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These tasks are for reading and comprehension the information about different aspects of human life. You should choose from the suggested varients the correct one

2015-11-20 1816 Обсуждений (0)
These tasks are for reading and comprehension the information about different aspects of human life. You should choose from the suggested varients the correct one 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

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«Астраханский государственный технический университет»


Институт Морских Технологий, энергетики и транспорта


Кафедра «Иностранные языки в инженерно-техническом образовании»




для определения уровня сформированности компетенций

для студентов (бакалавров) института ИРХБиП




к.п.н. доц. Фёдорова О.В., асс. Айналиева А.Р., ст. пр. Спехова Л.Н.


Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки в гуманитарном и естественно - научном образовании» КулеминаК.В.


Цель сборника тестов по иностранным языкам – текущий и итоговый контроль уровня сформированности иноязычных компетенций у студентов (бакалавров) института ИРБиП.

Тесты составлены в соответствии с материалами современных учебников и действующими рабочими программами дисциплин кафедры «ИЯИТО» по соответствующим направлениям технических специальностей. Все тесты направлены на проверку лексических, грамматических и специализированных терминологических навыков студентов, которыми они обладали на начальном этапе изучения языка на первом курсе и проследить динамику усовершенствования иноязычных навыков студентов на завершающем этапе.

Сборника тестов по иностранным языкам предназначен для студентов (бакалавриат) 1-2 курсов института ИРБиП, а также для широкого круга лиц изучающих иностранный язык самостоятельно.



Сборник тестов одобрен и утвержден на заседании кафедры «ИЯИТО» от «26» января 2015 г., протокол № 5



© Астраханский государственный технический университет



Предлагаемый сборник тестов по иностранным языкам рассчитан на студентов – бакалавров 1-2 курсов всех направлений института ИРХБиП, а также для широкого круга лиц изучающих иностранный язык самостоятельно. Тесты направлены на определение уровня сформированности иноязычных компетенций у студентов (бакалавров) всех специальностей института ИРБиП на начальном этапе изучения языка в техническом вузе и на завершающем этапе при проведении итогового контроля. Тесты составлены в соответствии с материалами современных учебников и действующими рабочими программами дисциплин кафедры «ИЯИТО» по соответствующим направлениям технических специальностей. Все тесты направлены на проверку лексических, грамматических и специализированных терминологических навыков студентов, которыми они обладали на начальном этапе изучения языка на первом курсе и проследить динамику усовершенствования иноязычных навыков студентов на завершающем этапе.

Для получения проходного балла или оценки «удовлетворительно» студенту следует выполнить 60% в предлагаемом тесте, если же он претендует на оценку «хорошо» - от 75 до 89% и на оценку «отлично» от 90 до 100%.

Тесты представлены в одном варианте для того, чтобы студенты поняли структуру заданий и могли повторить материал перед выполнением теста. Другие разработанные варианты тестов находятся в электронном варианте в кафедральном пользовании преподавателей кафедры «ИЯИТО».

Входной тест по английскому языку разработала к.п.н., доцент Фёдорова О.В., ассистент Айналиева А.Р. представила тесты для направлений 111400.62 "Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура", 260200.62 «Продукты питания животного происхождения», 260800.62 «Технология продукции и организация общественного питания»., ст. преподаватель Спехова Л.Н. представила тесты для направления 111500.62 «Промышленное рыболовство»



Предисловие Part I. Тесты для всех направлений ……………………………….. 1.1. ВХОДНОЙ ТЕСТ ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТОВ 1-ЫХ КУРСОВ ВСЕХ НАПРАВЛЕНИЙ ………………………………………………….. 1.2 Итоговый тест для всех направлений ИРХБиП1курс 1семестр 1.3. Итоговый тест для всех направлений ИРХБиП1 курс 2 семестр Part II. Тесты для направления111400.62 "Водные биоресурсы и аквакультура" 2.1 Итоговый тест для РВА2 курс3 семестр …………………………….…. 2.2 Итоговый тест для РВА2 курс4 семестр …………………………….…. Part III. Тесты для направления260200.62 «Продукты питания животного происхождения» …………………………………………………………………………. 3.1 Итоговый тест для 2 курса 3 семестр ……………………………………….. Part IV. Тесты для направления260800.62 «Технология продукции и организация общественного питания» ………………………………………………….. 4.1 Итоговый тест для 2 курса 3 семестр ………………………………………… 4.2 Итоговый тест для 2 курса 4 семестр ………………………………………… 4.3 Итоговый тест для 3 курса 5 семестр (профессиональный перевод).. 4.4 Итоговый тест для 3 курса 6 семестр (профессиональный перевод) …… Part V. Тесты для направления 111500.62«Промышленное рыболовство» 5.1 Итоговый тест для 1 курса 1 семестр ……………………………………….. 5.2 Итоговый тест для 1 курса 2 семестр………………………………………… 5.3 Итоговый тест для 2 курса 3 семестр (профессиональный перевод)……. 5.4 Итоговый тест для 2 курса 4 семестр (профессиональный перевод) …….. Заключение ……………………………………………………………………….. Рекомендуемая литература ………………..…………………………………….. Приложение 1 List for students to write down their answers

Part I



Part I. Tasks in this part are connected with different aspects of grammar material. Choose from A, B, C, and D which variant applies to the concreate sentence.

