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2015-11-27 858 Обсуждений (0)

  1. Глаголы, не имеющие предлога в английском языке:


to affect -   влиять на
to answer -   отвечать на
to attend -   присутствовать на
to follow -   следовать за
to join -   присоединяться к


  1. The seminar was attended by a famous scientist.
  2. His lectures are always followed by heated discussions.
  3. Our questions will be answered next lecture.
  4. The low crops were affected by the cold.
  5. The research Institute will be joined by scientists from other areas of research.


B.Глаголы, имеющие предлог в английском и русском языке.


to refer to -   ссылаться на
to rely on/upon -   полагаться на
to work at -   работать над
to send for -   посылать за
to think of -   думать о
to deal with -   иметь дело с
to speak about -   говорить о


  1. His works are often referredto.

На его работы часто ссылаются.

  1. The doctor was sent for.

За доктором послали.

  1. This film will be much spoken about.

Об этом фильме будут много говорить

  1. She can always be reliedupon.

На нее всегда можно положиться.


С. Глаголы, не имеющие предлога в русском языке.


to wait for – ждать

to listen to – слушать

to look for – искать


1. You are always waited for – Тебя всегда ждут.

2. His lectures were listened to with great interest. – Его лекции слушали с большим интересом.

3. The key was looked for yesterday. – Ключ вчера искали.


Exercise I. Read and translate the sentences.


  1. This result was aimed at.
  2. The bed was slept in.
  3. He was relied on.
  4. The equipment will be sent for.
  5. The force is acted upon.
  6. The agreement will be arrived at.
  7. The questions were answered.
  8. This book is much spoken about.
  9. The letter will be answered tomorrow.
  10. The members of this expedition can be relied on



Exercise II. Read and translate the text.



The Olympics have a very long history. They began in 776 B.C. and took place every four years for nearly 1200 years at Olympia, in Greece. The citizens of all the Greek states were invited to take part in the games. The prizes were wreaths made of the branches of olive trees. In 394 A.D. the games were stopped by the Roman Emperor Theodosius, and they were not held again until 1896. The games of 1896 were held at Athens and they were the first international Olympic games. All the nations of the world were invited to send athletic teams. From then and until present time the Olympic games have been international and the number of athletes taking part and the number of events on the programme have increased.

In these games only amateurs or non-professional athletes can take part. Each country sends teams for as many of the different events as possible. The winners of each event are given a certain number of points. The International Olympic Committee decides where each Olympics will take place. They ask a city (not a country) to be the host.

The Olympic games are attended by thousands and thousands of people every time they are held. They provide an opportunity for lovers of sports of all nations to meet together and get acquainted with each other. In this way the Olympic games contribute to international good will and understanding.


Exercise II. Choose the right answer.


  1. Olympic games began in


a) 778 B.C. b) 776 B.C. c) 776 A.D.


  1. Olympic games were held in


a) Italy b) Greece c) France


  1. The Olympic games were stopped by


a) Roman Emperor b) English Queen c) Russian Tsar


  1. The games of 1896 were held at


a) London b) Moscow c) Athens


  1. In these games can take part


a) amateurs b) professionals c) simple people


  1. The winners are given


a) gold/silver/bronze medals b) wreaths made of the branches of olive trees


  1. The International Olympic Committee asks


a) a country b) a city c) a continent


  1. The Olympic games are attended by


a) women b) men c) thousands of people




Exercise I. Translate the sentences.


  1. За нами следят. 2. Его ждут. 3. Вас ищут. 4. На нас смотрят. 5. Его слушают очень внимательно. 6. Его ищут. 7. Вопрос обсуждали на прошлой неделе. 8. Статью переведут на следующей неделе. 9. Вчера ему предложили интересную работу. 10. Много интересных английских книг будет переведено в этом году. 11. Мне сказали, что он живет в Лондоне. 12. Письмо отправили три дня назад. 13. Ее попросили прийти завтра. 14. Телеграмму не отправят завтра. 15. Ему сказали об этом? 16. Над ним всегда смеются. 17. Какие вопросы обсуждали вчера на собрании? 18. Вещи упаковали неделю назад. 19. Нам покажут этот фильм через неделю? 20. Почту просмотрят после обеда. 21. Газеты и журналы приносят каждый день. 22. Сейчас письма отправляю электронной почтой. 23. Эту картину продали месяц назад. 24. Их пригласили на вечеринку в субботу. 25. Работу закончат через две недели.



I. Give the correct form of each verb ( present simple or present continuous).


I (sit) at the window now. I (look) out of the window. It (be) dark outside. ‘What a terrible day!’ It (rain) again. I usually (go for a walk) in the morning. But today I (stay) at home. I (be going to) to watch TV. The telephone (ring). I (think) my friend (ring) me up.


