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2020-02-04 414 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

XVII.    Make up fifteen questions on the text using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

XVIII. Paraphrase the following sentences and parts of sentences from the text:

1. ... because of her really remarkable plainness. 2. It (the acquaintance) began entirely on my initiative. 3. Miss Bradley was a remarkable bore ... . 4. She kept on talking and made no remark worth taking notice of. 5. ... I would see her through the customs. 6. ... normally passengers for the Colden Arrow are dealt with by the customs first. 7. We’re just sharing a porter. 8. The customs officer ... will do you next. 9. ... when you’re through. 10. I have never been clear ... . 11. She never made the slightest move to make my acquaintance.

XIX. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the parts in black type:

1. I think we may have exchanged a few words at dinner, when passing one another the sugar or the bread. 2. There were quite enough porters on the platform. 3. I am quite sure that had she been even a little good-looking, I should not have gone up to her. 4. Before the boat had been moving for ten minutes I realized that Miss Bradley was a remarkably uninteresting person. 5. Miss Bradley was travelling by the usual boat train. 6. It would help Miss Bradley pass through the customs quickly. 7. The customs examiner reached us, looked at the four suitcases in, that X-ray manner which customs examiners must train themselves to have night and morning and said, “This is all yours?” 8. “Yes,” said the customs man without getting angry. “Does the luggage belong to you and this lady together?” “Not quite, we’ve just hired the same porter, that is all.” 9. Ihad nothing on which duty had to be paid and said so openly. 10. Isuddenly realized that the train would leave in five minutes.

XX. Give the situations in which the following are used (See Text):

a dozen, plenty of, slightly attractive, under way, ordinary, to get somebody through the customs, to practise, patiently, to share, to declare, to be due, the slightest move.

XXI. Find English equivalents to the following (See Text):

1) была некая мисс Бредли 2) передавали друг другу сахар или хлеб 3) по моей инициативе 4) когда я сошел 5) очень любезно с вашей стороны 6) мы очутились на борту 7) еще четыре часа 8) извинившись, я прошел к кассе 9) вы едете вместе 10) не имело смысла ждать Мисс Брэдли 11) а потом он осмотрит ваш багаж 12) когда вы пройдете досмотр 13) это было только начало 14) мне никогда не было ясно

XXII.    Correct the following statements. When speaking use the Subjunctive Mood wherever possible:

1. Miss Bradley, a young girl of twenty, attracted the author’s attention by her beauty and a remarkably intelligent face. She was tall and slim with regular features, and wore fashionable clothes.

2. The acquaintance began the moment the author noticed Miss Bradley, so later on in the dining-car they had an interesting talk, though after that they didn’t see much of each other.

3. Besides being very attractive in appearance. Miss Bradley turned out to be an excellent companion. She must have travelled a lot and could speak on many interesting subjects.

4. When they got off together, the author had difficulty in hiring a porter as there were very few of them on the platform.

5. The man looked forward to spending another four hours in company with Miss Bradley so he went along to the booking- office intending to book two tickets on the Golden Arrow.

6. The customs man dealt with the author’s luggage without asking him any questions as he realized at once that those two were not travelling together. He went through the author’s suit-cases carefully and then chalked Miss Bradley’s without a word.

7. The author left the customs house without waiting for Miss Bradley; he had been sitting in his compartment five minutes when the porter brought in his luggage saying that Miss Bradley had also got through the customs without any special difficulty.

XXIII. Vocabulary activization exercises:


1. Answer these questions:

1) Can we call an important event an incident?

2) Do you remember any interesting incidents from your last holiday?

3) What must you do before crossing the street so as to avoid accidents?

4) What would you call a difficult case in a doctor’s (teacher’s) practice?

5) What would you call a happy (sad) occasion?

6) Do you usually mark pages in books? In what case would you do so?

7) In what case would you place an advertisement in a newspaper?

8) In what case would you put up a notice?

9) Who would you turn to in case you had difficulties in your work?

2. Translate :

1) Вам следовало бы помочь им в случае необходимости (necessity). 2) Должно быть, это особый случай. 3) Что бы вы сделали в подобном случае? 4) В этом случае лечение, невидимому, не принесет пользы. 5) Вы можете попасть в автомобильную катастрофу. 6) Они, должно быть, приехали сюда по случаю конференции. 7) Может быть, с ним произошел несчастный случай. 8) Вы, должно быть, читали вгазетах о таких инцидентах. 9) Случай оказался очень забавным.

