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2016-09-16 409 Обсуждений (0)
SCIENCE IS NOT STANDING STILL 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The development of science, both natural and social, is described by the history of science. It has been estimated that two-thirds of all scientific discoveries have been made in the last half of the XX century, and it is predicted that the forthcoming years of the XXI century are likely to be even more spectacular.

The number of research papers published each year may be taken as a rough indication of activity displayed in any general or specified field of science. The number of papers published annually in learned journals could be a useful barometer indicating the development of scientific thought.

New theories appear to provide explanation to the facts and data gathered in the course of practical work. The value of theory for the development of science cannot be overestimated, as without theories there would be no science. Like a beacon, a theory lights up unexplored regions and helps scientists to make new discoveries.

Modern scientific methods of observation and verification helped man to transcend the limitations of the five senses. Thanks to the developed technological instruments researchers can expand their limited capabilities and study both the smallest fundamental particles or sub-divisions of the atom, as well as the largest ones i.e. stars and planets, which may settle age-old controversies about the nature, age, formation and development of the universe.

While some scientists believe that with these instruments science seems to have reached its limit, and scientific investigations are reduced to mathematical symbols, others argue that though science has advanced far-reaching enough, it cannot approach the limits of the physical universe. Nevertheless, current trends in science witness its turning to the mysteries of the mind and development of Artificial Intelligence. The main questions some scientists are speculating about are the following: What is mind? How does it work? What is consciousness? Does it arise from a physical source, or is it entirely separate from the physical world? Will the development of Artificial Intelligence lead to computers with minds?

As observation, experimentation and analysis enter the sphere of the psyche, science retains its basic attitude and experimental method, and so there is a lot of guesswork and preconception in its operation. It remains to be seen whether science can in fact enter into the domain of the mind, and by what means.

In spite of the fact that scientists’ imagination seems to be stirred most by scientific activity that has no nowadays conceivable practical application, previous and current scientific breakthroughs and discoveries have been continually changing the life of people, the economy of the developed countries in particular.

The development of science and technology undoubtedly makes life more comfortable and convenient. New power sources, high-speed trains and other forms of transportation, means of telecommunication, Internet and email are not the only to be mentioned. As rockets and space shuttles are becoming involved in the sphere of tourism, the journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Modern medicine prolongs people’s life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Thanks to the endeavours scientists have made, cancer and AIDS become treatable and are no longer fatal to people’s health.

Science is moving so fast that it is difficult to keep up, let alone understand all its myriad developments. But there would seem no need to fear that we will soon have solved all the problems and made known the entire unknown. In fact, the reverse is much more probable since every new discovery seems to widen the horizon and increase the extent of our contact with unexplored areas.

It is generally accepted that modern science and technology render people many advantages but at the same time science creates many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, among those are air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources.

It is interesting to note that pure science tends to be distinguished from applied science and technology in its strive to reject to share some of the responsibility for the harm resulting from these things. In fact, in the last hundred years or so, pure science has not really been so pure. There are values implicit within pure science which the scientific fraternity is unaware of; and because it isn't aware of these values, scientific research comes unwittingly under their influence.

However, both pure and applied science must find effective solutions to the problems they created. There can be little doubt that man’s technical intelligence rating is very high; whether he is also smart enough to benefit permanently from these advances or so stupid that he will let them destroy his civilization will probably be decided shortly.


Б) Speak about the achievements in your field of science and of the problems and threats to humanity connected with the development of this branch of science.





Предисловие ………………………………..…….с. 2

§ 1. Теоретическая часть ………….….………….с. 3

§ 1. Практическая часть ………………………….с. 4

§ 2. Теоретическая часть ………………..……….с. 9

§ 2. Практическая часть …………………..…….с. 12

§ 3. Теоретическая часть ………………….……с. 17

§ 3. Практическая часть ……………………..….с. 19

§ 4. Теоретическая часть ………….……………с. 25

§ 4. Практическая часть ……………..………….с. 26



2016-09-16 409 Обсуждений (0)
SCIENCE IS NOT STANDING STILL 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


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