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2020-02-04 450 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 10 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

gently [ʹdʒentlɪ] adv                        нежно, мягко, осторожно

figure [ʹfɪɡǝ] п                                 1. цифра

                                                       2. фигура

help * v                                           1. помогать

W. comb. to help smb. in (into),     помочь кому-л. войти, выйти

out (out of) *

to help smb. on (off) with one’s coat помочь кому-л. надеть (снять) пальто

е. g . Не helped the woman into      Он помог женщине сесть в машину

(out of) the car.                              (выйти из машины).

Не helped me out of the difficulty. Он помог мне выйти из затруднения,

                                                       * 2. угощать

Phr. to help oneself to smth.            угощаться

e. g. Please help yourself to some Пожалуйста, возьмите еще салата.

more salad.

faint [feɪnt] v                                   падать в обморок, терять сознание

Ant. to come to (oneself)                 приходить в себя

e. g. The woman fainted at hearing Женщина потеряла сознание, услы-

the sad news, but she soon came    шав печальную новость, но скоро

to (herself).                                     пришла в себя.

heavens [ʹhevǝnz] п                        небеса

е . g. Good Heavens!                       Боже мой! (для выражения удивле-

                                                             ния, протеста и т. д.)

rush [rʌʃ] v                                     1. бросаться, мчаться, нестись

е. g . Не rushed into (out of) the     Он ворвался в комнату (стремитель-

room.                                              но выбежал из комнаты).

Don’t rush through your work. Do He делай работу в спешке. Сделай ее

it carefully.                                     тщательно

                                                       2. торопить кого-л., ускорить что-л.

I should not like to rush you.         Я не хотел бы вас торопить.

I’d like you to rush the matter.       Я бы хотел, чтобы вы ускорили это


rush п                                             спешка

е. g . You shouldn’t do things in a He следует ничего делать в спешке.


There was a terrible rush at the sta- Когда я пришел на станцию, все

tion, when I got there.                     ужасно торопились.

(the) rush-hour(s) n                        часы «пик»

e. g. I don’t like to travel in the      Я не люблю ездить в часы «пик».


bell п                                               звонок

brandy [ʹbrændɪ] п                          коньяк, бренди

effect [ɪʹfekt] п                                 следствие, результат, действие

W . comb . to have some (much,       оказать некоторое (сильное) действие

little, no) effect on smb.                  на кого-л., (не оказывать сколько-н.

                                                             значительного действия на кого-л.

                                                             не оказывать никакого действия на


to have a good effect on smb.         дать хороший результат, положитель-

                                                             но повлиять

e . g . Do you think the medicine      Вы думаете, что лекарство окажет

will have any effect (a good ef-      какое-либо действие (даст хороший

feet)?                                              результат)?

Our arguments had no (not much, lit- Наши доводы на него не подейство-

tle) effect on him.                            вали (не оказали большого дей-


effect [ɪʹfekt] v                                 осуществлять, производить

W. comb. to effect shipment           Производить отгрузку (платеж) (ком-

(payment)                                       мерч.)

effective adj                                    эффективный

W. comb. to prove effective            оказаться эффективным

door-handle [ʹdɔ:hændl] n              дверная ручка

congratulation [kǝn͵ɡrætjuʹleɪʃn] n поздравление

(usually pl.)

e. g. You’ve entered the Institute!   Вы поступили в институт! Поздрав- Congratulations!                                         ляю!

congratulate [kǝnʹɡrætjuleɪt] v       поздравлять

W. comb . to congratulate smb. on поздравлять кого-л. с успехом (же-

а success (one’s marriage,              нитьбой, получением хорошей рабо-

getting a good job, etc.)                  ты и т. д.)

е. g . I congratulated him on pass- Я поздравил его со сдачей экзамена.

ing the examination.

