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Dialogue 1. Job Interview

2015-12-15 501 Обсуждений (0)
Dialogue 1. Job Interview 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

- Tutin and Company. Can I help you?

- Hello, can I speak to Regional Recruiting Manager, please?

- Just one moment, I’ll put you through.

- Yes, Jameson, Business Development Department.

- Oh, eh… hello, is … is this Regional Recruiting Manager?

- Sorry? No, no, this is Business Development Manager. You’ve got the wrong extension. You need a different number. It’s 684.

- Oh, um…, well, can you connect me back through the switchboard, please?

- Well, I’ll try…

- Hello?

- Tutin and Company. Can I help you?

- Yes, I’d like to speak to Regional Recruiting Manager, please?

- Putting you through.

- Regional Recruiting Department.

- Is that Regional Recruiting Manager?

- Er… no.

- Oh,er… I’m trying to get hold of Regional Recruiting Manager.

- Oh, yes, just a moment. You need Mr. Burton.

- Burton here.

- Good morning, Mr. Burton. This is Mr. Smith…James Smith. I’ve read your job ads in the Internet and sent my resume by e-mail, but there was no answer.

- Sorry about that. The fact is, my predecessor got a promotion and I’ve been in this position only a couple of days. Let me see… Mr. Smith, yes, right. You’re obviously eager to get the job of the Outside Sales Accountant Executive.

- Yes, I am.

- That’s very good. I’m looking through your CV. It’s impressive. Could you tell me a little bit about your education and work experience?

- Oh, yes, right. Well, I left school at 18 and then I did a two-year course at Winchester Technical College. Then I was offered the job of an office assistant at Botton Engineering. A year later I was promoted to a secretary to Sales Director. I stayed there for two years and then moved on to my present company. That’s Foods Company. I’m working with Export Manager.

- That’s all very interesting. Now tell me a little bit about the work you’re doing at present.

- Well, my work with the company involves responsibility for giving instructions to junior staff and dealing with clients and suppliers in person and on the telephone.

- Why do you want to leave your present job? What makes you think you’d enjoy working with us?

- I like my present employers, you know. They are a small good company, but I’d like my work to be more challenging. I mean now I have routine secretarial work. I’d like to move on hopefully to a job that gives me more opportunity. So I can use my initiative.

- Now let me ask you a question we ask all our candidates. What are your strengths? What are you good at?

- My strengths? I think my ability to work with different types of people, first of all, and besides I have some experience in dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds. Then I have patience, good sense of humour and communicational skills.

- Right. What about your weaknesses?

- My weaknesses? I don’t know… My colleagues find me too persistent but I think that helps me in achieving good results.

- Mmm, interesting! A final question. May be a difficult one. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

- Well yes, that’s a difficult question to answer, let’s just say I plan to gain experience and learn new skills. And I hope to move up to a position with more responsibility and challenging tasks.

- Right, well, time is pressing on, I’m afraid, so thank you very much for calling and we’ll be in touch with you before the end of the week. You’ll be asked to come in person.

- Thank you.

- Good-bye.

- Bye.


B. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences:

work experience do promote deal in person move on be good at achieve good results involve


1. My previous job _____ dealing with clients and managing a team of 20 people.

2. I’m eager to get this job, because I’d like to work with clients ______ and on the phone.

3. After graduating from the University I ______ a two-year full-time course.

4. Looking at your CV, I found out that you have a rich ______. Why do you want to work with us?

5. At University I ______ French, Maths, Chemistry, and Physics.

6. He finished his probationary period and _____.

7. I get along well with people. I’m used ______ with people from all walks of life.

8. I stayed there for two years and then ______ to my present company.

9. I’m going to do a course in Economics and I hope this will help me _____.

C. Match up

1. I’m trying to get hold of Mr. Burton a) На этот вопрос трудно ответить.
2. to send a CV by e-mail б) получить продвижение по службе
3. to get a promotion с) иметь способности к чему-либо
4. to do a two-year course d) Я пытаюсь связаться с мистером Бертоном.
5. to move on to a position e) инструктировать кого-либо
6. to give instructions to smb f) послать резюме по электронной почте
7. junior staff g) лично
8. to deal with smth or smb h) Время поджимает.
9. in person i) пройти двухлетний курс обучения
10. I’d like my work to be more challenging j) приобрести опыт
11. to be good at k) подчиненные
12. That’s a difficult question to answer l) продвинуть на должность
13. to gain experience m) иметь дело с чем-либо, кем-либо
14. Time is pressing on n) Я бы хотел(а), чтобы моя работа требовала большей отдачи.

D. Translate into English:

1. Здравствуйте! Могу я поговорить с Элем Монтгомери? 2. Вы ошиблись номером. 3. Извините, меня не было вчера в городе, поэтому я не смог связаться с Вами. 4. Вы принесли резюме лично или послали его по электронной почте? 5. Мой предшественник занимал этот пост в течение пяти лет, затем он ушел на пенсию, а я получил повышение. 6. Я бы хотела получить работу секретаря в вашей компании, потому что я считаю, что умею общаться с клиентами и поставщиками по телефону. 7. Когда я просматривал Ваше резюме, я заметил, что у Вас богатый опыт работы в нашей сфере деятельности. 8. Я прошел годичный курс обучения по дисциплине «Управление кадрами». 9. В 2003 году мне предложили пост директора по продажам. 10. Моя настоящая работа предполагает структурирование подчиненных по экономическим вопросам. 11. Я бы хотела перейти на работу, которая бы потребовала бы от меня большой отдачи. 12. У меня хорошо получается работать в команде, так как я всегда прислушиваюсь к мнению людей, с которыми я работаю. 13. На этот вопрос очень трудно ответить, но я думаю, к сильным сторонам моего характера относятся коммуникабельность, трудолюбие и способность собраться в критической ситуации. 14. Работая в Вашей компании, я надеюсь получить новый опыт и овладеть новыми навыками. 15. Боюсь, время поджимает. Мы обсудим Вашу кандидатуру и свяжемся с Вами в конце недели.

2015-12-15 501 Обсуждений (0)
Dialogue 1. Job Interview 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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