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Б. Практическая часть. Задание 1. Проанализируйте подчеркнутые части приведенных ниже предложений с точки

2016-09-16 397 Обсуждений (0)
Б. Практическая часть. Задание 1. Проанализируйте подчеркнутые части приведенных ниже предложений с точки 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Задание 1. Проанализируйте подчеркнутые части приведенных ниже предложений с точки зрения использования прилагательных, причастий, наречий и устойчивых выражений. Переведите предложения.

1. The dissertation contains only rough estimates of the population involvment in nature protection. 2. Both quantitative and qualitative research is necessary to gain a full picture of the situation. 3. This response to the questionnaire was specific to young male respondents. 4. Material objects are objects existing in a form that can be seen or felt. 5. To put it simply, the risks of this approach can overweigh its advantages. 6. There are approximately 30 varieties of this plant in South America. 7.The report revealed the glaring discrepancy between people’s needs and politicians’ decisions. 8.There is a widespread belief that the government policy in the field of education should be changed. 9. The Chairman welcomed the participants of the conference on behalf of the President. 10. They decided to consider the topic in more detail, i.e.(that is) from the point of view of the situation uncertainty.


Задание 2. Замените подчеркнутые слова и словосочетания в предложениях синонимичными, выбрав из перечисленных ниже:

in most respects, appropriate, on the whole, particular, relevant to, rather than, apparent, although I accept that this is true; typical of, largely.


1. Scientists need to plan technologies which are suitable for the requirements of manufacturers. 2. Is it possible to make science connected to the problems of health care? 3. Combining research methods is characteristic of the situation in many branches of science. 4. The seeming discrepancy between the two sets of results can be due to different methods of calculation. 5. The discussion was mostly successful. 6. Generally, the theory was accepted by the academic community. 7. Special attention has been given to the problem of space flights. 8. Considering most aspects of your work it was a thorough investigation. 9. You should use an eight-point scale in the questionnaire, as opposed to a four-point one. 10. Be that as it may, there is some evidence of misinterpretation of the obtained data.


Задание 3. А) установите соответствие между следующими существительными и прилагательными:

Nouns: significance, relevance, interest, frequency, importance, value, use.

Adjectives: important, significant, valuable, useful, relevant, frequent, interesting.


Б) Замените в следующих предложениях выделенные существительные именами прилагательными. Измените, где необходимо, грамматическую структуру предложения и замените предлог.

1. Jones’s work has great relevancefor our further study. 2. The value of their research to anyone interested in economic planning is great. 3. At first, politicians could not evaluate the importance of this event for the history of Latin America. 4. The lecturer spoke about the significance of Shannon’s book for the development of cybernetics. 5. The use of software is required for the analysis of large amounts of numerical data. 6. The method she outlines is of great interest to biologists. 7. The frequency of the expression “on the whole” in academic writing is noted by linguists.


Задание 4. Проанализируйте, как изменяется смысл в зависимости от выбора одного из антонимичных слов в следующих предложениях.

1. For this reason / for no reason he decided to repeat the experiment.

2. More and more / fewer and fewer people are staying in the same job throughout their lives.

3. Professor Jones is explicitly / implicitly critical of modern theories of economic growth.

4. They seldom /often complained that they could not persuade the head of the department to start the experiment.

5. Some small errors in the calculations are directly / indirectly linked to the human factor.

6. The human brain is a remarkably complex / simple organic computer.

7. Their observations gave quite an unexpected / quite expected results.


Задание 5. Прочтите следующий текст и найдите в нем устойчивые предложные фразы. Переведите текст. Используйте выявленные фразы в своем сообщении о научной работе.

I’d like to speak about our study on behalf of the whole team of researchers. Our interest in the subject came about as a result of discovering some old notes of Ptofessor Jones in his archive. They contained, for the most part, description of anti-social or even aggressive behaviour of his patients, but no conclusion about causes of this aggression was made.


Задание 6. Поставьте пропущенные предлоги, проверив правильность выбора с помощью словаря. Переведите предложения. Составьте свои предложения с полученными словосочетаниями.

1. The book was written by Professor Jones … conjunction … his colleagues from the Trinity College. 2. This is a very detailed description of the phenomena … comparison … to the previous one. 3. There are a number of appendices in this volume … addition … the main text. 4. … the exception … the final part, the article provides new information about these events. 5. Her recent paper is … line … modern psychological practice. 6. … spite … the conventionality of the topic, the report contains many fascinating examples. 7. This academic work may be … some interest …the general reader. 8. … the whole, the conference was a great success.


Задание 7.

A. Read the text and analyse its structural and logic division. Find set expressions and metaphors in the text.


2016-09-16 397 Обсуждений (0)
Б. Практическая часть. Задание 1. Проанализируйте подчеркнутые части приведенных ниже предложений с точки 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: Б. Практическая часть. Задание 1. Проанализируйте подчеркнутые части приведенных ниже предложений с точки

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