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2020-02-04 478 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 5 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. Translate:

1) Jack wasn’t given the leading part in the amateur performance, but I don’t think he cares very much. 2) I am so angry with John, I don’t care what happens to him. 3) Would you care to go for a walk? 4) I don’t care for sweets.

2. Complete:

    — what...     — who...?
    — whether... 2) Do you really care — what ...?
1) I don’t care — when...     — when ...?
    — who...      
    — whose... 3) I don’t care for...  

3. Use a synonym:

1) It’s all the same to me what day you choose for our party. 2) It doesn't matter to them whether we stay in town or go to the country. 3) I wonder whether he likes these books. 4) I sometimes go to the skating-rink though I skate badly. It doesn’t bother me what people think or say.


1. Answer these questions:

1) Do we pick up heavy or light things?

2) Do you pick up new friends easily?

3) In what way can you pick up new English words and expressions?

4) Is it possible to pick up a foreign language or must you study it seriously? Give your reasons.

5) Where do trams and buses usually pick up passengers?

2. Make up sentences of your own:

  one’s hat   a present
  a letter   a journal

to pick up


to pick out

an expression
new friends a boring book
  a foreign language   a dress of this shade
  a good expression   a plain hat


1. Answer these questions:

1) Who was elected chairman of the last meeting held at your office?

2) Which of your friends has been elected to this year’s local trade union committee?

3) What kind of people do we elect to the Supreme Soviet?

2. Translate :

1) Его избрали председателем, 2) Когда Линкольн был избран президентом США? 3) Мы избираем лучших представителей народа нашими депутатами (a deputy). 4) В Верховный Совет избираются лучшие люди нашей страны.


1. Translate into Russian :

1) Can we rely on the strength of the ice? 2) One can gain strength by doing plenty of physical work. 3) I don’t think you’ll be able to make the child play the piano by force. 4) The sailors had to row with great force to fight the high waves. They had to use all their strength to get through the storm. 5) How long will the contract remain in force?

2. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

1) терять силы; 2) применять силу; 3) в чьих-л. силах; 4) потянуть дверь с силой; 5) набираться сил; 6) оставаться в силе.

