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2020-02-04 340 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 7 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


I. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the use of Subjunctive II (See § 21):

1. I wish the girl cared more for her music lessons. It’s so difficult to make her practise the piano. 2. I wish she hadn’t picked up that girl for a friend. 3. I wish I could travel long distances without getting car-sick. 4. I wish the child were not so nervous. She can hardly sit quiet for a moment. 5. I wish she had not been so nervous at the examination. She couldn’t answer a single question. 6. I wish you would carry on the conversation. The subject is very interesting.

II. Practise aloud:

1. I wish I knew what’s wrong with him. 2. I wish he were in charge of the work. 3. I wish you had taken a picture of that museum. 4. I wish we could make a non-stop flight. 5. I wish you would treat them in a more friendly way.

III. Use a wish-clause instead of the parts of the sentences in black type making other necessary changes:

1. It’s a pity he is so shy; he hasn’t made friends with anybody here yet. 2. It’s a pity he was not exact enough when making that report. He overlooked some important figures. 3. It would be good if we could engage two more engineers. 4. It’s a pity she started at hearing the news. She gave herself away. 5. It would be a good thing if I had no engagements for this weekend. I could join your camping party. 6. I’m sorry I didn’t pick up more good expressions when I was on that business trip. 7. It’ll be very good if they subscribe to this magazine. It’s very interesting. 8. It would be very good if that doctor agreed to treat your son. 9. It’s a pity Nick is engaged in some other business now. I’d have asked him to help us.

IV. Complete the sentences using the verb to wish:

1. It’s rather difficult to begin studying a foreign language when one is over thirty.

I wish — (to be younger) — (to be brought up to know English)

2. I have a slight cold and don’t feel like going to the theatre tonight.

I wish — (to go instead of me) — (not to book the tickets)

3. It’s a pity the rain is keeping us.

I wish —(to stop) —(to have raincoats on) —(to take an umbrella (зонтик)

4. Don’t you find the film rather boring?

I wish —(to end as soon as possible) —(not to go to see it)

5. It’s a pity Nick is away on a holiday now.

I wish — (to be here) —(to return already)

6. I am so sorry you have a sore throat.

I wish —(to be well) —(not to go on that outing)

7. I am so sorry my words have hurt you.

I wish —(not to be cross with me) —(not to speak in that way)

8. Try to pull yourself together.

I do wish — (can, to help you) — (not to tell you the sad news)

V. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given in brackets (for Models See Ex. II):

(to be in charge of, to overlook, to be nervous, to subscribe to, to carry on, to leave in (out), to care for, to pick out, to keep to the point, to keep away from, to keep together, to keep somebody waiting, to keep one’s promise, to keep an appointment, to keep doing something, to keep dry (cool, etc.), to go abroad, to take for, to take to, to take over)

VI. Read the following statements, then express a wish in connection with them. See the models:

a) It is raining now. We can’t go to the country. I wish it were not raining now. We could go to the country.

b) The weather was cold and windy that day. I caught cold during that outing. I wish the weather had not been so cold and windy that day. I shouldn’t have caught cold then.

1. You didn’t clear up the point at once. We have to consider the matter again now. 2. The bus is packed. It won’t pick up all the passengers. 3. She gets very excited and nervous at the examination. Her answers make a bad impression. 4. It’s a pity you didn’t mention these facts in connection with the matter under discussion. 5. He always argues about everything. It’s hard to work with him. 6. The doctor is very busy now. I am afraid he will not see the patient. 7. The medicine is so bitter, I can’t make the child take it. 8. I haven’t booked a return ticket and now I am afraid it will be difficult to book for a through train.