——— Note: ———

I sent him birthday (New Year)      Я поздравил его с днем рождения
greetings.                                        (Новым годом).

pretty [ʹprɪtɪ] adj                            хорошенький, красивый, приятный

W. comb . a pretty house (girl,         хорошенький домик (девочка, голос,

voice, dress, flower,                        etc.) платье, цветок и т. д.)

blush v                                            краснеть (от стыда, радости

                                                           и т. д.)

Syn. to turn red                           краснеть

e . g . The girl blushed when I          Девушка покраснела, когда я спро-

asked her about her progress          сил ее о ее успехах в музыке.

in music.

GoodLord!                                     Боже мой! (восклицание)

absolutely [ʹæbsǝʹlu:tlɪ] adv            совершенно, абсолютно

absurd [ǝbʹsǝ:d] adj                        смешной, нелепый

drawer [drɔ:ǝ] n                              ящик (выдвижной)

knee [ni:] n                                      колено

pause [pɔ:z] n                                 пауза

wasteful [ʹweɪstfǝl] adj                    расточительный

waste [weɪst] v                                напрасно тратить

W. comb. to waste one’s time         терять время

to waste one’s money                   напрасно тратить деньги

e. g. Much effort was wasted!         Как много усилий потрачено зря!

waste п                                            отходы

W. comb. a waste (-paper-) bas-     корзина для бумаги


deny [dɪʹnaɪ] v                                 1. отрицать

e. g. He denied all knowledge of     Он отрицал, что что-либо знает об

the event.                                        этом событии.

I deny that the statement is true.    Я отрицаю, что это заявление соот-

                                                             ветствует действительности.

It cannot be denied that the latest dis- Нельзя отрицать, что последние от-

coveries made at the Institute are of крытия, сделанные в этом Институ-

great value to medicine.                  те, представляют большую ценность

                                                             для медицины.

                                                  2. отказать кому-л. в чем-л.

е. g . She can deny her son noth-     Она ни в чем не может отказать

ing.                                                 своему сыну.

W. comb. to deny oneself smth.      отказать себе в чем-л.

е. g . She couldn’t deny herself the Она не могла отказать себе в удо-

pleasure of a ride in the car.           вольствии покататься на машине.


Rosemary Fell [ʹrouzmǝrɪ ʹfel] Розмари Фелл

Bond Street                               Бонд стрит, одна из центральных

                                                  улиц Лондона, где    расположены

                                                  наиболее фешенебельные и дорогие

                                                  магазины ювелирных изделий и

                                                  других предметов роскоши

Philip [ʹfɪlɪp]                             Филип

Miss Smith                                 Мисс Смит


I. Translate into Russian:

1. Tell me when they start taking subscriptions for journals and magazines so that I can have time to let my fellow- workers know.

2.The teacher told the boy to watch the machine at work so that he would learn to handle it quicker.

3. Iadvise him to carry on with the lessons so that he will keep up his English.

4. We must leave home two hours before the take-off time so that we can arrange everything without hurrying.

5. Ken had to save part of the money he earned so that his brother could carry on with his experiments.

II. Combine the following sentences using so that and making other necessary changes:

1. The boy fetched a better        He wanted his friend to exami-

   lamp.                                     ne the collection.

2. The doctor insists on             He wants you to get over the

   your staying in bed.               illness in a week’s time.

3. All the boxes should be         The nurse should find the neces-

   marked properly.                  sary medicine quickly.

4. They gave him an exact         They wanted him to find the

   description of the place.        house without asking any

                                                  body to show him the way.

5. The saleswoman showed       She wanted to help me pick

   me a variety of dresses.         out a dress for the happy



III. Translate into English(See Tables 8 and 10):

1. Вашей жене было бы полезно поехать на Балтийское море. Вам следовало бы отговорить ее от поездки на юг.

2. Несчастный случай, должно быть, произошел потому, что он не умеет обращаться с этой машиной.