1. Alumni of the university ________ invited to the graduation ceremony.

A. is B. have got

C. are D. has got


2. Neither the education library nor the psychology library _______ the books that the professor recommended

A. have B. has

C. make D. took


3. Unlike Americans who seem to prefer coffee, the English _______ a great deal of tea.

A. drinks B. are drunk

C. is drinked D. drink


4.Before he let us ______ he made us ______ not to tell anybody what we had seen.

A. to go, to promise B. go, promise

C. gone, promised D. has gone, has promised

5. I ____ reading this book before I _____ to bed.

A. will finish, will go B. finish, go

C. will finish, goD. finish, will go


6. After the accident, the injured man recovered consciousness in hospital. He remembered ________ the road, but he didn’t remember ___________ down.

A. crossing, knockingB. crossed, knocked

C. being crossed, knocked D. crossing, being knocked


7. I will live in a big house with all modern conveniences, and so _______ we.

A. do B. will

C. haveD. live


8.Ireland is famous ______ its contributions _____ world literature.

A. for, in B. of, of

C. for, to D. as, for


9. He was very fond ___ his sister and meant always to take care ___ her. She was glad ____ his company too.

A. of, of, of B. for, for, of

C. of, of, withD. with, for, for


10. ____ the whole, he never said much to me, but he was never harsh ____ me. I don’t remember his ever shouting ___ me.

A. For, at, to B. In, to, at.

C. On, with, at D.On, by, ___


11. They decided to go ____ their car, and I was looking ___ our trip ____ all my heart.

A. by, upon, by B. in, forward, with

C. into, to, at D. in, forward to, with


12. A little house stood ___ the corner of the street. ___ a distance it seemed white and pink because ____ the bushes of roses surrounding it.

A. at, In, ___ B. on, On, from

C. at, At, of D. in, From, ___


13. Look? He is sleeping again! ­ – Yes, he can’t break ___ his habit of ___ a bit after dinner.

A. off, laying B. out, lying

C. with, lying D. ___, laying


14. Though it was clear that she was taken ___, she ___ no comment on it, except by a scornful movement of the lips.

A. back, made B. aback, made

C. amiss, did D. along, did


15. They looked ___ a roof to live under before the cold weather set ___.

A. for, out B. looked forward to, on

C. upon, off D. for, in

16. And he never sees what an ass he is ____ of himself, and how he is annoying a lot of people who never ___ him any harm.

A. doing, did B. making, made

C. doing, made D. making, did


17. Trafalgar Square is ___ to have been ___ about a hundred years ago.

A. said, lain B. told, lay

C. said, laid D. told, lied


18. He feels he ____ responsible. He has never got ___ well with his ___ relatives.

A. may have been, on, daughter– in – law’s

B. must be, along, daughter’s – in – law

C. might have been, ____, daughter– in – law’s

D. can’t have been, on, daughter’s – in – law


19. Are you trying to make me _____ that I need not___ grateful ____ you?

A. feel, to be, to B. feeling, be, for

C. to feel, to be, with D. feel, be, to


20. It is the first really ____ party and I ____, and I feel a little ____.

A. grown – ups, have invited, uncomfortably

B. growns – up, have invited, uncomfortable

C. grown’s – up, was invited to, uncomfortably

D. grown – up, have been invited to, uncomfortable


21. ____ evening I found a photo of ___ taken ____ after I came to live at Warley.

A. Another, me, short B. Other, mine, shortly

C. The other, myself, shortly D. The other, mine, short


22. He was the last man in world ____ by____ considerations.

A. to trouble, so B. to be troubled, so

C. being troubling, such D. to be troubled, such


23.He was so ____ in his thought that he did not ____ me enter.

A. absorbed, hear B. attracted, hear

C. attentive, listened D. seized, listened


24. A ___ of birds often fly in a “V” ____.

A. herd, size B. pack, figure

C. flock, shape D. collection, view


25. English is the _____ language of most Englishmen.

A. mother B. home

C. native D. nature


26. He has been studying physics for a year already, but he has not _____any progress.

A. done B. got

C. received D. made


27. You must ____ the word in the dictionary if you don’t know its meaning.

A. look for B. look up

C. look in D. look


28. ____ to my reading and don’t ___ to correct me if I make a mistake.