XV. Answer the following questions:

A. 1. Have you ever been elected Chairman of a meeting? When was it?

2. Did you feel nervous when you addressed the audience? You didn’t show how you felt, did you?

3. How did you manage the job? You didn’t overlook any points in the procedure (порядок ведения собрания), did you?

4. Did you take the floor yourself or did you only act as Chairman?

B. 1. What kind of person do you like to be Chairman of a meeting?

2. Inwhat case do many people take the floor? Do they always make valuable proposals?

3. In what case do we decide questions by voting?

4. When is a resolution adopted? Would you call it successful if no amendments were made to it?

C. 1. Why was John Reed brought before court? What campaign did he join?

2. With what speech did he address the court?

3. Why wasn’t he put in prison? Do you think the judges were afraid of what might follow?

4. Whose rights did John Reed defend by his actions?

XVI. Complete the following sentences using the words and word combinations given in brackets:

1. If I were you, I should ask her first, she ... (to subscribe to, may).

2. Heis very exact in business, he ... (to overlook this figure, can, to leave out on purpose, must).

3. I kept from making any remarks; they ... (to judge themselves, must).

4. She has dealt with such matters several times. In forming this opinion ... (to judge by one’s own experience, must).

5. You can’t leave the contract as it is. You ... (to make amendments, should)

XVII.    Choose the correct word and use it in the proper form:

1. I think Comrade Belov (to be in charge of, to be responsible for) this mistake; he will have to do something to improve things. 2. The young man was put (in charge of, responsible for) the group of young tourists and felt (in charge of, responsible for) them. 3. “I suggest that we make the (changes, amendments) to the contract now, in that case the (changes, amendments) in the production process will be smaller,” said the engineer. 4. My (proposal, suggestion, offer) is that we should have an hour’s break before we get down to discussing (the proposal, the suggestion, the offer) of the company. 5. The friends were very excited after the meeting and Peter (to propose, to suggest, to offer) that they should walk home and discuss some of the interesting (proposals, suggestions, offers) made at the meeting. 6. “We started the struggle as a small group, a small (company, campaign) of fighters for our rights,” said the speaker, “now it has grown into a country-wide (company, campaign) and the time will come when we shall gain the victory.” 7. The workers of Brown & Co.’s factory demanded that the pay (proposals, suggestions, offers) put forward by their Trade Union (профсоюз) be considered immediately. 8. “Jimmy Smith (to be blamed for, to be charged with) stealing (кража) bread,” said the lawyer. “Byt nobody can (to be blamed for, to be charged with) being hungry.” 9. On hearing Aunt Beryl’s angry voice, the little Kelveys (to be afraid, to get frightened) and immediately left the courtyard. 10. Alan lied to Pusher about his age. He did it on purpose as he (to be afraid, to get frightened) to be turned down. 11. Dozens of boys surrounded Pusher, all eager to be picked out. Some of them boasted of their (strength, power, force) by pushing each other with (strength, force). 12. Although the boy realized that his younger brother had no (strength, power, force) to pull the rope, he tried to cheer him up as he knew that the manager would not stop at using his (strength, power, force) to throw the poor boy out.

XVIII. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary:

1. It was evident that the girl did not care much ... clothes as the sight ... the beautiful dress left her quite indifferent. 2. Old John felt very sorry ... the boy ... hearing that he had been charged ... stealing some fruit and was likely to be put ... prison ... a month. 3. ... the sight ... the old man the woman gave a cry. Evidently she was frightened ... his sudden appearance. 4. He must be very clever at languages, he picks every expression he comes ... . 5. Here are some journals ... you, you should pick ... those which may be useful ... your everyday work. 6. Why should you address ... him ... such a formal way? 7. Will you tell Comrade Petrov to attend ... this matter? The cable is addressed ... the office he is ... charge ... . 8. “Your child must have been frightened ... something!” said the doctor. “That’s probably the reason ... his being so nervous.” 9. Judging ... what you say, the method adopted ... your factory has certain advantages ... ours. 10. I don’t fell like subscribing ... the Crocodile ... this year. I would rather subscribe ... something more serious ... a change. 11. Mr. Brown has been carrying ... business ... that company ... quite a number ... years. 12. I suggest that we leave ... this amendment. I consider it too important to be left ... . 13. I had been looking forward ... seeing the game, but ... my great disappointment the match was cancelled ... ... bad weather. 14. ... first the book seemed thrilling ... me, but as I read it further, I got more and more disappointed ... the plot. 15. Did you overlook these words when you were rewriting the text or did you leave them ... ... purpose?

XIX. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

1) to subscribe to

to look forward to to


to be (feel) disappointed

to demand

to refuse

2) to care for

to judge

to pick out

to charge

to frighten

3) to share one’s company

to take to

to make friends

to rely on

to fail

to get disappointed

not to care for (any longer)

4) to be in charge of

to fix a day

to propose

to make amendments

to leave out

on purpose

5) to be charged with

to put in prison

to address to vote

to be set free

6) to carry on a campaign

to address a meeting

to defend one’s rights

to subscribe money for

7) to receive an offer

to discover

to charge a lot (a high price)

to give careful consideration

to suggest

to make amendments

XX. Translate in writing:

A.1. Профессор Степанов, должно быть, возглавлял этот институт лет тридцать до того, как ушел на пенсию. Заменил его один из его учеников. 2. Просмотрите эти цифры еще раз. Мне кажется, там могут быть ошибки, которые вы могли не заметить (пропустить), когда читали эти документы в первый раз. 3. „Мне кажется, вам следует нанять опытную сиделку (a nurse), — сказал доктор Смит. — Вы могли бы попросить Джейн. Она долго работает у нас и жалоб никогда не было. К тому же она вряд ли много возьмет за услуги“. 4. Молодой ученый проводил эксперименты более трех лет, прежде чем сделал доклад о своей работе. Когда ему дали слово и он обратился к аудитории, он немного нервничал. Но внимание аудитории придало ему силы. Он успокоился и успешно закончил доклад. 5. Вам нужно было давно сказать мне, что вы хотите подписаться на этот журнал. Сейчас, боюсь, мне придется вас разочаровать: до конца года осталась одна неделя, и теперь вы вряд ли подпишетесь на журнал, который пользуется таким большим спросом. Если бы вы сказали мне об этом раньше, я бы все устроила, когда подписывалась на журнал сама. 6.