3. Представитель фирмы предложил обсудить поправку в присутствии всех членов комитета. „Боюсь, я не имею права принимать сейчас какие-либо меры по вышеупомянутому вопросу“, — сказал он.

4. Эта книга, возможно, привлекла его внимание, но я не разделяю его мнения, она показалась мне совсем заурядной.

5. Я предлагаю пройти таможенный досмотр как можно скорее. Если бы мы сейчас взвесили вещи, мы могли бы перекусить немного, прежде чем садиться на пароход. Нам следовало бы это сделать, чтобы не страдать от морской болезни.

6. Если бы вы хранили продукты (пищу) в прохладном месте, они бы не портились так быстро. Вам давно следовало бы купить холодильник (a refrigerator).

7. Было бы неплохо, если бы вы смогли проверить эти списки, поскольку вы отвечаете за эту работу. Секретарь могла ошибиться, печатая (to type) их.

8. „Я совершенно разочаровался в этом архитекторе (an architect), — сказал Сомс. — Он взял (с меня) много денег, работает уже несколько месяцев, а дом еще не закончен. Кроме того, он всегда спорит со мной по любому пункту контракта“.

9. Я не понимаю, почему вас не устраивает этот план. Вам следовало бы более тщательно обсудить его, прежде чем отказываться от него.

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms and voice. After checking the exercise retell the dialogue in indirect speech (See Table 7):


Peter Ivanov is in a small industrial town. He just (to complete) some business and (to think) he can afford to do some sightseeing before his train (to leave) for London. He (to hear) there (to be) several places of interest in the town which visitors usually (to admire).

Mr. I. Excuse me, sir, could you tell me the way to the Picture Gallery? I (to walk) for half an hour, and I can’t get to the place.

Passer-by. I’m afraid not, I’m a stranger here myself. My friend here may know, though. He (to live) here for two years.

Friend. Yes, you want Castle Street. Go straight down the road till you (to come) to the traffic lights, then turn left. Castle Street (to be) the second turning on the right. You can’t miss it. You (to see) a house at the corner which (to pull down).

Mr. I. Thank you. Could you tell me of any other places of interest here?

Friend. Well, there’s an old cathedral* just outside the town. Many people (to find) it interesting. It (to repair)* recently and (to look) amazingly impressive.

Mr. I. How can I get there? (to be) it a long way off?

Friend. No, it’s only a fourpenny ride. A number 16 bus (to get) you there in ten minutes. The conductor (to tell) you where to get off.

Mr. I. I (to go) to the Picture Gallery first. What time (to close) they? (to have) I time to look around?

Friend. Oh yes. Today is Thursday. They (to close) late and admission (to be) free.

Mr. I. Thank you very much for your help.

Friend. Not at all.


V. Make up fifteen questions on the text using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

VI. Paraphrase the following passages from the text in your own way:

1. They were ... not just comfortably well off. 2. Rosemary gave no sign. 3. At this very moment a young girl ... appeared at Rosemary’s elbow and a voice like a sigh breathed ... 4. to hear anything you care to tell me. 5. Hungry people are easily led. 6. they were riding through the dusk. 7. And let me help you off with your coat. 8. I picked her up in the street. 9. Previous engagement?

VII. Substitute words and word combinations from the text instead of the parts in black type:

1. Rosemary expressed her pleasure at seeing the box. 2. She was young, brilliant, liked and wore only the newest things. 3. Rosemary did not show whether she thought the box expensive or not. 4 Outside rain was falling, the air was cold and bitter and the new-lighted lamps looked sad. 5. She saw a little creature no older than herself, who trembled with cold ...6. ... and a moment later the car was taking them home through the dusk. 7. “And let me help you take off your coat, too,” said Rosemary. 8. Rosemary quickly ran to ring the bell. 9. And really what that slight meal had done to her was amazing. 10. She’s so surprisingly good-looking. 11. Rosemary was so surprised that she turnedred. 12. You know, I can’t say noto anything you ask for.

