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Read the text and fill in the gaps with the derivatives of the given words. (task from 36-40)

2015-11-20 1453 Обсуждений (0)
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the derivatives of the given words. (task from 36-40) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


In 332 BC Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, (36) ___ Egypt. In 305 BC Alexander's general Ptolemy

became king of Egypt, and for almost 300 years his descendants, the Ptolemies, ruled Egypt. Although Ptolemy was

Macedonian by birth and the Ptolemies remained (37) ___ to Greek culture, they were responsible for one of the greatest periods of building and decorating temples in Egypt.

The Ptolemies did so to win (38) ___ for their rule from their Egyptian subjects. The Ptolemaic dynasty ended when Cleopatn, queen of Egypt, (39) ___ suicide after the Romans defeated her forces at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. The Roman victory marked the end of ancient Egypt as an (40) ___ power.


36. A conquered C conquering B conquer D conquest

37. A ties C tier B tied D tiring

38. A accept C acceptance B accepted D acceptability

39. A commitment C committing B committed D committal

40. A depend C independent B independence D depending


Translate the sentences from English into Russian. (task 41-45)

41. The cost of education at these universities was so high that only the sons of the wealthier classes could afford to attend.

42. One goal of current research is elucidation of the basic environmental functions of the ecosystem in reservoirs, which are important for water quality management and water supply.

43. To be a major player in the field of life sciences, focusing on the core disciplines: biology, food and environmental science, land use and natural resource management as well as associated aesthetic and technical subjects.

44. Rose had published his own study a year earlier arguing that fish cannot feel pain as they lack the appropriate neocortex in the brain.

45. For serology, bacteriology and virology blood should be taken without anticoagulants.

Translate the sentence from Russian into English. (task 46-50)

46. В России промысловые рыбы разделяются на красную, к которой относят осетровых, а иногда и лосося с белорыбицей, и частиковую, под которой разумеют рыбу всех других пород.

47. Фрукты полезны для здоровья. Сегодня на десерт фрукты и мороженое.

48. Рыбу сортируют, моют, удаляют чешую, разделывают (удаляют голову, плавники, хвост, внутренности) и порционируют, если рыба большая.

49. В каждой семье есть свои секреты. Кому ты можешь доверить свои?

50. В год примерно производится 500 тонн живой форели.

Part III

Тесты для направления 260200.62 «Продукты питания животного происхождения»

Итоговый тест для 2 курса 3 семестр

Part 1

1. You look rather tired. You are unlikely ___ the work in time. You had better ___ home now. It is not worth ___ for another several hours.

A to have finished, going, working

B to finish, go, working

C to have been finishing, to go, to work

D to be finishing, be going, be working


2. He is afraid ___to Mrs. Priestly. In his place I would rather ___her. He may depend on her ___ the problem properly.

A of speaking, trusting, understanding

B to speak, trust, understanding

C of speaking, to trust, understanding

D to speak, to trust, to understand


3. Let her ___ it herself. She is considered ___ a careful researcher and can't stand ___ .

A do, being, to be helped

B to do, to be, to help

C doing, being, helping

D do, to be, being helped


4. On ___ that she had just come in, he sent a maid to her room ___ her to go down though he realized that it was no use ___ to her again.

A telling, asking, to speak

B being told, to ask, speaking

C having told, to have asked, to have spoken

D being having told, to ask, speaking


5. ___ her about my problems I was ashamed ___ such a great mistake and did not mind ___ the subject but she kept ___ about my family and me.

A Having told, at having made, changing, talking

B To have told, to make, to change, to talk

C Telling, to have made, to have changed, on talking

D On telling, making, having changed, be talking


6. On the last night of my restraint, I was awakened ___ my own name ___ in a whisper.

A to hear, having spoken

B by hearing, spoken

C having heard, to speak

D on hearing, to be spoken


7. It is silly of me, but I'd rather they ___ Aubrey.

A did not prosecute

C would not prosecute

B not prosecuted ___

D will not prosecute


8. Robert hated ___ Simon ___ he couldn't answer any of his questions.

A to let, to know

C to let, knowing

B letting, to know

D letting, know


9. As a result, the British gave up ___ India and focused ___ efficiently while ___ in tandem with traditional elements of Indian society.

A trying to anglicize, on governing, work

B a try to anglicize, to govern, working

C trying to anglicize, on governing, working

D to try anglicizing, at governing, work


10. The damage ___ to the house was extensive and he got them ___ for it.

A having made, pay

B done, to pay

C having done, pay

D made, to pay


11. Grace sat ___ for a few minutes, then got her heavy coat and went down ___ at the cottage.

A to think, looking

B thinking, to look

C having thought, having seen

D think, look


12. She remembered ___ at the remark.

A to be surprised ___

C surprising

B to surprise ___

D being surprised


13. ___ of the Cape Colony from the Dutch during the Napoleonic Wars allowed the British ___ a strong presence in southern Africa.

A Acquiring, establishing

B The acquisition, to establish

C Having acquired, establishing

D Acquired, to establish


14. As a result, the British gave up ___ India and focused ___ efficiently.

A to try anglicizing, to govern

B trying anglicizing, on governing

C trying to anglicize, on governing

D trying anglicizing, to govern


15. Native art seems ___ during the period of English domination in the 19th century.

A to disappear

B being disappeared

C disappearing

D to have disappeared


16. The mercury thermometer ___ by ___?

a have been invented, Anders Ceisius

b has invented, Freddie Mercury

c was invented, Gabriel Fahrenheit

d is invented, Baron Kelvin


17. Did __ ___ the first scissors?

a ancient Egyptians, make

b ancient Greeks, makes

c ancient Chinese, is made

d ancient Koreans, made


18. He has a diploma in --- and now he repairs equipment.

a electron

b electronics

c electronic

d electricity


19. A light ___ contains ___ gas.

a bulb, oxygen

b bulbs, nitrogen

c bulb, argon

d bulbs, kryphon


20. This type of bread is light brown in colour.

a whale meal

b wholemeal

c hole meal

d what meal


21. You use this when you smoke a cigarette.

a ashtray

b cash box

c vase

d pocket


22. A thin, flat piece of something.

a sheet

b bite

c chunk

d slice


23. He had a good ___ at the restaurant his friend recommended.

a dinner

b meals

c dinning

d mile


24. She served the food on a very pretty ___.

a dishes

b plates

c dash

d plate


25. For my ___ I`ll have the mushroom soup.

a starts

b starter

c finish

d finishes


26. It`s the organ that helps fish maintain buoyancy in water.

a gills

b swim bladder

c fin

d pump


27. It`s the system whose main function is breathing and gas exchange.

a respiratory

b nervous

c circulatory

d excretory


28. This organ makes bile, processes toxins, and stores glycogen ___.

a liver

b kidney

c mouth

d caeca


29. It`s the system that removes wastes.

a digestive

b nervous

c circulatory

d excretory


30. It`s the system that breaks down and processes proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

a digestive

b nervous

c circulatory

d excretory


Part 2.

2015-11-20 1453 Обсуждений (0)
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the derivatives of the given words. (task from 36-40) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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