3. Add a beginning:

1) ...... There must have been an accident.

2) ...... You should have told us about the incident when everybody was


3) ...... It may be quite a different case.

4) ...... In that case I would have apologized.


1. Answer these questions:

1) What kind of films (books, people, etc.) attract you?

2) What would you do to attract the attention of a person standing at a distance from you?

3) What makes a person attractive?

2. Translate :

1) Эта реклама, вероятно, не привлечет внимания покупателей. 2) Ваше изобретение может привлечь внимание ученых. 3) Его концерты, очевидно, привлекут много слушателей. 4) Эта черта делает ее привлекательной.


1. Answer these questions:

1) What big economic plan is now under way in our country? 2) How long has the current (текущий) economic plan been under way now?

2. Make up sentences of your own:

M o d e l: How long has the campaign been under way?

preparations the program the ship the discussion the rehearsal the work to be under way for a month when they arrived since last year now for quite a long time at that time

3. Translate:

1) Обсуждение идет, должно быть, уже час. 2) Подготовка к соревнованиям проводится уже месяц. 3) Пароход, возможно, находится в пути. 4) Эта программа уже давно проводится в жизнь.


1. Answer these questions:

1) Would it be advisable to wear an evening dress for an ordinary occasion?

2) Would you go to see a film twice if it were quite ordinary?

3) Would you give up a book if you found it quite ordinary or would you read it through in any case?

4) Would you risk going out if you had an ordinary cold? In what case would you (wouldn’t you)?

2. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

обычный случай, заурядный пианист, обыкновенный человек, средний ученик, заурядная книга, простое письмо.


1. Translate into Russian:

1) John may fail to get out of the difficulty. 2) She will hardly get over the shock quickly. 3) They must be getting on nicely. 4) After the secretary was through with the telegrams, she got down to the letters.

2. Answer these questions:

1) Who helps you to get over difficulties in your work?

2) Do you get down to business at once when a representative of a firm comes to see you or do you talk about something else first?

3) How are you getting on with your English? Can you make use of it at the office?

4) In what way do you get out of the difficulty if your English fails you during talks?

3. Translate :

1) Тов. Петров работает у нас уже два месяца, мы хорошо сработались. 2) Она долгое время не могла оправиться после болезни. 3) Не обескураживайте его, он преодолеет эту трудность. 4) Вам следует приступить к работе сейчас же. Вопрос (очень) срочный.

4. Make up sentences of your own:

to fail — to get ready

to mix up — to get into trouble

to take advantage of ... — to get out of the difficulty

beyond — to get to


1. Answer these questions:

1) What time should the passengers get up if their train is due to arrive at 8 a. m.?

2) When should the passengers get aboard if their train is due to leave at 10 a. m.?

2. Complete in any sensible way:

1) I am leaving the gas money on the table. The bill ... .

2) Hurry up! The train ... .

3) The telegram says that the ship ... .

4) What time is Comrade Petrov ... ?

3. Translate :

1) Эти счета подлежат оплате завтра. 2) Когда поезд прибывает в Ленинград? 3) Делегацию ожидают в Москве в понедельник.


1. Translate :

1) If you want to be a trained nurse you should practise a lot of things.

2) Mary was trained to be a teacher of music at a special school. They used to practise the piano there four hours daily.

2. Answer these questions:

1) At what age should one start training if one wants to be a pianist (dancer, teacher, doctor)?

2) What should one do to master dancing (playing the piano)?

3) What should an athlete (спортсмен) do when he is training for a sporting event?

3. Translate :

1) Они, должно быть, попросили разрешения тренироваться в этом зале. 2) Он не сделал бы таких успехов, если быне упражнялся каждый день. 3) Где вас выучили так хорошо играть в теннис? Вы, должно быть, много тренировались. 4)Вы слишком редко говорите по-английски. Вам следовало бы больше упражняться перед экзаменами.


1. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

совместная работа, объединенные усилия, совместное коммюнике, совместное производство.