VIII. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) изумительно начитана 2) оставьте ее для меня, хорошо? 3) в этот самый момент 4) мадам, можно с вами поговорить 5) пойдемте 6) „Ну, вот“ — воскликнула Розмари 7) подойдите и согрейтесь. У вас такой вид, как будто вы очень замерзли 8) разрешите мне помочь вам раздеться 9) если я не съем что-нибудь 10) я не могу больше так жить 11) вам и не придется, я позабочусь о вас. Я что-нибудь устрою 12) —„Извините“. — „Ничего“. 13) познакомься с моей приятельницей 14) вы извините нас, мисс Смит? 15) ей не больше двадцати 16) дай мне знать 17) что случилось? Она уже приглашена?

IX. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text):

amazingly, well-off, to admire, a taste, to shiver, amazement, to ride, to help off, to faint, to rush, effect, congratulations, to blush, pretty, to deny.

X. Correct the following statements using the modal verbs wherever possible:

1. Rosemary Fell was a middle-aged woman, plain in appearance and old-fashioned in every way. She came from a poor family and had to choose the cheapest places when she went shopping.

2. Seeing that Rosemary did not admire the box, the shopman tried to get her interested in it, but the price frightened her away, and she said at once that she could not afford it.

3. When Rosemary turned to answer the question, she saw an ugly creature of about forty who spoke in a loud voice and looked like a beggar. So Rosemary had no wish to help her out of her difficulty.

4. The girl felt quite at home in Rosemary’s big bedroom, so she took a seat in the big chair without being invited to do so and took off her worn-out coat and hat.

5. When Philip entered the room, he did not apologize to his wife and her visitor, but said that he would like to join in their conversation.

6. Philip found the girl extremely unattractive and looking much beyond her age, so he suggested that Rosemary should send her away as soon as possible.

7. After the conversation with her husband, Rosemary realized even more that she was really sorry for the girl, and she offered the poor creature all the money she had at that moment.

8. When Rosemary saw her husband half an hour later, her heart was still full of sorrow, and her only wish was to talk about the girl, though Philip did not mention the subject at all.

XI. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Paraphrase the sentences using the adjective instead of the verb:

M o d e l: I was amazed at the sight of the building = I found the building


1) I am amazed at his knowledge of the language. 2) My brother was amazed at the beauty of the town. 3) I was amazed at the results of his experiments. 4) The visitors were amazed at the variety of exhibits (экспонаты).

2. Complete in any sensible way:

1) I was amazed to learn ... .

2) He was amazed to see ... .

3) She was amazed to find ... .

4) We were amazed to discover ... .

3. Translate :

1) Г-н Вильсон был поражен переменой в манерах и поведении Джорджа. 2) Маленькие Кельви были изумлены красотой кукольного дома. 3) Г-н Болчин с изумлением узнал, что таможенный чиновник нашел более сорока часов в чемодане его спутницы. 4) Все нашли, что игра Хайсмита была просто изумительна. 5) Должно быть, это изумительная картина. О ней много говорят.



1. Answer these questions:

1) How would you describe a person of taste?

2) Would a woman of taste always follow the latest fashion?

3) Have you been to any exhibition lately? Was it arranged in good taste?

4) Did Linda show good taste in music? What about Colonel Green?

2. Add a beginning:

1) ... It has such a bitter taste!

2) ... I would have defended my taste.

3) ... They are not to my taste.

4) ... She should have shown better taste in her choice.

3. Translate :

1) Все хвалили ее вкус. 2) Такие песни не в моем вкусе. 3) Он, очевидно, человек с хорошим вкусом. 4) Тебе не кажется, что у молока несколько неприятный вкус? 5) Это дело вкуса.


1. Answer these questions:

1) What helps a writer to create characters which are true to life?

2) What new republics have been created on the African contient lately?

