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Wood Technologist Career Description

2018-07-06 410 Обсуждений (0)
Wood Technologist Career Description 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Many different processes are used to convert a tree into a saleable product in the form of sawn timber, plywood, particleboard or treated poles. Wood technologists play an important role in all these processes.

What am I going to do in this occupation?


The wood technologist, using academic and practical training as well as product and process knowledge, provides the knowledge, experience and skills needed to manage the conversion processes effectively. The trained technologist can practice this occupation in various fields in the timber processing and related industries, namely: primary processing (timber treating, plywood manufacture, fibre and particle board manufacture and sawmilling), secondary processing (furniture, joinery, building and timber construction) and others (research, marketing, labour and training).


The work in which the wood technologist can be involved, include:

» The obtaining of raw materials, principally timber.


» The preparation, storage and control of raw materials.


» The efficient and cost-effective conversion of these raw materials into saleable products.


» Transport within and outside the processing plants.

» The efficient storage and control of finished products.

» The marketing of diverse products.


» Management of staff, costs, product quality and safety.

» Equipment and plant maintenance.

» In-service training of staff and workers.

» In-company, industrial and scientific research.



What kind of personality do I need? The prospective wood technologist should enjoy working with wood and timber products, and should therefore like technical subjects and working with people.

Where can I work?


The wood technologist can find work in nearly all businesses that use wood as a raw or semi-processed material such as sawmills, plywood plants, pre-treating plants, timber housing companies and similar businesses. Wood technologists start working as operators, assistants and supervisors within the various plants, eventually progressing to more senior management positions as they become more experienced. This they can do throughout the world.


Can I work for myself in this occupation?


Many opportunities do exist for wood technologists to start their own business once they have acquired a few years of practical experience working in industry.


Электронный архив УГЛТУ




Электронный архив УГЛТУ


2018-07-06 410 Обсуждений (0)
Wood Technologist Career Description 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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