2. Translate :

1) Можно многого добиться объединенными усилиями. 2) Вчера по радио было передано (объявлено) совместное коммюнике. 3) Результаты вашей совместной работы могли бы быть лучше.


1. Complete : in any sensible way:

1) If you could share your dictionary with me ... .

2) She would have divided the books among all the children if ... .

3) I would share your opinion if ... .

4) He would be through with his share of work if ... .

5) I would greatly appreciate it if ... .

6) It would be easier for you to manage the work if ... .

7) If I didn’t have to give the journals back at once ... .

2. Answer these questions:

1) What should devoted friends share?

2) What would you do if you didn’ share your companion’s opinion?

3) What do you divide your time between?

4) What river divides Moscow (London, Paris) into two parts?

3. Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

разделять трудности, разделять мнение, поделиться яблоками, разделить яблоко на три части, разделять свое время между ...

4. Add a beginning:

1) ...... You might have shared the money with her.

2) ...... They should have divided the work into two parts.

3) ...... In that case I would have shared your opinion.

XXIV. Answer the following questions:

a) 1. Do you like to travel? What kind of transportation do you prefer?

2. Do you usually feel quiet or do you get slightly impatient on the day of departure? In what cases do you get particularly impatient?

3. Do you normally arrive at the station (port, airport) exactly at the time of departure or do you prefer to have plenty of time at your disposal?

4. Have you often had boring people for fellow-travellers? Did you get bored soon?

b) 1. In what case do you have to go through the customs?

2. Do you always have to go to the customs house or do officers sometimes come on board your boat (train)?

3. Do they always go through the passengers’ luggage properly or is the examination sometimes only slight?

4. In what cases (on what goods) do you have to pay duty?

c) 1.What kind of books do you find boring? Do you like stories with plenty of description and little action? Would a detective story bore you?

2. Do you usually get impatient when reading a boring story? Do you give it up at once or do you read it through in any case?

3. What kind of writing would you choose to read if you wanted the exact facts of an event? Would a historical novel do in that case?

4. Would you spend a lot of time on a subject if you were only slightly interested in it?

d) 1.Why did George’s master give an exact description of his runaway Negro?

2. Would George have succeeded in running away if he had been only slightly disguised?

3. Could you say that George Harris decided to leave his master because he was bored by the kind of life he led?

4. What did George want for himself and his family? Do you think a slight improvement in his living conditions would have been enough for him?

XXV. Complete these sentences:

a) using the words given in brackets:

1. The child wouldn’t have burst out crying if ... (to be patient with ...).

2. He wouldn’t have given up the book if ... (boring).

3. If you want to take a better look at the stamps ... (counter).

4. These birds must be very frequent in this season: I’ve ... (dozens).

b) using the words in brackets with one of the modal verbs should, must, may:

1. These two boys look exactly the same age. The difference (slight).

2. “The shelves are very high and people can hardly see the books there. You ... (counter),” said the manager.

3. “You should see the film again,” said Peter, “it ... (boring), but it would be very good for your English.”

4.Why are you still here? You ... (to go through the customs) ... long ago.

5. He made an excellent report. He ... (to study exactly).

XXVI. Substitute words and word combinations from the text for the parts in black type:

1. Is this the place where people get their luggage examined? Can I speak to one of the officers, please? 2. The rehearsal had been going on for about an hour when Jim turned up. 3. Although the matter seemed quite plain, Peter continued arguing until his friend got impatient and told him to stop being so foolish and uninteresting. 4. The teacher realized that this was a special case when a word of praise would be advisable even for a drawing which did not represent anything unusual. 5.Looking at the clock, the clerk wondered that could have held up the postman; normally the mail was expected at 9 a. m. 6. While working at the role of a woman-pilot, the actress had to do parachute jumping many times. 7.As all the single rooms in the hotel had already been booked up, Mr. Small had to have a double room with one of his fellow-workers. 8. I think this film is worth seeing. It is produced by an Italian and a French company, and their films are always good.

