition.Human resources management is a set of planning activities. They include the acquisition, maintenance, and development of an organization’s human resources. In general, human resources planning consists of forecasting the human resources that the firm will need in the future.

Acquisitionincludes planning that leads to hiring new personnel.

Maintenance of human resources consists of motivating employees to remain within the firms and to work effectively. Motivation includes the following aspects:

· Rewarding an employee through monetary payments.

· Providing benefits and promotions to ensure an employee’s well being.

Development aspect of HRM is concerned with improving employees’ skills and capabilities. Employee training and development programs enhance the ability of employees to contribute to the firm.

Candidates for open positions may be recruited from within or outside the firm. In the selection process applications, resumes, interviews and references may be used to obtain information about candidates.

2. Employment Applications.Everyone who applies for a job (an applicant) must submit an application. An employment application is useful in collecting factual information on a candidate’s education, work experience, and personal history. The data obtained from applications are usually used for two purposes: to identify candidates who are worthy or further scrutiny and to familiarize interviews with applicants’ backgrounds. A typical employment, application represents a special form to be filled in.

3. Resumes.Many job candidates submit resumes to employers, and some firms require them. A resume is a short summary of the candidate’s background and qualifications. It includes a description of the type of job the applicant is seeking. A resume may be submitted along with an employment application. In Britain a resume is often referred to as a curriculum vitae (CV).

4. Interviews.The employment interview is the most widely used selection technique. Job candidates are usually interviewed by at least one member of the HRM staff and by the person for whom they will be working. Interviews provide an opportunity for the firm and the applicant learn more about each other. Interviewers can ask different questions to learn something about candidate’sattitude to the job and motivation.

Very often interviewers ask different questions of different applicants, so that it becomes impossible to compare candidates’ qualifications. Some of these problems can be solved through the use of structural interviews. A structural interview is an interview in which an interviewer asks a prepared set of questions.

5. References.A job candidate is generally asked to indicate the names of references – people who can verify background information and provide personal evaluation of the candidate. Personal evaluations obtained may not be of much value because applicants list only the references who say good things about them. However, references are often contacted to verify such information as previous job responsibilities and the reason an applicant decided to leave a former job.

6. Orientation.All the information collected during the selection process is then used to select the most appropriate candidates for the job. Newly hired employees should go through a firm’s orientation program. Orientation is the process of acquainting new employees with the organization.

7. Feedback.Feedback is a talking of a manager to subordinates to let them know how well they are doing and how they can work better in future. In other words, it is performance appraisal. These appraisals may be positive or negative. Feedback must help eliminate job–related weaknesses. For a good job, employees get rewards as pay raises and promotions.

Exercise 216

Find the English equivalents.

Управление людскими ресурсами; новый персонал; приобретение; собеседование (при найме на работу); обращаться по поводу работы; открытая вакансия (должность); денежная плата; оценка выполненной работы; благосостояние работника; получать вознаграждения; повышение зарплаты; продвижение по службе; процесс отбора; претендент; краткая биография (резюме); представить резюме; подчиненный; поручитель (лицо, дающее рекомендацию); биографические данные; обратная связь; интервьюер (лицо, проводящее собеседование); подготовленный ряд вопросов; удостоверять информацию; нанимать работников.


Exercise 217

Fill the blanks.

1. Human resources planning consists of … the human resources that the firm will need in future.

2. Acquisition includes planning that leads to … new personnel.

3. Motivation includes benefits to ensure an employee’s …

4. An applicant who applies for a job must submit an …

5. A resume is a short … of the candidate’s … and qualifications.

6. In Britain resume is often referred to as a …

7. An interview provides an opportunity for the firm to … more about an applicant.

8. Applicants list only the … who say good things about them.

9. Orientation is the process of … new employees with …

10. Performance appraisal is used to provide employees with …

Exercise 218

Translate into English

1. Людские ресурсы являются (are) самыми важными ресурсами организации.

2. Управление ресурсами представляет (is) ряд плановых мероприятий.

3. Мотивация включает денежную оплату и льготы.

4. Каждый, кто обращается по поводу работы, должен представить заявление.

5. Некоторые фирмы требуют краткую трудовую автобиографию.

6. Собеседование дает возможность фирме больше узнать о претенденте.

7. Обратная связь включает положительные и отрицательные оценки работы.

8. Обратная связь должна помочь ликвидировать связанные с работой недостатки.

9. За хорошую работу работники получают вознаграждения, например, повышение зарплаты и продвижение по службе.

10. Некоторые руководители часто дают негативную оценку повседневной работы подчиненных, но они забывают (forget) давать положительную оценку.

Exercise 219

Imagine (представьте себе) you are applying for a job. Translate the questions and try to find proper answers to the questions of an “interviewer”.

1. Interviewer:Tell me short about your work (professional) experience and marital status (семейное положение).

You: …..

2. I.:Why are you interested in joining our company?

Y.: …..

3. I.:Why do you feel qualified for this job?

Y.: ……

4. I.:Don’t you think you’re too young (old) for this job?

Y.: …..

5. I.:Which is more important to you: status (положение) or money?

Y.: …..

6. I.:What is your objective and what are you long–range goals?

Y.: ….

7. I.:What worries (беспокоит) you about the job you’re doing now?

Y.: .....

8. I.:Whatdo you find rewarding (стоящим) about present job?

Y.: ….

Lesson 23 Урок 23

2015-11-10 2979 Обсуждений (0)
Human Resources Управление человеческими ресурсами 4.67 из 5.00 3 оценки

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