VII. Translate into English using Subjunctive IIin clauses after the verb to wish:

1. Жаль, что он так равнодушен к спорту. 2. Хорошо бы дождь перестал. 3. Жаль, что вы не оценили его опыта. 4. Жаль, что ты наказала мальчика. 5. Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы вы не нервничали на экзаменах. 6. Как бы мне хотелось подписаться на этот журнал. 7. Как жаль, что вы разочаровались в этом методе (method). 8. Как жаль, что вы судите обо всей работе по первым результатам. 9. Как жаль, что вы не приняли этого предложения. Оно кажется вполне разумным. 10. Как бы я хотел, чтобы вы смогли убедить свою сестру в том, что она неправа. 11. Жаль, что опыт (experiment) закончился неудачей. Его, должно быть, плохо подготовили. Вам следует готовиться к опытам более тщательно. 12. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мой сын больше любил музыку. Мне не приходилось бы заставлять его играть на рояле. 13. Жаль, что я не знаю, какой курс лечения может лучше всего помочь мне. 14. Жаль, что мы не приступили к работе сразу же, как пришли. 15. Как жаль, что меня не обучали говорить на каком-либо иностранном языке с детства. 16. Жаль, что вы не заказали билеты на беспосадочный рейс. 17. Жаль, что вы исключили (выпустили) ряд интересных эпизодов. Если бы вы рассказали все полностью (in full), ваш рассказ произвел бы большее впечатление.


VIII. Say everything you can think of in connection with the given situations; use the modal verbs can (could), may (might), must, should:

M o d e l: About the key to your room you can’t find.

            Where can it be? Can (could) I have left it anywhere?

            I may not have taken it at all. I couldn’t have lost it, could I?

            I must have put it in the drawer (ящик стола, комода и т. д.)

            I should be more careful next time.

1. About the book you can’t find.

2. About the person you want to find so as to pass on to him (her) something very important.

3. About your friend who hasn’t turned up at the appointed time.

4. About the whereabouts (местонахождение) and the movements of your friend who has gone somewhere for a holiday.

5. About what your child (children) might be doing at the moment.

IX. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms and voice. After checking the exercise retell the dialogue in indirect speech (See Table No. 7):


Mr. N. Good morning, Mr. Ivanov. How are you?

Mr. I. Very well, thank you.

Mr. N. What train (to come) you on?

Mr. I. I (to come) on the ten o’clock train from Birmingham. It’s very convenient. But let’s get down to business. I (to tell) that some of the machines we (to order) (to be) ready for testing.

Mr. N. Quite right. They (to be) ready for testing in half an hour. Meanwhile, would you like to see the packing of those which you (to inspect) last time?

Mr. I.Yes, please. Let me check the transport numbers. I see everything (to do) properly. (to sign) I the certificate now?

Mr. N. Yes, please. Keep a copy for yourself and leave one for us as usual.

Mr. I. (to remember) you (to say) you (to show) me round the factory?

Mr. N. Oh, yes, I (to make) a note of that. What machines (to be) you particularly interested in? We (to make) quite a variety of them.

Mr. I.I should like to see the production of lathes*.

Mr. N. Very well. I’ll be pleased to show you all I can after lunch. Meanwhile, I (to make) all the necessary arrangements.

Mr. I.Thank you very much.

X. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms and mood. After checking the exercise retell the story:


An American lady travelling in England (to get) into a compartment in a smoking carriage where an Englishman (to smoke) a pipe. For a short time she (to sit) quietly expecting that the Englishman (to stop) smoking. But when the train (to be) under way for half an hour, she (to begin) to cough** and sneeze*** trying in this way to show him that she (to object) to the smoke. At last seeing that all her efforts to attract his attention (to fail), she (to address) him impatiently:

“If you (to be) a gentleman, you (to stop) smoking when a lady (to get) into the carriage.”

“If you (to be) a lady,” (to reply) the Englishman, “you (not to get) into a smoking carriage.”

“If you (to be) my husband,” (to say) the American lady angrily, “I (to give) you poison****.”

The Englishman (to look) at her for a moment or two. “Well,” he (to say) at last, “if I (to be) your husband, I (to take) it.”


