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2020-02-04 373 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 2 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

2. On Board the Channel-ferry

(Characters: the author, Miss Bradley)

3. Getting through the customs

(Characters: the customs inspector, Miss Bradley, the author)

4. The author talking to the boy from the crew before the departure of the Golden Arrow (Characters: the author, the boy)

XXXV. Characterize using the words given in brackets:

1. The Author (intelligent, attractive, good manners, polite, good-natured, pleasant to deal with)

2. Miss Bradley (plain, ugly, shy, awkward, boring, to deceive, dishonest)

3. The customs house official (stiff, patient, exact, reliable, honest, ordinary, intelligent, experienced)

XXXVI. Make up stories describing:

1. Miss Bradley’s stay in Italy

2. The author’s business trip to Florence (See Lessons 8, 9 for Vocabulary)

3. The weather during the journey (See Lesson 13 for Vocabulary)

XXXVII. Make up dialogues:

a) Mr. Balchin orders dinner in the dining-car (See Lessons 14, 15 for Vocabulary)

b) Mr. Balchin books a ticket on board the channel-ferry (See Lessons 2, 3 for Vocabulary)

XXXVIII. Speak on the following topics:

1. Preparations for Departure

to be under way, to go shopping, ordinary, to get, a counter, boring, patiently, to share, joint luggage, properly.

2. Seeing a Friend Off

plenty of, (im ~ ) patiently, to turn up, to produce, to get on, to share, to be due, to start.

3. My Trip Abroad

to make arrangements, to choose between, to share one’s opinion, to make up one’s mind, to book a seat on, to go through the customs, to be due, to enjoy one’s story, customs.

4. At the Customs

counter, to go through the customs, to declare, (not) to examine, properly, to pay duty on, to fill in a declaration, to turn to, to grow impatient, to be due, to get through in time.

XXXIX. Retell and dramatize this story using the active words:

The entrance examinations at one of the Moscow dramatic schools were fully under way. Dozens of young men and girls had already passed before the commission, and the famous actors who were examining them were already too tired to be attracted by anything ordinary. So when the lastcandidate finally came on the stage, they were only too eager to let him go as quickly as possible.

Indeed, there was nothing particular about the young fellow. His manners were awkward, and the whole performance seemed very amateurish.

His face ... Well, it might even be called ugly if there weren’t something very slightly attractive about it. What was it? The smile, perhaps ...

In any case he was nothing beyond the ordinary.

The director of the school who was chairman of the commission rose to stop the young man who was still reciting (декламировал) something.

The fellow understood all. “I have been turned down then, have I?” he said in a shaky voice. “Yes, I am sorry to say so,” answered the director looking him straight in the face. “You see, it isn’t enough to recite poems the way you do. An actor must act. In the proper sense of the word acting means turning into another person on the stage, which I am afraid is beyond your abilities.”


Going home after the examination the director remembered the incident and thought for just one moment that he had been too cruel to that last one. But then he always preferred to be frank with them ...

The next evening when the director was about to finish work, a late visitor entered his private room.

It was an old woman wearing a funny old-fashioned hat. She was evidently short-sighted. Her small eyes could be hardly seen through thick glasses.

The moment she stepped in, she declared that she wanted to talk to the director in private, and sat down in an armchair without waiting for an invitation.

“I am the aunt and the only relative of the poor boy whom you so cruelly failed yesterday,” she began. “He was the last to take the examination,” she added seeing that the opening declaration did not bring the case to the director’s memory. Then the old lady went on to say how long her nephew [ʹnevju:] (племянник) had been practising the extract for the examination, how upset he was because of his failure, how she had always shared all his joys and sorrows (печали), etc. “A hard case,” the director said to himself. He had already realized that the old woman was a remarkable bore, and thought that it had been very foolish of the secretary to have let her in.