A. Hear, mind B. Attend, pause

C. Listen, hesitate D. Estimate, be afraid.


29. I think her clothes are not at all ____ for our party

A. matching B. suiting

C. identical D. suitabale


30. Unless special actions ____, the case _________.

A. won’t be taken, will be lost B. will be taken, is lost

C. are taken, will be lost D. aren’t taken, is lost


31. ___ to London? – Yes, I ____ there when there _____ an exhibition of our goods.

A. Have you ever been, was, was B. Have you ever been, have been, was C. Were you ever been, was, was D. Had you ever been, had been, had been


32. A woman who _____ in the compartment said that the place ___ by a passenger who ___ out to the diner.

A. was sitting, is taken, went B. sat, had been taken, has gone

C. was sitting, was taken, had gone D. had been sitting, had taken, went


33. You ___nothing unless you ____a microscope. It is the most interesting specimen I __________.

A. see, don’t use, ever see B. will see, don’t use, have ever seen

C. will see, use, have ever seen D. won’t see, won’t use, ever saw


34. What’s the matter? _______? – Yes, my mother __badly ill since yesterday.

A. Have you cried, is B. Have you been crying, has been

C. Did you cry, was D. Are you crying, had been


35. The fishing industry, which traditionally ___ underdeveloped, __________.

A. had been, is expanding B. has been, had expanded

C. is, had been expanding D. has been, is expanding


36. He___ to make enemies as his business ___ and he ___ more powerful.

A. began, was developing, was growingB. had begun, is developing, is growing

C. has begun, had developed, had grown D. was beginning, developed, grew


37. Look at him! He___ the same clothes for years.

A. wears B. has been wearing

C.had worn D. had been wearing


38. Rapid changes in technology in the last several decades ___ the nature of culture and cultural exchange.

A. changed B. have changed

C. had changed D. change


39. I felt I ___, but there was nobody in the sight.

A. had watched B. was watched

C. was being watched D. had been watching

40. How ___ the citizens of Babylon or Ur actually___ their bills, however, depended on who___.

A. did, pay, were they B. ___, paid, they were

C. did, pay, they were D. ___, paid, were they

Part II

These tasks are for reading and comprehension the information about different aspects of human life. You should choose from the suggested varients the correct one.


41. Look through what these holidaymakers are talking about their holidays in North America. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to the content.


We stopped off in Quebec to do a bit of sightseeing, and we had half a day to spare before going on to North Hatley. And we were in the old town and it’s terrible really because they still have the old streets with rocks, you know, what you call it, cobbles. Well, it was really difficult to walk and I turned my ankle. I knew something was wrong because it was really difficult to walk. Oh, it was awful. And we kept stopping people and asking for help, but no one seemed to understand us.


A. This holidaymaker spent too much money.

B. This holidaymaker did not do any sightseeing.

C. This holidaymaker had an accident.

D. This holidaymaker’s luggage was lost.


42. Look through what this teacher is talking about his work. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to the content.


I’ve been teaching Maths for thirty five years and, naturally, I’ve seen a lot of changes in that time. I’ve attended a number of in – service training courses to make sure I’m up to date with all the new methods. And, of course, it’s the computer era now so that’s taken quite a lot of getting used to. I have to admit, my students seem to know a lot more about them than I do!


A. This teacher advises colleagues on new methods.

B. This teacher has been on several courses.

C. This teacher does experiments in class

D. This teacher takes the students on educational trips.


43. Look through the description of the hotel and the holidays they offer. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to this hotel.

This hotel is situated in the heart of historic London. It is an ideal base for visiting the sights such as the Tower of London or Madam Tussaud’s, and day trips can be arranged at the customer assistance desk situated in the hotel foyer. It is also an ideal base for visiting the stores, being within easy walking distance of Oxford Street, Regent Street and Harrods itself. In the evenings, the hotel is able to offer customers the chance to visit some famous London shows such as The phantom of the Opera and Cats.


A. This hotel is for people who want to go shopping and sightseeing.

B. This hotel is for people who enjoy sailing and scuba diving.

C. This hotel is for people keen on fishing and hunting.

D. This hotel is for people who want to visit places of historical interest.


Part III. These sentences are for translation in writing.

· Translate the sentences from English into Russian in writing

(Tasks from 44-48)

44. I have no doubts of your being right, that’s why I’m going to speak in favour of your suggestion.

45. Frankly speaking I have no idea of his plans. I think he hasn’t made up his mind yet.

46. She rushed out of the room trying to hide the letter from him.

47. What measures have been taken to make profit?

48. Though he realized that his speech was a failure, he kept on speaking.

· Translate the sentences from Russian into English in writing

(Tasks from 49 to 51)

49. Я думаю, вам следовало тогда извиниться перед ними.

50. Я видел, что какой-то человек проходил мимо, но я не посмотрел на него.

51. Раньше люди считали, что Солнце вращается вокруг Земли.

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These tasks are for reading and comprehension the information about different aspects of human life. You should choose from the suggested varients the correct one 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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