XI. Make up fifteen questions on the text using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

XII. Paraphrase the following passages from the text in your own way:

1. ... made out the prescription that wouldn’t be a lot of help. 2. Mellers made to rise. 3. ... without being awkward over it. 4. ... you’ll have nothing left to fight with. 5. ... but you could get an easier, fresh-air job later on. 6. ... and throw it away as good for nothing. 7. ... but the handling of them was always so difficult. 8. The doctor stared hard at the thirty- eight trying to get some meaning out of it. 9. ... when all was said and done.

XIII. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) и рецепт, который не очень-то поможет 2) “Ну, вот,” — сказал он 3) теперь у него никогда не появлялось желание спорить 4) работа убьет вас, если вы ее не бросите 5) а вы все слабеете и слабеете 6) еще через три года 7) я обдумаю это 8) теперь я ничего больше не могу сделать 9) в чем дело 10) дело не только в деньгах. Во всяком случае, я подумаю 11) никуда не годный 12) но он выглядел гораздо старше 13) пора бросить эту работу

XIV. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the parts in black type:

1. He combed his grey hair and glanced downwards to make sure that he had dressed himself properly. 2. It was clear that he was a sincere young man. 3. To the doctor a man whose body had to suffer the strain of hard physical work could be certified as unable to do his job for a day or two. 4. The work will kill you if you continue to do it. 5. He had gone through it all. 6. The degree of illness differed from case to case, but the way of dealing with the patients was always so difficult. 7. He threw the paper into the waste-basket and decided to forget it for a time.

XV. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text):

a prescription, obviously (2), to suffer, to keep up, achievements, anyhow, to imagine, to found, to vary, for the present.

XVI. Correct the following statements:

1. Immediately after the examination Mellers rose to go as he saw that the doctor was likely to send him out of the surgery without a prescription.

2. The doctor had been in the village only about a year but he fully realized what a strain the work of the miners was. In spite of that, however, he always held long arguments before making out a note for absence from work.

3. The doctor certified Mellers as fully unfit saying that he would have to give up all work for the rest of his life.

4. Mellers accepted the doctor’s advice without arguing, as being pensioned off did not trouble him. He was rich enough and no longer cared for his work.

5. Mellers could hardly remember his father, and the few memories he had of him were pleasant ones.

6. The doctor was quite satisfied with the results of the talk he had had with Mellers, so he looked around his surgery cheerfully as if gaining new strength from the sight.

7. As the doctor had nothing more to do that day, he sat staring blankly at his desk, and his face wore a look of disappointment.

XVII. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Answer these questions:

1) Are you good at making notes of lectures?

2) In what case would you have to leave a note for someone?

3) Do you prefer speaking with or without notes at your meetings? Give your reasons.

4) Does your daughter (son) always keep her (his) notes in order?

2. Use synonyms:

1) You’d better write it down. 2) The scientist spoke from memory. 3) I’ll leave you a message. 4) The matter is very important. You should keep it in mind.

3. Make up sentences of your own:

not to rely on one’s memory — to make a note (of)

to exchange — notes of lectures

to put off the engagement — to make a note (of)

to get interested — to make notes

to mix up — (not) to keep one’s notes in order


1. Translate and give situations in which the following sentences might be used:

1) All the figures must have been checked. 2) He couldn’t check his anger. 3) You must learn to check yourself. 4) He checked the address again before dropping the letter in the box.

2. Change the tense of the following sentence using all possible tense-forms. Add adverbial modifiers to justify the tense:

I checked all the figures carefully.

3. Paraphrase:

1) Will you look through these words and see whether the spelling is correct? 2) You should have examined his statements to see whether they were true. 3) Before handing the prescription to the patient, the doctor looked it over to make sure it was correct. 4) Jane nearly burst into angry words, but managed to pull herself together in time.

4. Complete in any sensible way:

1) Will you ... ?              4) Would you mind ... ?

2) Shall I ... ?                 5) Could you ... ?

3) Do you mind ... ?



1. Answer these questions:

1) Do patients necessarily have to suffer pain during operations nowadays?

2) What would you do if you suffered from frequent headaches?

2. Translate :

1) Если бы он обратился к врачу раньше, он бы сейчас так не страдал от зубной боли. 2) Должно быть, она много пережила во время войны.