The first moment she stopped to take breath, he took advantage of the situation and hurriedly began:

“You see, an actor must act. In the proper sense of the word acting means turning into another person, which I think

is beyond ... he hadn’t finished his sentence for the “old lady” took off her hat together with the gray wig (парик) and the glasses, and through the cleverly put on make-up the director could see the familiar boyish features which could not be called exactly ugly but were ordinary, quite ordinary ...

XL. Make up a story about the future life of the young fellow whom the above text is about.

XLI. Read and translate the text. Have a discussion in class:


The British Isles cover an area of about 121,600 square miles and consist mainly of two large Islands — Great Britain proper (England, Wales and Scotland) and Ireland (Northern Ireland and the Republic of Eire). Great Britain is separated from the continent by the English Channel, the narrower part of which is called the Strait of Dover. Thus Great Britain is on the one hand not far from the most advanced capitalist countries of Europe and on the other hand it is separated from them. The advantages of this position were highly beneficial for the development of Britain’s industry and trade, though in our days they are no longer as remarkable as they once were.

Great Britain may be called the birthplace of capitalism. In stubborn struggle against its rivals, Britain crushed them one after another — first Spain, then the Netherlands, then France, and seized vast and rich colonies in different parts of the world. For many years Great Britain has gained tremendous profits by exploiting the people and the natural resources of the territories seized.

Most of Great Britain’s industries are concerned with the production of iron and steel goods, textiles and chemicals, all of which play an important role in world trade.

British coal is of high quality and is found close to iron fields. In the annual production of coal Great Britain occupies the third place in the world after the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. Great Britain is also one of the leading iron and steel producing countries in the world.

Among the manufacturing industries of the United Kingdom the textile industry plays an essential role in the national economy of the country. One of the principal industries of the United Kingdom is ship-building. For centuries Britain has been the leading ship-builder in the world.

The great disadvantage of Great Britain is that it possesses very few of the raw materials necessary for its industry. Most of them must be imported. Britain also has to import a variety of food products. One of the features of Great Britain’s foreign trade is the predominance of imports oyer exports. Britain’s trade balance would be unfavourable if the country did not give other countries services in banking, insurance, shipping, etc., which are generally known as “invisible exports”.

For many years there has been a regular exchange of goods between Great Britain and the Soviet Union. The U.S.S.R. exports to Britain such goods as wheat, furs, iron goods, etc. Great Britain exports to the Soviet Union textiles, machinery, leather goods, etc.

Britain was able to create a powerful heavy industry earlier than any other country, and for a long time it remained the first industrial country in the world, the world’s workshop, freighter and banker. In our days however Great Britain no longer holds its position as the leading capitalist state in the world.

Geographic Names

The United Kingdom of Great Britain        Соединенное Koролевство

and Northern Ireland [ðǝ ju:ʹnaɪtɪd             Beликобританиии и

ʹkɪŋdǝm ǝv ʹɡreɪt ʹbrɪtǝn ǝnd                      Северной Ирландии

ʹnɔ:ðǝn ʹaɪǝlǝnd]                                             

The Republic of Eire [ðǝ rɪʹpʌblɪk ǝv ʹaɪrǝ] Республика Эйре

The English Channel [ðǝʹɪŋɡlɪʃ ʹtʃænǝl]      Ламанш

The Strait of Dover [ðǝ ʹstreɪt ǝv ʹdouvǝ]  Па-де-Кале

The Netherlands [ðǝ ʹneðǝlǝndz]                Нидерланды




(to be learnt by heart)

My ʹfriend ʹgoes a broad

А . ʹHere we are at last. ʹWhat ʹtime does your ʹplane take off?