II. . Give the correct form of each verb (past simple).


Last year my friend and I (go) abroad. We (visit) Spain. The travel (be) very interesting. We (go) there by plane, because we (be) short of time. We (spend) only one week in Spain. There (be) a lot of places of interest there. My friend and I (see) a famous Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. We (walk) along Las Ramblas and (take) a lot of pictures. We often (go) and (taste) local dishes. We (like) Spain and Barcelona.


III. Give the correct form of each verb (present perfect).


My sister just (receive) a letter from her friend Bob. He is in the USA. He (be) there for one year. Bob is a student. He is studying at the University. He already (visit) a great number of different places in the USA. He (not to take) many pictures so far.


IV. Give the correct form of each verb (pas simple or present perfect).


  1. What …you (do) last week?
  2. …he (send) these letters yet?
  3. He (win) the first prize in the competition.
  4. She (fail) her Maths exam.
  5. They (visit) their friends last summer.


V. Give the correct form of each verb (future simple).


My brother and I (go) to the theatre next week. We (see) the first performance of a play. After the play the producer (give) a short speech. He (speak) to the audience about the play. I think a great many people (enjoy) it very much.


VI. Give the correct form of each verb (present simple or future simple)


  1. If it (snow) they (stay) at home.
  2. You never (pass) this test if you (not to work) hard.
  3. If he (be) ill I (come to see) him.
  4. If she (buy) vegetables and fruit Mother (cook) any salad.
  5. If the weather (be) we (go) to the country.


YII. Give the correct form of each verb (the passive and active).


The Taj Mahal (build) in the seventeenth century for the emperor Shah Jehan. A few years after he (become) ruler, his wife, Mumtaz-i-Mahal, (die). The Taj Mahal (build) in her honour. Experts (call) in from many parts of the world to construct the domes and decorate the walls. The Taj Mahal which (begin) in 1632 and (complete) in 1654 (cost) a fortune. Up to the present day, it (visit) by millions of people.


YIII. Read the text and answer the questions




I arrived in London at last. The railway station was big and dark. I did not know the way to my hotel, so I asked a porter. I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. The porter, however, could not understand me. I repeated my question several times and at last he understood. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly. ‘I am a foreigner’, I said. Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. My teacher never spoke English like that! The porter and I looked at each other and smiled. Then he said something and I understood it. ‘You’ll soon learn English!’ he said. I wonder. In England, each man speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don’t understand them. Do they speak English?


  1. Where did the author arrive in London or Paris?
  2. Did he know the way to the hotel?
  3. Who did he ask?
  4. Did the porter understand the author?
  5. How did the porter speak to the author?
  6. Do the English understand each other?
  7. Does each man speak a different language in England or not?


IX. Write a letter to your friend about your holidays.





Infinitive Past Past Participle Translation
Be bear Become Begin Bite Blow Break Bring Build Burn Buy Can Catch Choose Come Cost Cut Deal Dig Do Draw Dream Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find forbid Fly Forget forgive Freeze Get Give Go Grow Hang Have Hear Hide Hold keep Know lay lead Learn Leave Lend Let lie light Lose Make an Meet Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Sell Send Shake Shine Show shut Sing Sit Sleep Smell Speak Spell Spend spoil spread Stand Steal strike Sweep Swim Take Teach tear Tell Think throw Understand Wake Wear Win Write Was, were bore Became began bit blew broke brought built burnt bought could caught chose came cost cut dealt dug did drew dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found forbade flew forgot forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hid held kept knew laid led learnt left lent let lay lit lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent shook shone showed shut sang sat slept smelt spoke spelt spent spoilt spread stood stole struck swept swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote Been Born Become Begun bitten blown broken brought built burnt bought (been able to) caught chosen come cost cut dealt dug done drawn dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found forbidden flown forgotten forgiven frozen got given gone grown hung had heard hidden held kept known laid led learnt left lent let lain lit lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sold sent shaken shone shown shut sung sat slept smelt spoken spelt spent spoilt spread stood stolen struck swept swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written Быть, находиться Рождать Становиться Начинать Кусать Дуть Ломать Приносить Строить Жечь, сжигать Покупать Мочь, уметь Ловить, хватать Выбирать Приходить Стоить Резать Иметь дело Копать Делать Чертить, рисовать Мечтать Пить Вести машину Есть Падать Кормить Чувствовать Бороться, драться Находить Запрещать Летать Забывать прощать Замораживать Получать, добираться Давать Расти Вешать Иметь Слышать Прятать Держать, проводить сохранять Знать Класть, положить вести Учить(ся) Оставлять, покидать Давать взаймы Разрешать Лежать Зажигать Терять Делать Иметь в виду Встречать Платить Класть Читать Кататься верхом Звонить Подниматься Бегать Говорить Видеть Продавать Посылать Трясти Светить Показывать закрывать Петь Сидеть Спать Пахнуть Говорить Называть по буквам Тратить портить распространять Стоять Красть Ударять Подметать Плавать Брать Учить рвать Говорить Думать бросать Понимать Просыпаться Носить Выигрывать Писать





2015-11-27 858 Обсуждений (0)


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