— Здравствуйте, что вы здесь делаете?

— Как вы меня напугали, я не заметила как вы подошли. Я должна встретиться здесь с Анной и жду ее уже двадцать минут. Не понимаю (интересно), что может ее задерживать.

— Не волнуйтесь. Мы ведь давно знаем Анну, она никогда не была точной. Кстати, когда я подошел, я видел, что вы что-то читаете.

— Это очень интересная книга. Я её почти закончила. Осталось около пяти страниц. Но где же Анна? Не может быть, чтобы она забыла о нашем свидании.

— Я предлагаю позвонить ей по телефону.

Б. Г-н Смит,                                                        г. Москва, 21.1.1961

Мы тщательно изучили ваш проект контракта (a draft- contract about...) относительно машины ДС-20 и хотели бы отметить, что вы опустили ряд пунктов (points), которые представляют для нас большой интерес. Кроме того, мы считаем, что в проект следует внести некоторые поправки с тем, чтобы уточнить (выяснить) вопрос о сроках поставки (delivery dates). В связи с вышеизложенным мы предлагаем встретиться в Москве для окончательного урегулирования этих вопросов.

С уважением,




XXI. Discuss the following questions:

1. Why couldn’t Alan Baird get anyone interested in his invention?

2. Why did the Canadian warmongers frame up a “spy case” in connection with Alan Baird’s decision?

3. Who was Farnoy? Why did he change the place of the meeting?

4. Why did Pa Dunn want the speakers to mention his daughter’s name?

5. Why did Pa Dunn feel guilty towards Ma Dunn?

6. Why was his fright gone when Pa Dunn looked at his hands?

7. What were Pa Dunn’s feelings when he first read in the papers that his daughter was a Communist? Was he a Communist himself?

8. Why did Pa Dunn say, “Ma will never believe it”?

XXII.    Retell the text:

a) without details (in two or three minutes’time).

b) in the person of Pa Dunn (Ma Dunn; the Chairman of the meeting; old Mrs. Craig; the lady-speaker; the man who sat next to Pa Dunn)

XXIII. Dramatize the following episodes:

a) Pa Dunn speaking to his wife before the meeting

b) The young man giving street-car directions to Pa Dunn

c) Pa Dunn speaking to his neighbour at the meeting

d) Old Mrs. Craig telling Ma Dunn about the meeting

XXIV. Characterize:

1. Pa Dunn

Words to be used: awkward, to be brought up, to earn one’s living, shy, a sense of responsibility.

2. Patricia

Words to be used: gay, tall, plain, strong-willed, to take after, kind by nature, to devote one’s life to ... .

3. Ma Dunn

Words to be used: hard-working, good-looking, reserved, good-natured, strong-willed, not to complain of, sensible.

XXV.    Write a letter to your friend about your impressions of a meeting which was held in his absence.

XXVI. Retell these stories using the words following each:


A man went to an insurance office (страховое агентство) to insure (застраховать) his life. He was asked how old his parents were when they died: “Mother died of heart-trouble at thirty and father died of pneumonia [nju:ʹmounɪǝ] at thirty- five.”

“Sorry, my man,” said the manager. “We cannot take you as your parents must have been very sick people.”

Leaving the office, the man met a clerk who advised him not to be so frank next time.

The man went to another insurance office down the street and was asked the same question there. This time he answered: “Mother was ninety three, and she died from falling off her bicycle (велосипед). Father was ninety-eight, and he died playing football.”

“Healthy parents! You’ll do,” said the pleased manager.

Words to be used:

the man in charge of the office, the purpose, to feel disappointed, to judge by, to be nervous.


Once in a train a well-dressed man discovered that his cigarette-case was missing and said he would take the man next to him to the police at the nearest station.

Looking down however, the well-dressed man found his cigarette-case lying under the seat. He apologized to the other passenger saying he was sorry he had thought badly of him.

“Never mind,’’ said the passenger. “You thought I was a thief (вор) and I thought you were a gentleman, and we were both mistaken.”

Words to be used:

to charge somebody with something, to demand, to pick up, to take one person for another.