B. ʹ9.30, | we’ve ʹplenty of time. I’ll ʹgo and have my ʹluggage weighed now.

A. ʹHow ʹmuch are you aʹllowed to ʹtake a board?

B. I ʹtravel tourist class, | so it’s about ʹ20 kilos. Iʹdon’t think I’ll ʹgo be yond the figure.

A. ʹWill it ʹtake you ʹlong to ʹgo through the customs?

B. No, | it’ll be ʹjust a formality. I’ve ʹnothing to declare.

A. ʹWhen are you ʹdue at London?

B. It’s a ʹnon-stop flight | so I’ll be there long before lunch.

A. Oh, | ʹthat’s wonderful, | you ʹwon’t even have ʹtime to get air-sick.

B. I ʹnever do, | though I’m aʹpoor sailor.

A. Then you can ʹlook ʹforward to a ʹpleasant journey.


abroad [ǝʹbrɔ:d] adv                       за границей; за границу

W . comb . to go abroad                   поехать за границу

to come from abroad                   приехать из-за границы

to be (live, travel) abroad             находиться (жить, путешествовать)

                                                             за границей

take* v                                            1. брать, взять

е. g. The teacher took the little       Учитель взял маленького мальчика за

boy by the hand and led him          руку и повел его в зал.

to the hall.

                                                       2. отнести, отвести, отвезти

e . g. Who will take the children      Кто отведет детей домой?


Take the letter to the post-office, will Отнесите, пожалуйста, письмо на

you?                                               почту

take after smb.* v                       пойти в кого-л.

take care of * v                           заботиться о

take notice of *                           замечать, обращать внимание

take pictures                               фотографировать (Ам.)

take photos (snapshots)             фотографировать (Англ.)

e. g. The tourists took a lot of        Туристы сделали много снимков го-

pictures of the city.                         рода.

You should have your picture taken. Вам нужно сфотографироваться.

take off v                                        * l. снимать (об одежде), убрать

                                                             (о какой-л. вещи)

                                                       2. взлетать (о самолете)

Ant. to land                                     приземляться.

е . g. What time does the plane        Когда вылетает самолет?

take off?

take smb. (smth.) for smb. (smth.) принять кого-л. или что-л. за кого-л.

else v                                               или что-л. другое

е. g . Sorry, I took you for а            Извините, я вас принял за своего

friend of mine.                                знакомого.

take over v                                      1. принять должность вместо кого-л.,

                                                           взять ответственность на себя вместо


е. g . After Comrade Dymov re-      После того, как тов. Дымов уйдет

tires (oh a pension), his assist-       на пенсию, его место, очевидно,

ant will probably take over (the     займет его помощник.


take to v                                          привыкнуть к чему-л. или кому-л.;

                                                           пристраститься, проявить симпатию,


е. g . I don’t take to new places       Я не могу быстро привыкнуть к но-

(food, etc.) quickly                          вым местам (пище и т. д.)

The child took to his music teacher Ребенок сразу привязался к своему

at once.                                           учителю музыки

weigh [weɪ] v                                   1. взвешивать (в прямом и в перенос-

                                                           ном смысле)

е. g . Has your luggage been            Ваш багаж уже взвесили?

weighed yet?

W. comb. to weigh one’s words      взвешивать свои слова

e. g. You must weigh everything    Нужно всегда всё взвешивать, пре-

very carefully before taking se-       жде чем предпринимать серьезные

rious steps.                                     меры.

                                                       2. весить

е . g. How much does this suit-        Сколько весит этот чемодан?

case weigh?

go beyond smth. v                           превышать что-л.

formality [fɔ:ʹmælɪtɪ] n                    формальность

fly (flew, flown) [flaɪ, flu:, floun] v летать

flight [flaɪt] n                                  полет, перелет

W. comb. a non-stop flight             беспосадочный рейс

sick* adj                                         больной

Gr. to be sick                                  испытывать тошноту (Англ.)

                                                           болеть (Aм.)

W. comb . to be (get) sea - sick           страдать морской болезнью

to be (get) air - sick                         плохо переносить путешествие на са-


to be (get) car - sick                        плохо переносить езду в автомобиле


I. Practise the sound combinations given below, then read the dialogue aloud paying attention to pronunciation and intonation:

ʹwhatʹtime?    will itʹtake you ...? I ʹdon’tthink

ʹallowedto ʹtake a ʹpleasantjourney beʹyondthe figure

II. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) вот мы и приехали 2) я пойду и взвешу багаж 3) я еду вторым (туристским) классом 4) я думаю, у меня будет не больше нормы 5) мы приедем задолго до обеда 6) я плохо переношу путешествие морем

III. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Translate into Russian and use in situations of your own:

1) You should have taken your luggage to the station beforehand.

