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Drill Ask to repeat the following statements using general questions. (Sorry, is this a new exercise-book?)

2015-11-27 838 Обсуждений (0)
Drill Ask to repeat the following statements using general questions. (Sorry, is this a new exercise-book?) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. This is a large park. 2. This is an interesting book. 3. This is Peter's brother. 4. This is her younger sister. 5. This is their new flat.



Unit 3. PEN

[е]- монофтонг переднего ряда среднего подъема узкой разновидности, краткий нелабиализованный. При произнесении [е] язык находится в передней части полости рта, кончик языка – у основания нижних зубов, средняя часть языка поднята к твердому небу, губы слегка растянуты. По сравнению с русским [э] звук более передний и закрытый.

Немного растягивайте губы при произнесении звука (контролируйте артикуляцию с помощью зеркальца). Не открывайте широко рот.

1. Listen and repeat:

pin-pen, bin-Ben, tin-ten, pig-peg, Bill-bell, chicks-cheques.


2. Listen and repeat:

any, everybody, everything, Eddie, Ellen, spend, friend, left, shelf, ten pence, Jenny, jealous, America, expensive, cigarettes, help, yourself.


3. Dialogue. An expensive holiday

Eddie: Hello, Ellen! Hello, Ben! Hello, Jenny!

Ben: Hello, Eddie! Have a cigarette.

Eddie: Thanks, Ben.

Ellen: Help yourself to whisky.

Jenny: It’s on the shelf.

Ben: How did you spend your holiday, Eddie?

Eddie: I went to America with a friend.

Everybody: Well!

Ellen: We’re all jealous.

Ben: Was it expensive?

Eddie: Yes. Very. I’ve spent everything.

Jenny: Haven’t you any money left?

Eddie: Yes, Jenny. Ten pence.

4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

The shells she sells are surely seashells.

So if she sells shells on the seashore,

I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.

Betty better butter Brad's bread.


Of all the felt I ever felt,

I never felt a piece of felt

Which felt as fine as that felt felt,

When first I felt that felt hat's felt.

Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.


5. DrillRead the following sentences. Intonation of statements.

Категоричные, спокойные, серьезные, рассудительные утверждения обычно произносятся низким нисходящим тоном.

1. Ann is a University student.

2. She has two brothers.

3. Mary is almost twenty.

4. My mother is a housewife.

5. They both came from quite large families.


6. Drill. Use Low Fall in the replies.

1. What's your name? 2. How old are you? 3. When is your birthday? 4. Have you a large family? 5. How many sisters have you?



Unit 4.MAN

[ æ ] – полудолгий нелабиализованный монофтонг переднего ряда низкого подъема широкой разновидности. При произнесении [æ] рот широко открыт, язык находится в передней части полости рта, кончик языка – у основания нижних зубов, язык плоско лежит во рту, средняя часть его несколько приподнята. Губы слегка растянуты. Подобного звука в русском языке нет.

Удлиняйте немного звук перед звонкими согласными. Произносите звук кратко перед глухими согласными.


1. Listen and repeat:

x-axe, pen-pan, men-man, said-sad, beg-bag, bread-Brad.


2. Listen and repeat:

apple, perhaps, passenger, hijacker, jacket, black slacks, Anne, Amsterdam, Alice, Miss Allen, camera, lavatory, traveling, handbag, left, hand, Miss Bradley.


3. Dialogue. A bad hijacker

A: Alice! Perhaps that passenger is a hijacker!

B: Which passenger, Anne ? That sad man with the camera? He’s wearing black slacks and a jacket.

A: No. That fat lady with the big black handbag in her left hand.

B: Is she standing next to the lavatory?

A: Yes. She is traveling to Amsterdam.

B: You’re mad, Ann. I don’t understand.

A: You see, when she went into the lavatory she didn’t have that handbag in her hand, and now she’s…

Fat lady: EVERYBODY STAND! I’m a hijacker. And in this handbag I have a …


4. Stress. Listen and repeat:

perhaps, below, about, beginning, conversation, camera, family, apple, jacket, handbag, sandwich, practice, passenger, pictures, waiting, airport, woman, cricket bat, aeroplane, hijacker.

5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Flash message!

Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

Swan swam over the sea,

Swim, swan, swim!

Swan swam back again

Well swum, swan!

He that hatches matches hatches catches.



Unit 5. CUP

[ ] — монофтонг смешанного ряда среднего подъема широкой разновидности, краткий нелабиализованный. При произнесении этого звука рот полуоткрыт, губы нейтральны, язык несколько отодвинут назад, задняя спинка языка слегка приподнята. Английский звук более задний и более краткий, чем русское [а].

Произносите звук отрывисто, как бы сквозь зубы. Следите за тем, чтобы рот не открывался так широко, как при русском [а]. Удлиняйте слогообразующий [n] в конце слов.


1. Listen and repeat:

cap-cup, hat-hut, sack-suck, ban-bun, bag-bug, hag-hug.


2. Listen and repeat:

ugly, untrue, unhappy, understand, shut up, just, once, must, much, lunch, Sunny, cousin Russ, love, lovely, honey, worry, company, wonderful.


3. Dialogue. I love you

Russ: Honey, why are you so sad? Honey, why are you so unhappy? I don’t understand.

Janet: You don’t love me, Russ!

Russ: But, honey, I love you very much.

Janet: That’s untrue. You love my cousin, Sunny. You think she’s lovely and I’m ugly.

Russ: Janet, just once last month I took Sunny out for lunch. You mustn’t worry. I like your company much better than Sunny’s.

Janet: Oh, shut up, Russ.

Russ: But, honey, I think you’re wonderful! You mustn’t…

Janet: Oh, shut up!


4. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Two Truckee truckers truculently truckling

to have truck to truck two trucks of truck.

Double bubble gum bubbles double.

I wonder why my cousin doesn’t have a proper cup of coffee in a proper coffee cup.


2015-11-27 838 Обсуждений (0)
Drill Ask to repeat the following statements using general questions. (Sorry, is this a new exercise-book?) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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