XXVII. Choose the correct word from those given in brackets. Put it in the necessary form:

1. After the (accident, incident, case, occasion) the boy had to stop skating for some time as his right foot hurt him badly. 2. The (accident, incident, case, occasion) was so amusing that the boys could not stop laughing in spite of the teacher’s angry words. 3. The newspapers published a short article about a brave engine-driver (машинист) who courageously saved the passengers from a bad (accident, incident, case, occasion) at the risk of his own life. 4. In the course of his long service at the hospital the doctor had to deal with many interesting (accident, incident, case, occasion), and some of the (accident, incident, case, occasion) he told us about were really quite remarkable. 5. If you had told me about the (accident, incident, case, occasion) before, I (to attract one’s special attention, to pay special attention to) the man. He seemed so ordinary. If you had not pointed him out to me, he never (to attract one’s attention, to pay attention to). 6. When my daughter (to practise, to be trained) to become a French teacher, she had to (to practise, to be trained) sounds for hours as their teacher (to attract one’s attention, to pay much attention to) good pronunciation. 7. For a whole fortnight the family had been looking forward to the outing and Mary even made a new dress for the (accident, incident, case, occasion). 8. “A wall down the middle would be a good way of (to share, to divide) the hall into two parts,” said the engineer. 9. If you want any books for your work, I am quite willing (to share, to divide) my small collection with you. It is not a library in the proper sense of the word, but it is very helpful in some (accident, incident, case, occasion). 10. As soon as their marriage (to be advertised, to be announced, to declare), the sale of the old house (to be advertised, to be announced, to declare) in the local newspaper as Mr. Bard (to be advertised, to be announced, to declare) that the young people would not live in the place.

XXVIII. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbial particles if necessary:

1. The other day my sister had an accident when driving ... the country. Luckily nobody was killed ... the accident. 2. ... what case are you allowed not to pay duty ... the things you are taking ... the customs? 3. I am going ... now. Shall I get something ... dinner? 4. I am sorry, you cannot get ... N. street ... here ... changing buses. 5. “I am going ... ... a fortnight tomorrow; I do hope you will get ... nicely while I am ...,” the mother said ... her children. 6. The signal had been given ... the passengers to get ... the train, and now they were exchanging hurried farewells (прощальные приветствия) ... those who had come to see them ... . 7. If you are patient ... Ann ... her trouble, she will get ... it sooner. 8. I don’t consider this patient to be a hopeless case. If we get ... ... treating him at once, he will get ... his illness comparatively soon, I am sure. 9. Before starting the game, the children divided the field ... two. 10. I like the way this girl divides her time ... study and sports. 11. The old people had lived side ... side ... thirty years sharing every joy and sorrow (печаль). 12. When is the train due ... Manchester?

XXIX. Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary and retell the text:

In his book devoted to ... great Russian poet Pushkin ... writer Tinyanov describes ... following incident which took place when ... future poet was quite ... little boy. ... Pushkins lived in St. Petersburg then. ... nurse Arina often took little Alexander out for ... walk along ... central streets of ... city.

One cold winter day having warmly dressed ... young master, Arina went out with him. She walked along holding ... boy by ... hand and singing ... song about all ... things they passed on ... way. It was the kind of song all nurses practise with ... children, and Arina was particularly clever at inventing ... most interesting songs about any ordinary thing she might come across.

“Look at ... soldier,” she sang, “and the way he is marching! What ... cap he’s got on! When you grow up, you will also wear ... cap like that!”

Some preparations were evidently under way as there were ... lot of soldiers in ... streets. Some of them would speak to Arina, trying to attract her attention, but she took no notice of them. ... nurse and ... child had reached ... main street when Arina caught sight of something really interesting, something worth singing about. So she started again: “Look, there is ... general riding* ... white horse! ... general is small, his uniform is blue, his trousers are white. See how cross ... general looks!” Arina could not find ... proper ending to... song. ... general turned his horse and nearly rode over ... nurse and ... child. He looked at ... nurse with ... angry gray eyes.

“The cap,” he said in ... strange whisper and raised small hand. At that moment some other generals rode up to them.

“You, fool, fall on your knees (колени)!” they cried impatiently. “Cap off, you fool!”

Only then did ... woman fall on her knees and pull ... fur cap off ... boy’s head. ... little general looked at ... child’s curly hair, burst out laughing and rode off.