2) Will you take everything off the table?

3) You might find out when the plane takes off.

4) We saw him take off his overcoat.

5) I took the lady for your sister.

6) I wonder who’ll take over the job.

7) After Dr. Petrov retired on a pension, Dr. Lavrov took over.

8) I am sure he’ll take to this kind of work.

2. Complete in any sensible way:

1) I wouldn’t have taken him for the manager if ... .

2) If the two girls weren’t so much alike ... .

3) The young engineer wouldn’t have taken over ... .

4) If Comrade Smirnov had not got the new appointment ... .

5) If the plane weren’t due to take off in five minutes ... .

6) I wouldn’t worry ... .

7) He isn’t likely to take to the piano ... .

8) If they hadn’t encouraged him ... .

3. Make up situations using the English equivalents of the following:

1) внезапно заболеть, не обращать внимания, принимать лекарства, проходить курс лечения.

2) этот поезд довезет меня до ...; сколько времени мне потребуется ...; поехать поездом; внести вещи в вагон; занятое место.

3) проявлять интерес; принимать во внимание; принять меры; воспользоваться случаем; воспользоваться преимуществом.

4) сфотографироваться, снять шляпу, принять кого-л. за кого-л. другого, сфотографировать еще раз.

5) не проявлять интереса к чему-л., взять на себя ответственность, полюбить (пристраститься).

IV. Answer the following questions and make up stories on the basis of the information gained:

A. 1. When did you travel abroad last?

2. You had to go through the customs, didn’t you? Did you have your luggage weighed?

3. Did you travel first class or tourist class?

4. Did your plane land anywhere on the way or was it a non-stop flight?

5. What was the weather like during the trip? Did you get air-sick?

B.1. What means (средства) of transportation would you prefer if you were going to England in summer?

2. Would you at once decide on taking a plane or would you first weigh the advantages of going by sea?

3. Would you get sea-sick if you travelled by sea in good weather?

4. Do you get sea-sick easily?

5. Does sea-sickness tell on a person for some time after the journey or do people get over it quickly as a rule?

C. 1. Why did George Harris decide to go abroad after leaving his master?

2. Do you think he weighed all his chances before taking the decision? (What was there to weigh?)

3. Would he have succeeded in running away if his master’s men hadn’t taken him for a white man?

V. Translate the following dialogues into English:


A. Вот мы, наконец, и в порту. Когда отплывает твой пароход?

B. Ровно в 10 часов, но мне нужно еще пройти таможенный досмотр.

A. Это не отнимет много времени. Где твои вещи?

B. Вон там, около прилавка. Мне их нужно взвесить?

A. Нет. Ты едешь первым классом?

B. Да, вот мой билет. Давай зайдем в ресторан закусить.

A. Очень хорошо, это помогает при (it’s good for) морской болезни.

B. Правда? Я очень плохо переношу путешествие морем.


Таможенный чиновник. Это ваши вещи?

А. Да. Открыть чемодан?

Т. чин. Нет, не нужно. Вы заполнили декларацию?

А. Да, вот она.

Т. чин. У вас есть что-нибудь для предъявления?

А. Нет. Я заплатил пошлину за эти сигары.


VI. Retell the dialogue in indirect speech.

VII. Make up dialogues on the basis of the following stories:


Comrade Petrov, an engineer, was once invited to his director’s private room. The director explained that one of the firms they dealt with had sent a letter complaining that they were having trouble with a machine bought from the Soviet Union. The director put it down to their inexperience in dealing with machines of that kind. (As a matter of fact it was an entirely new kind of machine.) He suggested that Comrade Petrov should go there to clear things up and help improve the situation. He added that the matter was urgent.


