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Mechanical Engineer Career Description

2018-07-06 478 Обсуждений (0)
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Mechanical engineers develop, implement, manufacture and maintain machines, machine components and systems in various fields to enhance quality of life.


What am I going to do in this occupation?


Mechanical engineering applies the principles of natural science and mechanics in a way that leads to greater convenience, progress and safety of mankind. Mechanical engineers usually specialize in one of the following fields:




Transportation includes Aeronautical, Automotive and Marine Engineering and is involved with the development of equipment like aircraft, helicopters, missiles, ships, motor cars, trains, as well as propulsion systems such as the gas turbines and petrol and diesel engines.


Power generation


Engineers in this field attempt to provide in the ever increasing energy requirements of population. It requires the effective use of limited natural resources to provide energy with limited environmental impact.




By providing modern equipment like threshing machines, tractors, harvesters and milking machines for food producers, engineers in this field assist in the economic production of food.




Mechanical engineers are involved in both surface and underground mining. Pumping plants, winding equipment, ventilation fans, conveyer belts, drilling machines and trackless mining equipment are a few of the devices which involves the input of mechanical engineers.


Environmental engineering


Mechanical engineers create the controlled environment that humans need in order to work safely and comfortably. Factors such as humidity, temperature and cleanliness of the air in the workplace are monitored, adjusted and controlled by these engineers.




Mechanical engineers play a major role in all industrial and manufacturing processes and in the equipment used, including machine tools and robotic devices.


Petrochemical industry


Petrochemical plants largely consist of machines such as compressors, pumps, boilers and material handling systems.


Industrial engineering


Mechanical engineers also play a major role in industrial processes such as production technology and quality control.


Mechanical engineers usually work in offices where computers play a major role in planning, designing, modeling and testing of systems. The work also requires


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on-site inspections, co-ordination and follow-up to ensure any new system complies with the requirements given.




What kind of personality do I need? Prospective mechanical engineers must have above-average intelligence, the ability to see and interpret a drawing three dimensionally and the ability to make difficult calculations. They should also have perseverance. Solutions do not always emerge at the first attempt and their


projects could take years before they are finished. They must be persons of high integrity. In order to be promoted to management level the engineer must develop good leadership and coordinating skills. Engineers with good management skills can progress to the top positions in the company.


Where can I work?


Government departments also offer employment to mechanical engineers in various positions. Positions at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) mainly involve research and development. Bursaries are available from many of these institutions.


Can I work for myself in this occupation?


Registered mechanical engineers with the necessary experience and initiative can work as consultants in any of the above-mentioned organizations. They can also start their own manufacturing engineering companies.




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Электронный архив УГЛТУ


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2018-07-06 478 Обсуждений (0)
Mechanical Engineer Career Description 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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