At home little Alexander proudly declared that he had seen ... important general in ... street, and from ... more exact description given by ... nurse to ... group of ... eager listeners in ... kitchen, everybody guessed it was ... Emperor [ʹempǝrǝ] himself. ... news quickly spread in ... house, and when it reached ... ears of Alexander’s father Sergey Lvovich, he exclaimed, “That’s awful! What shall we do?”

He could not get over ... shock, and decided that it was dangerous for ... family to remain in St. Petersburg. Everybody in ... house shared his opinion, so ... week later ... Pushkins moved to Moscow.

XXX. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:

A. 1) to practise for hours

    to get impatient

    to intend to give up

    to encourage

    by joint effort

2) an accident

    to break one’s leg

    a difficult (serious) case

    to treat

    to have a slight pain

    to get over

3) to seem ordinary

    to bore

    to attract one’s attention

    to get very interested in

    to prove to be

4) to see off

    to have plenty of

    to wait patiently

    to be due

    to get through the Customs

    to have something (nothing) to declare

5) on the occasion

    to meet



    a devoted friend

    to share

B. 6) (on the basis of Lesson 16 On the Way to Freedom)

    a dozen of

    to be attracted

    an ordinary case

    (not) to share the opinion

    to argue

7) (on the basis of Lessons 11 and 12 The Serenade)

    a) on the occasion

        to be under way

        to be due at

        to grow impatient

        (half) a dozen bottles

    b) attractive

        an ordinary singer

        to practise singing

        to get down to

        to try to attract one’s attention

    to find boring

XXXI. Translate into English in writing:

A. 1. Вам следовало бы приступить к работе сразу же. Если бы вы поделили весь материал на две части, вы закончили бы работу точно в назначенное время. 2. — Когда ожидается вечерняя почта? — Она, очевидно, уже поступила. 3. Вам следовало бы заказать себе комнату заранее. Неделю тому назад в гостинице было много свободных номеров, а теперь вам, возможно, придется жить в одном номере с вашим товарищем. 4. „Я вижу лишь незначительное улучшение в вашем исполнении, — сказал преподаватель. — Вам нужно упражняться в пении как можно больше, если вы не будете точно исполнять то, что я вам говорю, вы останетесь заурядной певицей“. 5. Эта книга, очевидно, привлечет внимание читателей. В ней говорится о строительстве крупного завода, которое ведется сейчас на Урале (the Urals). Большинство из описанных в книге случаев действительно имело место. 6. Я советовал бы вам бросить эту работу. Вам только что сделали серьезную операцию и вам следует продолжать лечение, чтобы полностью (completely) оправиться от болезни.

Дувр, воскресенье 10 сентября 196... г.

Б. Дорогой Борис,

Мы только что сошли с парохода и сейчас ждем поезда, который прибудет в Лондон в 5.30. Я с нетерпением жду, когда ясмогу увидеть город, который так давно привлекал мое внимание.

Очевидно, сразу по приезде мы приступим к репетициям (rehearsals), так как первое выступление назначено на четверг.

Как видишь, в моем распоряжении немного времени, и мне придется упражняться по пять часов в день. Возможно, некоторые из номеров будут объединенными, и мы будем работать вместе с английскими артистами. Теперь я понимаю, что мне давно следовало бы начать заниматься английским языком.

Мне пора кончать. Только что объявили что-то по радио, должно быть, прибыл наш поезд.

Когда я вернусь, у нас будет много времени, и я расскажу тебе все о нашей поездке.

Твой Петр.


XXXII. Discuss the following questions in class:

1. Do you agree with the author that he was specially chosen by Miss Bradley at Calais Maritime to get her through the Customs? Was it a happy choice?

2. Do you think Miss Bradley was doing that kind of thing for the first time in her life?

3. What would you have done if you had found yourself in the author’s place?

4. Why is the story called A Customs House Incident?

5. Have you read or heard of any similar (подобных) incidents? Describe them.

XXXIII. Retell the text:

a) as it is

b) in the person of Miss Bradley (the customs officer, the boy from the crew, a police inspector)

c) give a brief summary of the text

XXXIV. Dramatize the following episodes:

1. On the Platform

(Characters: Miss Bradley, the author, the porter)

2020-02-04 414 Обсуждений (0)
TEXT AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES 1 страница 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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