At supper Comrade Petrov told his wife that he was going away on business. His wife said she was sorry he was leaving on the eve of International Women’s Day because she would feel lonely during the holiday. She asked him how long he intended to stay abroad. He answered that he didn’t intend to be away for a long time and mentioned that all the necessary arrangements had been made and a ticket for the TU-114 plane had been booked for him.

His wife asked what she should put into his suit-case and he answered that he wouldn’t like to have a lot of luggage and that a few necessary things would do. Then one of them suggested that they should get down to the packing.


The plane was due to take off at 7 a. m, so Comrade Petrov and his wife were at the airport exactly at six. Comrade Petrov told his wife that he didn’t expect any of his friends to see him off. As a matter of fact he had insisted on their not coming as he would hate bothering people at such an early hour. Comrade Petrov’s wife asked whether it was a non-stop flight. She knew that her husband easily got air-sick. He said she shouldn’t worry as it was a non-stop flight and besides, the plane was very comfortable and people seldom got air-sick travelling by it. Comrade Petrov asked his wife to wait till he had his luggage weighed. He said jokingly that if they travelled together their joint luggage would go beyond the figure allowed. Soon Comrade Petrov was through with all the formalities. His wife wished him a happy journey and he boarded the plane.

VIII. Ask one of your fellow-students questions about his trip abroad. Use the active vocabulary of the lesson. Make up a story on the basis of the information gained.

IX. Write two letters describing: a) a journey to a foreign country b) a stay in a foreign country (town)

X. Make up dialogues on the basis of the letters (See Ex. IX):

XI. Give situations illustrating the use of the following sentences:

Let me see!                                May I trouble you for a ... ?

... if you like.                             Can you tell me the way to ... ?

As far as I know ...                    Can I help you?

Can I borrow your ... ?             What can I do for you?


Grammar: Модальный глагол can (could) (§ 20)

Revision: Tense-forms and Voice (Table No. 7)



( from the novel “Tomorrow is with Us” by Dyson Carter)

Dyson Carter, a Canadian scientist and writer, was born in 1910. During World War II he published his first book which was devoted to the achievements of Soviet science.

In 1950 Dyson Carter together with his wife visited the Soviet Union. On returning to Canada they wrote a book telling the Canadian readers the truth about the World of Socialism, calling upon them to strengthen friendship with the peoples of the Soviet Union.

Dyson Carter has always been a true friend of the Soviet Union and an ardent fighter for peace.

His novel Tomorrow is with Us which appeared in 1950 is a valuable contribution to the cause of peace.

* * *

Alan Baird, a talented young engineer, invented an apparatus for the treatment of arthritis. But neither in Canada where he lived, nor in the USA, could he get a single manufacturer interested in his invention1. “The trouble with this invention is it’s to keep people alive...” Alan’s chief cynically says to him, “Nowadays you want to work on ideas for making people dead.”

Alan Baird makes up his mind to send the blueprints over to a Soviet Medical Institute.

The Canadian warmongers make use of this fact as a pretext for framing up a “spy case”. In connection with the “case” they arrest a group of people, both Communists and non-Communists, and charge them with espionage. However, the organizers of the frame-up overlooked the fact that not only the Communists, but all the progressive people of the country would rise in protest.

The following extract shows how Pa Dunn, an ordinary worker whose daughter Patricia was also arrested in connection with the “spy case”, for the first time in his life speaks at a mass meeting.

* * *

Pa Dunn arrived late at the meeting. He had gone only because his wife insisted. She had read an announcement in the local paper, calling for a mass meeting of protest against the treatment of the people arrested in connection with the “spy case”.

First he had gone to the High School hall, the meeting-place announced in the paper. It was dark, closed. A young couple told each new arrival that the meeting would be held at the old Excell theatre, and gave street-car directions to the place.

A sudden cancellation of the school hall had been arranged by Farnoy, the “Big Boss” of the city. Farnoy’s agents also organized another mass meeting on the same evening and at the same time.

So, when Pa Dunn at last reached the Excell theatre, there were less than two hundred people there. Most of them were wearing coats as it was rather cold inside...

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TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 2 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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