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делового документа (a-d)

2018-07-06 389 Обсуждений (0)
делового документа (a-d) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


a. Letter of enquiry / request

b. Memo

c. CV

d. Contract



Задание 9. Расположите фразы телефонных разговоров (Dialogue №1, Dialogue №2) в правильном порядке и переведите диалоги на русский язык:


      Dialogue №1  
A:   1. Good morning. Could you tell me when I can meet Mr. Brown,  
  2. Thank you. Good bye.  
A:   3. Yes, please. Could you ask him to call this number 102 3468 as  
    soon as possible.  
    4. Good morning. Mr. Brown’s secretary speaking.  
  5. I’m sorry, he isn’t. Today he won’t be back till 4 o’clock. Can I  
B:   take a message?  
    6. Is he available at the moment?  
  7. On Tuesday, at 11 o’clock.  
B:   8. Certainly.  



      Электронный архив УГЛТУ  
        Dialogue №2  
A:   1. No, it isn’t urgent. Is the day after tomorrow possible?  
    2. That’s perfect, thank you. Good bye.  
  3. Tomorrow, if possible.  
A:   4. Good morning Mr. Brown. I’ll get his diary. When would you like  
    to come?  
    5. This is Mr. Brown speaking. I’d like to make an appointment with  
  Mr. Bell.  
B:   6. I’m sorry, it’s full too. What about Friday at 5 o’clock?  
    7. I’m afraid he’ll not be in. Is it urgent?  


Задание 10. Раскройте скобки, употребив либо to перед глаголом, либо ingпосле глагола,и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. I hope (go) to university next year. ( ) →



2. I enjoy (dance). ( ) →



3. I don’t mind (be) alone. ( ) →




4. You forgot (switch off) the light when you went out. ( ) →



5. Are you interested in (work) for us? ( ) →




6. I’ve always dreamed of (be) rich. ( ) →



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7. How often do you go (swim). ( ) →



8. Do you think this book is worth (read)? ( ) →




Задание 11.


a. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на конструкцию сложное дополнение(Complex Object):

1. My brother wanted me to bring him a book. →


2. I like her to sing. →


3. Mother made me eat the soup. →


4. I expect her to send me a letter. →


5. I saw him drop his bag. →


6. We heard them shut the door. →


б. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на конструкцию сложное подлежащее(Complex Subject):

1. You are supposed to graduate in four years. →


2. He is said to be a good translator. →


3. This work seems to take much time. →


4. His office turned out to be in one of the back streets. →



Электронный архив УГЛТУ


5. The article is likely to appear in the next issue. →


6. He is sure to be back soon. →



Задание 12. Выберите требующуюся форму причастия (Participle Iили

Participle II) и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Everybody looked at the dancing/danced girl. →


2. She put a plate of frying/fried fish in front of me. →


3. The floor washing/washed by Helen looked very clean. →


4. The girl washing/washed the floor is my sister. →


5. The man playing/played the piano is Kate’s uncle. →


6. The coat buying/bought last year is too small for me. →



Задание 13. Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите форму выделенных причастий (Present Participle Active, PerfectParticiple Active, Present Participle Passive, Perfect Participle Passive):

1. Doing his homework, he was thinking hard. ( )




2. Having done his homework, he went for a walk. ( )



3. Being examined, the boy could not help crying. ( )





4. Having sold all fruit, he went to see his friends. ( )





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5. Having been shownthe wrong direction, the travelers soon lost their way.







6. Selling fruit, he looked back from time to time. ( )



Задание 14. Раскройте скобки, образуя условные предложения I, II и

III типов, и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. If the weather is fine, we (to play) outside. ( )



If the weather were fine, we (to play) outside. ( )



If the weather had been fine, we (to play) outside. ( )



2. If he lives in London he (to visit) the museums every month. ( )



If he lived in London, he (to visit) the museums every month. ( )



If he had lived in London, he (to visit) the museums every month. ( )




Задание 15.

A. Соедините части предложений (1-5) и (a-e) и переведите полученные

предложения на русский язык:  
1. He doesn’t like her, a. but I didn’t read it.
2. I bought a newspaper, b. or are you tired?
3. It was too hot, c. because the water wasn’t clean.
4. We didn’t go swimming, d. and she doesn’t like him.
5. Do you want to play tennis e. so I opened the window.





Электронный архив УГЛТУ








Б. Соедините части предложений (1-5) и (a-e) и переведите полученные

предложения на русский язык:  
1. A thief is a person…….. a. which was on the wall?
2. Where is the picture….. b. (that) you wanted?
3. I don’t like people……. c. (who) you spoke to?
4. Did you find the book…. d. who never stop talking.
5. What’s the name of the woman… e. who steals things.



2. ______________________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________________




5. ______________________________________________________________


2018-07-06 389 Обсуждений (0)
делового документа (a-d) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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