2. Give as many word combinations as you can with to do, to create, to make, and the nouns given in brackets. Translate them into Russian and use in sentences of your own:

(difficulties, some work, a friendly atmosphere, an amendment, a role, one’s duties, an exercise, a note of something, a dangerous situation, a great interest, an invention, a good (bad) impression)


1. Explain the meaning of the verb to do in each sentence by using one of the verbs in the margin:

1) Will you do the flowers while I do the window? to travel at
2) The car was doing sixty miles an hour. to complete
3) We did the journey in five hours. to arrange
4) The young actor did Hamlet very well. to suit
5) His stay in the Caucasus did him a lot of good. to see
6) A double room will do us very well. to hurt
7) Did you do the British museum when you were in London? to clean
8) Don’t get frightened. The doctor won’t to play the part of
do anything to you. to have a good effect on

2. Give as many combinations as you can with the verbs to do and to make and use them in sentences of your own:

a piece of work a remark         a mark

a discovery       arrangements  an announcement

lessons              one’s share     one’s job

3. Complete in any sensible way:

1) He did right

— in...

— when...


He must have done wrong

— in... — when...

3) I wonder why he recommended that journal to me. It ... (to have nothing to do).

4) If I were you I would share the books with them. You can ... (to do with).

5) You may certainly stay away till Monday; we ... (to do without).

4. Use synonymous expressions:

1) My report does not deal with the article. 2) Will you manage to check the translation, if I take away the dictionary? 3) I am not hungry at all. I shall have the meat course only. 4) It was very wrong of him to pick out that subject for his report. 5) I don’t see any connection between your arguments and the facts mentioned in the report.

5. Make sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

а) причесаться; убрать комнату; правильно (неправильно) поступить; иметь (не иметь) отношение (-я) к чему-либо; обойтись чем-либо; обойтись без чего-либо.

б) принести кому-л. пользу (вред); преуспевать; подойдет; не подойдет.


1. Answer these questions:

1) Can you ride a bicycle (a horse)?

2) In what kind of weather would you like to go for a ride about the countryside?

3) Have you ever had or seen any accidents during a ride? If so, describe them.

2. Make up sentences of your own:

1) to have an unpleasant ride — to be disappointed

2) to be due to leave (about a train) — to ride a bicycle

3) to risk — to ride a horse

4) to care — to ride in a car


1. Translate into Russian and think of situations where these sentences might be used:

1) Will you help me on with my coat? 2) This medicine isn’t likely to help much. 3) May I help you to some more cake? 4) Help yourself to the cigarettes. 5) He helped her out of the train.

2. Translate :

1) Вам следовало бы помочь женщине выйти из машины. 2) Должно быть, лечение ему помогло. 3) Вряд ли эти меры помогут. 4) Разрешите помочь вам снять пальто. 5) Возьмите еще мороженого.


1. Translate into Russian and think of situations where these sentences might be used:

1) The soldiers rushed forward. 2) The dog must have rushed at the old woman and frightened her. 3) They aren’t likely to rush the matter. 4) I wish you hadn’t rushed into the room like that. 5) You needn’t rush through your work. 6) You shouldn’t rush him.

2. Use a synonym:

1) When the signal was given, the people started running to the train as quickly as they could. 2) I should not like you to consider the matter in a hurry. 3) I don’t want you to have the work done too quickly. 4) If you are coming to our place with the children, try not to leave the house when people are returning from work.

3. Translate :

1) Если бы ты не делал работу в спешке, у тебя было бы меньше ошибок. 2) Вам не следовало бы торопить ее. 3) Я видела, как кто-то стремительно выбежал из комнаты. 4) Должно быть, перевод сделан в страшной спешке. В нем очень много ошибок. 5) На вокзале была такая сутолока, что можно было легко потеряться.


1. Translate:

1) This course of treatment will have a good effect, I am sure. 2) No wonder what you said had little effect on him! He is very difficult to deal with. 3) There are many effective ways of mastering a foreign language.

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