1. Complete in any sensible way:

1) She should not strain her eyes when ... .

2) He should not have strained his voice when ... .

3) You must have strained yourself when ... .

4) She wouldn’t be short-sighted if ... .

5) You wouldn’t have a sore throat if ... .

6) He would be fit to work now if ... .

2. Complete these sentences and use them in situations of your own:

It’s a strain — to take this treatment ... — to argue ... — to carry on ... — to check ...


1. Translate into Russian and give situations in which the following sentences might be used:

1) The food was not fit to eat. 2) He is a fit person to do the job. 3) Is he fit to travel? 4) He is still unfit for work. 5) I am so sorry the coat doesn’t fit me. 6) You are looking very fit after your holiday.

2. Use synonyms:

1) He is in no condition to work. 2) These shoes are quite good for autumn wear. 3) The man isn’t good for this job because of his inexperience. 4) I like the colour of the coat. But it isn’t my size. 5) Machines of this kind are not good for work in the North. 6) If you want to keep well and strong, do morning exercises regularly.


1. Make up sentences of your own:

1) not to suit — to put off

2) to be suitable — to accept

3) to suit — (not) to hesitate

2. Make up as many sentences as you can and give situations where you might use them

The time of the meeting to be convenient
The actor to prove (to be) suitable
These planes to turn out (to be) fit
The price to seem (to be) comfortable
The engineer    
The armchair    
The arrangement    
The plan    
The hat    
The place of the appointment    
These shoes    


1. Translate:

1) There are many ways of keeping up one’s knowledge. 2) I hope the boy carries on with his French. It’ll be a pity if he doesn’t keep it up. 3) You are a very good skater. I can’t keep up with you. 4) Linda always kept up with the latest fashions. 5) Nothing could keep George from fighting for his rights.

2. Paraphrase:

1) He reads the medical journals to have a good idea of the newest ways of treating illnesses. 2) I wonder how Kate manages to follow day-to-day events with a family of four on her hands. 3) You should have persuaded him not to take that foolish step.

3. Make up sentences of your own using the Subjunctive Mood and the modal verbs:

Model I — He wouldn’t know English so well if he didn’t keep it up by reading. — You should keep up with your fellow-students.


  one’s English
  the latest achievements
  the latest fashions
to keep up one’s knowledge
to keep up with one’s health
  one’s fellow-students
  one’s strength

Model II. You should have kept him from making that mistake.

  one’s friend to argue over something.
to keep (from) one’s son to strain oneself
  one’s fellow-worker to strain one’s eyes

4. Translate:

1) Это лекарство следует держать в холодном месте. 2) — Вам вернуть эту квитанцию? — Не нужно, можете оставить ее у себя. 3) Как жаль, что у вас не продаются (вы не держите) такие вещи. 4) Поберегите для меня это место, хорошо? Я сейчас же вернусь. 5) Как жаль, что я не вел тогда дневника! 6) Вы можете зайти за книгой в понедельник. Я оставлю ее для вас. 7) Как жаль, что вы не задержали его до моего прихода.

5. Make up situations using the English equivalents of the following:

1) придерживаться темы, не сдержать слова, продолжать спорить

2) держаться в стороне от кого-л., не отставать от товарищей, держаться вместе

3) (не) прийти вовремя, заставить кого-л. ждать

4) если продержится сухая погода, сдержать обещание

5) удержать кого-л. от чего-л., продолжать пытаться, поддерживать знания


1. Translate:

1) It’s no use asking me to help you, because anyhow you’ll have to read it all through yourself. 2) I’ll tell him all I think about his attitude towards his work, anyhow. 3) Well, anyhow we won’t be through with the work till evening.

2. Use a synonym:

1) We’ll move to the country in May, whatever happens. 2) “I suggest that you should have this tooth pulled out at once,” said the dentist. “It’ll have to come out in any case.” 3) I have a lot of work to do today and I may be late, but I’ll come to your party in any case.