The bus pulled up at the stop but to the disappointment of the people waiting there it didn’t take them all aboard. So a thin nervous man who was the last to get in thought he was lucky to get the only vacant seat that was left. Soon, however, he felt very uncomfortable. The passenger sitting next to him was so stout that he nearly pushed the poor little fellow off the bench. In an angry tone the thin man asked his stout neighbour to move up, but the latter refused to do so.

“If I were managing the city transport,” the thin man then said, “I would take the fares according to (в соответствии с) the passenger’s weight.”

“If that were so, my man,” the stout man immediately replied. “No conductor would allow you aboard the bus.”

Words to be used:

to pick up, to demand, to be in charge of.


Once a millionaire was taking his usual walk in the park. Suddenly his attention was attracted by an unusually thin, pale man who was begging (просил милостыню) at the park gates.

Looking at the man’s awkward manner one might immediately guess that he had never begged before.

The millionaire who had plenty of time at his disposal stopped to talk to the beggar. After exchanging a few remarks with him the millionaire got so interested that he invited the man to his house.

“I want to hear the whole story,” he said. “You needn’t be afraid to tell me all about yourself.”

At first the man could not get over his excitement, but soon he became quite frank and complained bitterly of his hard life.

The millionaire seemed greatly impressed by the story. With tears in his eyes he called a servant and said, “John, show this poor fellow out. He is breaking my heart.”

Words to be used:

to judge by, to propose, (not) to leave out, to feel nervous, to get frightened.

XXVII. Retell this story and think of an end to it. Discuss the questions following the story:

That morning Susan Johnson felt especially happy.

She was through with all her examinations and could now take advantage of all the opportunities offered to the only daughter of very rich parents.

A telephone ring interrupted her cheerful thoughts. It was Joe Brown, her fellow-student. They had been going out together lately. His unusually serious tone surprised her the moment he started talking. He hurriedly explained that a group of students had decided to devote the first day of their holidays to a march* of protest against the arrest and treatment of some people who had been charged with an attempt to reach the Polaris base on the Holy Loch in their boats. Joe was going and he suggested that she should join him.

That was a disappointment. Couldn’t he have thought of something less boring? Why should she spoil the whole day because of something she had never cared for?

“Oh, Sue,” he tried to persuade her, “if you only cared to think about it for a moment...” But she burst into bitter impatient words trying to prove that he would never have made such a proposal if he really cared for her. She hung up nearly crying with anger.

The day was most definitely spoilt.

Susan promised to herself not to see Joe throughout the holidays.

It would be hard of course, but she would get over it. He should have appreciated her friendship. After all he was only the son of an ordinary school-teacher, and her parents were the most respected people in the town.

Two weeks passed, and Susan felt very lonely. Now she couldn’t see Joe even though she wanted to: her parents had found out all about his connections with the peace marchers and insisted that she should give him up. The peace marchers were breaking the law, Mr. Johnson explained. They were all running a terrible risk and going about with Joe might do her a lot of harm.

This, however, had quite an unexpected effect on the girl. She sensed trouble for her friend and secretly hoped she would run into him somewhere in the street. So when this finally happened, she gave herself away against her own will.

“Oh, Joe,” she cried out. “Why have you been avoiding me all this time?”

“I’ve not been avoiding you,” he answered. “But there was something I learned quite by chance and I didn’t want to see you before I cleared everything up. Let’s go and find some corner where we could talk it over quietly.”

“Sue,” he went on when they were sitting on a lonely bench in the park. “You can’t keep away from us...”

“So, it’s the peace marchers again,” she interrupted impatiently. “My parents advised me to keep away from all those people you’re mixing with. I wouldn’t like to be put in prison because of them.”

“I never knew you vere so easily frightened,” Joe sounded bitter. “I suppose it’s just because you’ve been too long mixing with people like those you call your parents. I see you are unlikely to change unless you give them up.” Now she was white with anger. “You weigh your words, Joe Brown,” she cried, but he didn’t let her finish. “Look!” he said. Susan looked at an old newspaper he held out to her and saw a picture of a young woman with very familiar features. “Why,” she cried out, immediately forgetting her anger, “she looks exactly like me. Where did you get it from?”

