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Б. Практическая часть

2016-09-16 390 Обсуждений (0)
Б. Практическая часть 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Задание 1. Определите, в каком из предложений выделенные слова употребляются в конвенциональном значении, а в каком – в специальном (терминологическом).

1. a) She has been interested in nature and wildlife since her childhood. b) Our first lecture was devoted to the nature of human communication.

2. a) Power within this company is divided between the president and the Board of directors. b) The powerplant generates enough electricity to meet the needs of the country.

3. a) The role of the market in national economy is describes by economists as “invisible hand”. b) The fish market in our city opens very early in the morning.

Задание 2. Дайте русские соответствия следующим интернационализмам:

Class, type, centre, examination, consultation, laboratory, apparatus, material, specialist, cycle, chaos, economy, culture, universal, practical, national, social, experimental, democratic, energetic, grammatic, pedagogic.

Задание 3. Предложите два варианта перевода указанных ниже терминологических единиц. Смотрите образец.

Model: deduction – дедукция, вывод.

To ignore, to transform, to generate, substance, defect, surprise (to surprise), variation, distribution, induction, cooperation, natural, commercial, public.


Задание 4. Подберите русский эквивалент следующим словам, используя данные в скобках подсказки.

1. decay; 2. derive; 3. determine; 4. essence; 5. goal; 6. prevent; 7. quality;

8. quantity; 9. ultimate; 10. valid.

1. выводить (дериват, производное); 2. годный, действительный (инвалид, негодный); 3. качество (квалификация); 4. окончательный (ультиматум, последнее условие); 5. суть (эссенция, квинтэссенция); 6. количество (квант, порция); 7. определять (детерминизм, детерминанта); 8. распад (декаданс, упадок); 9. цель (гол); 10. предотвращать (превентивный).

Задание 5. a) Переведите на русский язык слова, содержащие интернациональные терминоэлементы:

antecedents, artificial, astrogeology, astronavigation, accurate, bilateral, binocular, bisect, cellular, constant, cordial, cosmodog, demarkation, desalinate, debug, ecology, economy, ecosystem, extraterrestrial, genetic, generation, geology, geography, hemisphere, hydrocarbon, hydrology, hyperactive, hyperlink, illegal, illiterate, intermediary, intermission, intervention, interrelation, immature, irresistable, irrevocable, lunar, majority, minority, microfilm, microorganism, multicoloured, multipurpose, neology, neoimpressionism, optoelectronic; para-academic, parajournalism, self-criticism, self-governing, semiannual, semicircle, superconductivity, supersonic, telefilm; ultraviolet.


b) рассмотрите словообразовательные связи приведенных ниже английских терминологических единиц, обращая внимание на словообразовательнрые элементы; переведите слова:

to observe – observer; to research – researcher; to operate - operator

to transform – transformer; to conduct – conductor; to freeze – freezer

to investigate – investigation; to solve – solution; to include – inclusion

to develop – development;to move –movement; pay - payment

to adapt – adaptable; to observe – observable; to drink – drinkable

identity – to identify; quantity – to quantify; quality – to qualify

accident – accidental; chemistry –chemical; statistics – statistical

history – historic; ecology – ecologic; philosophy – philosophic

economy – economist; biology – biologist; psychology – psychologist

safe – safety; secure – security; mature – maturity; stable - stability

annual – annually; random – randomly; periodic - periodically


c) переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на словообразовательную структуру выделенных слов:

1. The book is mainly concerned with the problem of information security. 2. Theory is an intellectual instrument of scientists. 3. The founders of the Royal Society were typical natural philosophers. 3. Definition of most fundamentalconcepts is always difficult. 4. Basically, they demonstrated a significant link between those events. 5. Finding a satisfactory explanation for this sort of interaction is not so easy. 6. Such conceptual subjects as mathematics should be included in all educational programms. 7. The criminal was identified from fingerprints discovered at the scene of robbery. 8. The obtained results were quiteunexpected. 9. The behaviour of customers is mostly predictable. 10. He announced his discovery in a special communication to the French Academy of Sciences.


Задание 6. Проанализируйте дефиниции следующих терминов и укажите, какие признаки обозначаемого понятия содержатся в них:

Hypothesis – any sentence which has as a consequence at least one empirical generalization.

Principle – principles are hypotheses accepted as suitable starting points for theoretical work. A principle turns into a law if what before could not be observed becomes observable by virtue of some advance in experimental technique.

Theory – a structure in which each step depends on preceding steps. The structure can be stated in terms of concepts in relation. The whole structure rests upon observations and on theoretical assumptions. The advantages of scientific theory are that it can be used for description, the classification and the explanation of observed events. It can also be used for the prediction of future events.

/ From: A. Godman, E.M.F. Payne. Longman Dictionary of Scientific Usage. 1987. Pp.84-85/.


Задание 7. А) Прочтите текст, обращая внимание на словообразовательные и семантические особенности использованной автором терминологической лексики. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why is definition important in researcher’s communicating?

2. What question does the definition answer?

3. Which elements should it include to be considered complete enough?

4. What example of incomplete definition is given in the text?

5. What is the suggested definition formula? How can it be extended?

6. Can you give the definition of any concept from your field of research?


When making a hypothesis or other statement scientists must make sure they are understood by other researchers. Misunderstandings occur when there are different concepts of what is being discussed.

A definition answers the question, “What is it?” Sometimes a definition is necessary because a word or concept has more than one meaning. For example, whether carbon a metal or nonmetal depends on how you define carbon. At other times, a definition is required because a term is being used in a special way. For example, physicists use the terms work and energy in ways that are more specific than their common meanings. A definition should be complete enough to include all the items in the category yet narrow enough to eliminate items that do not belong. The Greek philosopher Plato once defined man as a two-legged creature that has no feathers. His critic Diogenes left the room and brought back a bird without feathers, declaring, “Here is Plato’s man!” The problem with Plato’s definition was that it did not distinguish a man from other two-legged features without feathers.

Aristotle suggested that a good definition should include the general classification of a term plus the specific characteristics that differentiate the term from other members of its class.

The suggested definition formula: term = class + characteristics.

An astronomer is a scientist who studies the universe.

Communication between researchers is dependent on precise definition of substances, concepts, processes and ideas.

A definition may consist of as little as a sentence or as much as a book. When a concept is too complex to be defined in one or two sentences, an extended definition is needed. It includes the basic parts of a formal definition (class + characteristics) as well as additional information that may include description, examples, classification, comparison, explanation, or other details. For example, an extended definition of a natural phenomenon (such as an eclipse, earthquake, or hurricane) would probably include cause and effects. An extended definition of a machine would probably include its function and uses. An extended definition of a celestial object (such as a planet or comet) might include its location in respect to the earth and comparison with another heavenly object.


Б) Выскажите на английском языке свое мнение о необходимости дефиниции научных понятий, об ее оптимальном содержании и организации информации. Приведите примеры наиболее удачных дефиниций понятий из какой-либо научной области (воспользуйтесь специализированным англоязычным словарем, учебным пособием или монографией англоязычных авторов, Интернет-источником, например сайтом http://www.diffen.com/difference/Science_vs_Technology).


§ 2

2016-09-16 390 Обсуждений (0)
Б. Практическая часть 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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