1. Translate and think of situations in which the following sentences might be used:

1) Somehow I never remember his first name. 2) He somehow managed to prove that he was right. 3) He somehow got over his difficulties all by himself.


1. Translate:

1) The subjects of his stories vary, but the style always remains the same. 2) All these dresses are alike. They only vary slightly in colour. 3) English grammar differs greatly from Russian grammar. 4) The number of lectures at our club varies from month to month. 5) The things you can buy at this shop are many and various, aren’t they? 6) These two lamps are quite different. 7) He gave a variety of examples.

2. Substitute the word variety for various: then use in sentences of your own:

various goods, various cars, various food products.

3. Make up sentences of your own:

1) advertisement — to vary — to attract

2) ways of treatment (at this hospital) — to vary — to achieve

3) to look alike — to differ — to be pleasant (unpleasant) to deal with

4) to take for — to differ slightly

5) to need special treatment — quite a different case

6) various departments — a variety of goods — excellent service

7) to tell on — to become quite a different person


1. Answer these questions:

1) What should one do to learn to handle a car?

2) What kind of things should be handled with care?

3) What would you do if you saw that a matter you are interested in isn’t handled in the right way?

2. Give all possible combinations and use them in sentences of your own:

  a bicycle with care
  an illness for a long time
  a car in a friendly way
to handle a matter cleverly
to treat a patient lightly
  a case  
  a newcomer  

3. Translate:

1) С этой машиной следует обращаться осторожно. 2) Как жаль, что девочки еще не научились обращаться со швейной машиной (a sewing [ʹsouɪŋ] machine). 3) Если бы вы умели обращаться с велосипедом, он не был бы в таком плохом состоянии.

XVII. Answer the following questions:

A. 1. Who usually makes out prescriptions? Can a nurse do that?

2. Would a doctor prescribe a medicine for a patient without examining him?

3. Would he do so if the kind of illness were obvious?


B. 1. Could you stand a toothache for a long time or would you go to a dentist?

2. Why is it not always obvious which of your teeth troubles you?

3. How does a dentist treat his patients? Does he prescribe any medicine for teeth?

С. 1. Why couldn’t the author imagine that Miss Bradley was an experienced smuggler (контрабандист)?

2. What would he have done if her intentions had been obvious to him at once?

3. Why did the author decide to travel on the Golden Arrow? Could he stand a long journey in Miss Bradley’s company?

XVIII. Add a beginning to the following sentences:

1. ...... They can’t have certified him as unfit for the competition.

2. ...... The campaign must be under way at the present time.

3. ...... You should have stood it patiently.

4. ...... You can imagine the picture yourself.

XIX. Make as many combinations as you can with the adjectives frank, sincere and honest and the nouns given in brackets. Translate them into Russian:

(friendship, a face, a greeting, a letter, a person, an opinion, work, words, an act, criticism, an attitude, surprise)

XX. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbial particles if necessary:

1. I don’t insist ... your checking this list now, only make a note ... it so as not to forget to do it later on. 2. The doctor isn’t likely to prescribe any special medicine ... your headaches. 3. Why should you argue ... this mistake when it is obvious ... everybody? 4. ... a long time the doctors could not say exactly what illness the patient was suffering ... . 5. The examinations were such a strain ... Jane that she began to sleep badly and as a result was certified as unfit ... the sporting events. 6. The house would suit ... us perfectly if it weren’t so far ... the centre ... the town. 7. It isn’t quite convenient ... me to refuse ... their invitation. 8. She has mastered two foreign languages ... rather a short time and very cleverly manages to keep ... her knowledge ... listening ... the radio and reading a lot. 9. If you had not kept Alice ... going on the stage, she might have made a good actress. 10. During my illness all my fellow-students made so much progress ... English that now I find it a strain to keep ... ... them. 11. Does this method differ greatly ... the method suggested ... them? 12. ... the present time one cannot imagine a house ... electricity. 13. The medicine you prescribed ... the child last time was too bitter. Couldn’t you prescribe something else ... her ... this time?

XXI. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets:

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TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 7 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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