“It’s your mother,” Joe said, looking her straight in the face, “your real mother. And you have every reason to be proud of her. The Johnsons adopted you when you were two years old. I do care for you, Susan. How could I remain indifferent after finding out all this? Just read what it says below the picture.”

As in a dream Susan obediently read: “Our young heroine courageously fought against the Germans and was killed in France. After losing her husband in the war, she joined the British army as a volunteer (доброволец) leaving a little child in the care of her old mother. ‘I am going to fight the nazis because I want peace for my daughter,’ she had said before leaving for France...”


1. What do you think Susan’s mother did in France?

2. How did it happen that Susan found herself in the family of the Johnsons?

3. What can you say about Joe and his family, and why do you think he joined the peace marchers?

4. What do you know about peace marchers?

XXVIII. Speak on the following topics:

1. The Fight for Peace

2. A Well-known Fighter for Peace


XXIX. Book a seat on a plane and ask the booking-clerk all the particulars (подробности) about the flight.

XXX.    Say to the customs officer whether you have anything todeclare.

XXXI. Say a few words to a friend of yours before his plane takes off.

XXXII . Look at the pictures carefully and make up a story using the following words:

to attract somebody’s attention, to risk, patiently, to turn out to be.

Words you may need: clouds of smoke клубы дыма

XXXIII. Look at the pictures and ask each other questions about it. Use the following words:

an incident, plenty of, to train, to practise, patiently, exactly, to get out.

Words you may need: a stick палка , a bone кость , a tin консервная банка



Grammar: Subjunctive IIin wish-clauses (§21)

Revision: Tense-forms and Voice (Tables 7)

     The Subjunctive Mood, Modal verbs (Tables 8, 10)



(from the novel “A Miner’s Sons” by Len Doherty)

Len Doherty was born in Glasgow in 1930 in the family of a worker. At the age of fourteen he had to leave school and go to work. At seventeen he started to work in a mine. “A Miner’s Sons” is Doherty’s first novel.

The action of the novel takes place in our days in one of the Yorkshire mines.

The main characters are the members of the family of a miner, Mellers by name. Mellers is only 52 years of age but 38 years in a mine have turned him into an old man.

* * *

Mellers waited while the doctor made out the note for work, and the prescription that wouldn’t be a lot of help. He combed his grey hair and glanced downwards to check if he had dressed himself properly after the examination. The doctor looked up. “Here we are,” he said cheerfully, handing over the note. Mellers made to rise but stopped as the doctor told him to wait.

“Just one minute. You’re not getting away as easily as that, Mr. Mellers.”

The big miner looked at the wall behind the doctor’s head and pursed his lips without answering.

“When are you going to give it up, old fellow?”

“Give up what?”

The doctor made an impatient gesture.

“Now I’m serious, you know. When?”

Mellers shrugged. He didn’t want to argue about it. In fact he never felt like arguing now. And he liked the doctor too. He was obviously a sincere young man, and he seemed to be trying to understand and help patients. Although he had been in the village for less than a year, the doctor was respected as quite a decent fellow. He gave out notes for absence from work without being awkward over it. To the doctor a man whose work was physically hard, and whose body must suffer the strain of it, could be unfit for his job for a day or two without having any special illness.

“Now look,” the doctor removed his glasses and leaned across the desk. I wish I didn’t have to say that, but the work’s going to kill you if yor keep it up. Two or three years from now you’ll have nothing left to fight with. You’re not so strong now — big as you may be — and you’re certainly getting weaker and weaker.”

He stopped, expecting an answer. There was no reply, and he went on, trying to persuade the man.

“I could certify you as fully unfit for work. So would any specialist. A few months of rest and fresh air and I’m sure you could do a light job. But this is a serious warning — if you keep this up, eight hours’ daily breathing that dust and burying yourself away from fresh air, and — well, I’ve told you once. You won’t be alive in another three years.”

Mellers pulled his cap out of his pocket and held it in his big scarred hands as he sat there...

There were times before when the doctors had told him he was not fit to go to the mine, but each time he had gone back like an old race dog that had got to try its strength with the younger dogs for some time more...

“I’ll think it over!”

The doctor sighed.

2020-02-04 478 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 5 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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