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Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки

2015-11-23 1646 Обсуждений (0)
Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Mr. James Julia




(1)--- : (2)----

From : Scott Hent

Date : October 14, 2010

Subject : (3) ----

It’s with somewhat of a heavy heart that I am submitting my written notice of resignation from Honeywell effective two weeks from today. My last day will be 11/29/10.

The past few weeks have been a difficult time for me as I deliberated the direction of my career and whether it would be best served staying with Honeywell or moving to a new position with a new employer. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have, but I am not comfortable discussing my new position at this time.




Jack Bowers

Anita Wheeler


To : (1) --- Sales Dept.

(2)--- : Dolly Dean, Production Manager

Date : 31 May

Subject : (3) ---

I am fed up with Bowers. He doesn’t care about his job. He doesn’t get along with the other people in the office. I cannot count on him to be on time – or even to work at all.

The point of all this is that the Personnel Department can start interviewing people, because there’s going to be a job opening in the Sales Department very soon.

(4) ---

Напишите письма, используя следующие предложения.

- As a manufacturer of electrical household equipment write a letter offering a new model of carpet cleaner. Explain its advantages and stress that prices are lower than those of competing cleaners.

- Your company finds it is necessary to raise its prices. Write advising your customers about the decision. Give your reasons and details.

10. Напишите ответы на жалобы:

- The Western Oil Co. received a complaint that there was a shortage of 20.000 tons of oil in the latest delivery. Inform the customer that you will look into this matter and will inform him about the results.

- Fortuna received a complaint about the delay in dispatch of tinned ham. Explain the reason of the delay and assure that the goods will be dispatched as soon as possible.

Напишите ответ на следующее письмо.

Dear Sirs,

We have been informed that two boxes with 397 shirts will be shipped per S/S Odra today. Unfortunately we were not given the number of the boxes, which we must have for the Customers in the Boston.

We would be grateful for a quick reply,

Yours faithfully,

Marta Johnson

Переведите следующие письма на английский язык.

1) Уважаемые господа!

Мы получили Ваше письмо от 15 июля сего года и благодарим Вас за него.

Искренне Ваши,


2) Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за Ваше письмо от 14.03.

В соответствии с Вашей просьбой, с удовольствием высылаем Вам, отдельным пакетом, наш последний иллюстрированный каталог тканей.

Надеемся, этот каталог Вас заинтересует.

Искренне Ваши,


3) Уважаемые господа,

Мы пишем Вам касательно наших недавних переговоров в Лондоне с Вашим представителем г-ном Соколовым касательно возможных поставок в Вашу страну конторского оборудования.

Для того чтобы исследовать вопрос более детально, наш управляющий г-н Максвелл готов приехать в Санкт-Петербург в начале сентября и провести личные переговоры с Вашими представителями.

По предложению г-на Соколова, мы прилагаем список пунктов, которые мы бы хотели обсудить во время визита г-на Максвелла.

Ждем Вашего ответа.

Искренне Ваши,


4) Уважаемые господа!

Мы воспользовались «Справочником бизнесмена» для того, чтобы получить адрес Вашей фирмы. Сообщаем Вам о том, что мы являемся фирмой, импортирующей копировальную технику, в частности, факсы, в Россию.

Мы были бы очень признательны, если бы Вы с обратной почтой выслали нам цены на различные типы предлагаемых Вами факсов, а также сообщили нам о сроках поставки.

Заранее благодарим за быстрый ответ.

С уважением,


5) Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за запрос от 4 августа, из которого мы узнали, что Вы заинтересованы в продукции нашей кондитерской фабрики. С удовольствием прилагаем к этому письму наш прейскурант цен. Цены указаны без торговых скидок. Отдельно Вы получите каталог продукции нашей фабрики в трех экземплярах.

Надеемся, что наше предложение понравится Вам. С интересом ждем Вашего ответа.

Искренне Ваши,


6) Уважаемые господа!

Посылаем Вам заказ № 6754, который должен быть выполнен в соответствии с приложенными общими условиями.

С уважением,


Вы знаете, когда появился интернет? Кто изобрел электронную почту? Что такое телекс? Кто придумал факс? Прочитайте и переведите следующие тексты на русский язык, в них вы найдете ответы на все эти вопросы. Выполните задания к текстам.

Internet History

The Internet has become such an integral part of our lives, with such powerful capabilities, that it is easy to forget that this technological marvel was created by the long, hard, dedicated efforts of human beings – folks who had a vision of what universal networking could become and worked to make it happen.

The Internet (or internet) is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support email.

The history of the Internet began with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s. The public was first introduced to the Internet when a message was sent from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock’s laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles, after the second piece of network equipment was installed at Stanford Research Institute. This connection not only enabled the first transmission to be made, but is also considered to be the first Internet backbone. This began the point-to-point communication between mainframe computers and terminals, expanded to point-to-point connections between computers, and then early research into packet switching. Packet switched networks such as ARPANET, Mark I at NPL in the UK, CYCLADES, Merit Network, Tymnet, and Telenet, were developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s using a variety of protocols. The ARPANET in particular led to the development of protocols for internetworking, where multiple separate networks could be joined together into a network of networks.

In 1982, the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) was standardized, and consequently, the concept of a world-wide network of interconnected TCP/IP networks, called the Internet, was introduced. Access to the ARPANET was expanded in 1981 when the National Science Foundation (NSF) developed the Computer Science Network (CSNET) and again in 1986 when NSFNET provided access to supercomputer sites in the United States from research and education organizations. Commercial Internet service providers (ISPs) began to emerge in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990. The Internet was commercialized in 1995 when NSFNET was decommissioned, removing the last restrictions on the use of the Internet to carry commercial traffic.

Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has had a revolutionary impact on culture and commerce, including the near-instant communication by electronic mail, instant messaging, Voice over Internet Protocol “phone calls”, two-way interactive video calls, and the World Wide Web with its discussion forums, blogs, social networking, and online shopping sites. The research and education community continues to develop and use advanced networks such as NSF’s very high speed Backbone Network Service, and National Lambda Rail. Increasing amounts of data are transmitted at higher and higher speeds over fiber optic networks operating at 1-Gbit/s, 10-Gbit/s, or more. The Internet’s takeover the global communication landscape was almost instant in historical terms: it only communicated 1% of the information flowing through two-way telecommunications networks in the year 1993, already 51 % by 2000, and more than 97 % of the telecommunicated information by 2007. Today the Internet continues to grow, driven by ever greater amounts of online commerce, entertainment, and social networking.

1. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим словам и выражениям:

Powerful capabilities, technological marvel, integral part, access to computer sites, universal networking, extensive range, human beings, global system, research institute, inter-linked hypertext documents, service providers, information resources and services, near-instant communication, entertainment, to send a message.

2015-11-23 1646 Обсуждений (0)
Выберите слова или словосочетания для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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